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Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings

Payables provides reports, programs, listings and notices (all referred to as requests) that you can use to:

From the Submit Request window, you can submit a single request, or you can submit a request set to run several reports as a group.

Request Sets

Payables predefines the following two request sets, which submit the following requests. You submit request sets from the Request Set window.


Period End

See Also

Request Set Windows

Automatic Reports

You can submit most requests from the Submit Request window. However, the following reports and listings will print only if you submit the following programs:

Submitting Requests

   To submit a standard request from the Submit Request window:

Cancelling Requests

   To cancel a concurrent request:

Monitoring Requests

   To monitor status of a concurrent request:

See Also

Payables Programs, Reports, and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Defining Request Sets

Submitting a Request

Submitting a Request Set

Overview of Reports and Programs

Changing Request Options

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