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Additional Setup Tasks

Step 1. Set up the Global Assets Registry.

Some additional steps are necessary to set up the Global Assets Registry, a web of inquiry pages to query descriptive and financial information about your assets system.

Some additional setup is necessary to enable support for freight carrier links.

Step 2. Set up freight carrier links.

Use the ATTRIBUTE14 descriptive flexfield segment in the ORG_FREIGHT table to specify an additional URL to support drilldown to your freight carriers. For each freight carrier you support drilldown, enter the static URL for the carrier-specific web page in ATTRIBUTE14.

Step 3. Set up items links.

Use the ATTRIBUTE14 descriptive flexfield segment in the MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS table to specify an additional URL to support drilldown to your items. For each item you support drilldown, enter the static URL for the carrier-specific web page in ATTRIBUTE14.

Step 4. Set up supplier items links.

Use the ATTRIBUTE14 descriptive flexfield segment in the PO_LINES_ALL table to specify an additional URL to support drilldown to your freight carriers. For each supplier item which you support drilldown, enter the static URL for the carrier-specific web page in ATTRIBUTE14.

Step 5. Set up supplier items links.

Use the ATTRIBUTE14 descriptive flexfield segment in the PO_VENDORS table to specify an additional URL to support drilldown to your suppliers. For each supplier which you support drilldown, enter the static URL for the carrier-specific web page in ATTRIBUTE14.

Step 6. Run the Delete Temporary Tables concurrent program.

Run the SQL script in $ICX_TOP/sql/ICXDLTMP.sql to launch the Delete Temporary Tables concurrent program:

sqlplus <apps_username>/<apps_password> @ICXDLTMP.sql

This program deletes Oracle Self-Service temporary tables. The program resubmits itself every half hour, cleaning up your database. If you do not run this program, your temporary tables keep growing in size.

See Also

Setting Up

Setting Up Web Requisitions

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