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Payment Register

Use the Payment Register to review payments created for each bank account you use during a time period you specify.

The report lists each payment, as well as the total payment amount and cleared amount of all payments. It sorts and subtotals by bank, bank branch, and bank account. The report also displays the payment document and disbursement type for each set of payments, and provides a subtotals for each payment document.

Payables does not include voided payments in the totals.

Report Submission

You submit this report from the Submit Request window. See: Submitting Standard Reports, Programs, and Listings.

Selected Report Parameters

Print Supplier Address?

Payment Type. Enter the payment type for which you want to submit the Payment Register. Leave the field blank if you want to submit the report for all payment types.

Selected Report Headings

Bank. Name of the bank.

Branch. Bank branch.

Account. Bank account.

Payment Document. Payment document you used for a payment.

Disbursement Type. Disbursement type of the payment document you used for a payment.

Document Number. Document number of a printed payment.

Date. Payment date.

Payment Amount. Amount of a payment. Payables prints an asterisk next to any payment amount associated with a voided payment.

Cleared Date. Date a payment cleared the bank.

Cleared Amount. Amount of a payment that cleared the bank.

Void. Payables prints Yes if a payment is void and No if a payment is not void.

See Also

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Voiding Payments

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