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Billing History Report

Use this report to review a summarized history of transactions that affect your customer's invoices, commitments, debit memos, chargebacks, and on-account credits. This report includes the original transaction amount, the current balance due, the sum of all payments applied to this debit item, total credit memo amounts that affect this item, and total adjustment amounts for this item. Receivables prints one line for each item and summarizes all of the activity associated with each item for you.

Use the Billing and Receipt History report to review a list of transactions that affect each item. See: the Billing and Receipt History report.

Selected Parameters

Collector Name: Receivables prints information between the low and high range of collectors that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all collectors.

Customer Number: Receivables prints information between the low and high customer numbers that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all customers.

Customer: Receivables prints information between the low and high customer names that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all customers.

Invoice Number: Receivables prints information between the low and high range of invoice numbers that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all transactions.

Term Name: The payment term you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables selects all terms.

Transaction Date: Receivables prints information between the low and high range of transaction dates that you specify. If you leave this field blank, Receivables prints information for all transaction dates.

Report Headings

Invoice Dates Between (Date) and (Date): Your transaction date range. You specify your transaction date range in the report parameters.

Row Headings

Currency: The currency and the totals for each customer.

Customer Name: The name of each customer in your report.

Customer Number: The identification number for each customer.

See Also

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Common Report Headings

Receivables Standard Reports

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