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Matching to Purchase Orders

Perform the following steps to match invoices to purchase order information from your non-Oracle purchasing system:

Create Flat File with Purchasing Information

To load invoice information into Payables via SQL*Loader, first create a program that produces a flat file containing the information from your non-Oracle purchasing system for the purchase orders you want to match to invoices.

Load Information into Purchasing Tables

Use SQL*Loader to load the required information into the purchasing tables. You will need to create a SQL*Loader control file to format the information you want to load. The file you write will vary greatly depending on the nature and format of the flat file you use. Your control file must populate the purchasing tables as indicated in the previous table descriptions. See also: SQL*Loader (ORACLE8 Server Utilities Guide).

Enter Invoices

You match invoices to purchase order shipments during invoice entry. This online function links an invoice in the database to one or more purchase order shipments you choose. You cannot pay or post an invoice until Approval approves the invoice.

You can match any type of invoice to a purchase order, including credit and debit memos.

Match to Purchase Order Shipments and distributions

When you match during invoice entry, you indicate whether you want to match to the purchase order shipment or to specific invoice distributions. You then choose the shipment or distribution you want to match to, and the quantity and price you are matching. Then Payables performs the following for each matched shipment:

Match to Credit and Debit Memos

Payables lets you enter a credit or debit memo (with a negative amount) and match to a purchase order. You would enter a negative quantity in the Quantity Invoiced field in the Purchase Order Shipment Match zone, thereby matching this credit invoice to one or no purchase order shipment lines. Payables then decreases the quantity billed against the purchase order shipment line(s).

When you match a credit invoice to a purchase order shipment line, Payables:

Attention: Payables does not update any receiving information. You must install Oracle Purchasing if you want to enter or update receiving information for a purchase order

Close a Purchase Order Shipment

Invoice entry closes a purchase order shipment (sets CLOSED_CODE in PO_LINE_LOCATIONS to 'CLOSED') when:

Final Close

Payables does not support finally closing a purchase order if you do not install Oracle Purchasing with Payables. Final close allows you to match an invoice to a purchase order and permanently close the purchase order when you approve the invoice. See: Final Matching Purchase Orders.

Online Review of Purchasing Information

Without an Oracle Purchasing application, Payables does not allow you to review purchasing information, such as purchase order header and line information, online in the Invoice Workbench.

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