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Prepayment Remittance Report

Use the Prepayment Remittance Report to print a notice to a supplier with information regarding the prepayments you have applied to invoices for the supplier. The notice lets you inform a supplier that the supplier will not receive a payment or will receive a reduced payment as a result of a prepayment application.

The notice lists the prepayment number, application date, amount applied, invoice number to which the prepayment was applied, and the remaining invoice amount. This amount will be zero if you applied a prepayment amount equal to the invoice amount. In this way, you can inform a supplier that the supplier should not expect any payment on this invoice.

Report Submission

Payables prints the Prepayment Remittance Report for a supplier if you select one of the print options while applying prepayments to invoices for the supplier.

You can also submit the Prepayment Remittance Report for a range of suppliers or prepayment from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Report Parameters

Payables provides these parameters only when you submit the report from the Submit Request window.

You should enter a value in one or more of these report parameters to limit the number of prepayment remittances that Payables prints. If you do not enter any report parameters, Payables prints a remittance for each prepayment you have entered in Payables.

Enter the following information for the letter signature block:

See Also


Customizing Your Supplier Letters

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