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Rejected Purged Listings

Use the Rejected Purge Listings to review the invoice and payment records which Payables originally selects to purge, but does not purge because you update the record between initiating and confirming the purge.

Payables divides the report into eight sections (one section for each type of item it rejects for purge): Invoice, Payments, Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Receipts, Suppliers, Supplier Schedules, and CUM Periods.

If Payables does not select reject any items to purge for a certain type, Payables does not print the section.

Report Submission

Payables automatically prints this report when you initiate a purge. See: Submitting Purges.

Report Headings

The Rejected Purged Listings uses the same format, column structure, and headings as the Preliminary Purge Listings. See: Selected Report Headings for Purge Reports.

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