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Call Actions Report

Use this report to see a detailed list of actions that were entered by your collectors in the Customer Calls window. You can review the transactions that require further action as a result of your calls.

Report Headings

Action Date From (Date) to (Date): The action date range you specified.

For Action: The action for items on this page.

Order By: The method this report sorts your information.

Column Headings

% of Due: The percent of the original balance that is still due.

Action Amount: The amount that pertains to this action.

Action Date: The last date when a transaction was updated in the Call Actions window.

Location: The bill-to address location assigned to this call action item.

Notes: Any notes you entered in the Call Actions window.

Notify: The name of the person to notify for this action item.

Sum of (Currency) Action Amounts for Action: The total action amount, by currency, for each call action in your report.

See Also

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Receivables Standard Reports

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