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Suppliers and Supplier Sites Header Field Reference

Inactive After. Date after which a supplier or supplier site will no longer appear on a supplier list of values.

Language. Language spoken at the site.

Name. Supplier Site name. A unique name to distinguish between a supplier's sites. For example, city name or branch name. This name is for your reference when selecting sites from a list of values during purchase order or invoice entry, and will not appear on any correspondence with the supplier.

Number. Supplier Number. If you enable the Automatic Supplier Numbering option in the Financials Options window, Payables automatically enters a Supplier Number for you. If you did not enable this option, enter a unique Supplier Number.

Supplier Name. Unique supplier name.

Alternate Name. You can enter an alternate name for your supplier or supplier site if you enable the AP: Enter Alternate Fields profile option. If you do not enable this option, the Alternate Name field will not appear.

Tax Registration Number. Tax registration number, for example, a supplier's value-added tax (VAT) registration number. You enter a tax registration number for a supplier if they are required to pay or report on Value-Added Taxes (VAT).

Taxpayer ID. Tax Identification Number (TIN) for a supplier. If a supplier is an individual, the TIN is his/her social security number. If a supplier is a corporation or a partnership, the TIN is also known as a Federal Identification Number. In many countries a fiscal code is the principal means of identifying and querying suppliers. The fiscal code is unique across all entities and appears on all official documentation. You can enter a fiscal code in the Taxpayer ID field of the Suppliers Summary or detail window and in the Define Reporting Entities window. The Taxpayer ID you enter here will be displayed in all supplier lists of values to aid in uniquely identifying your suppliers. See also: Taxpayer ID and Tax Registration ID Validation.

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