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Notes Receivable Report

The Notes Receivable Report lets you view general information about your notes receivable.

This report only includes notes that have the following status:

The Notes Receivable report does not include notes that have a status of Returned, Delinquent, or Repurchased.

Report Parameters

Currency: Enter the currency of the notes to include in this report. Leave this field blank to include all notes, regardless of their currency.

Customer Name Low/High: To include only notes that belong to a specific customer or customers, enter a range of customer names. Leave this field blank to include notes for all customers, or enter the same customer in both fields to report on only one customer.

Customer Number Low/High: To include only notes that belong to a specific customer or customers, enter a range of customer numbers. Leave this field blank to include notes for all customers, or enter the same customer number in both fields to report on only one customer.

End Maturity Date: If you entered a Start Maturity Date, enter an end date to include only notes with maturity dates within this range in your report.

Order By: Choose the method you want to use to sort information for this report. Choose Maturity Date, Customer, or Remittance Bank. This parameter is required.

Remittance Bank: To include only notes for a specific bank, enter a remittance bank.

Remittance Bank Account: To include only notes for a specific bank account, enter a remittance bank account (optional).

Start Maturity Date/End Maturity Date: To include only notes within a range of maturity dates, enter a range of dates here. Leave this field blank to include all notes, regardless of their maturity date.

Status: To include only notes with a specific status in your report, enter a status. Choose one of the following: Open, Exchange, Remitted, Factored, or Matured. Leave this field blank to include all notes, regardless of their status.

Report Headings

Currency: The currency of notes included in this report (if you specified a currency in the report parameters).

From (Maturity date) To (Maturity Date): The maturity date range of notes included in this report (if you specified a range in the report parameters).

Order By: The option you chose to sort information in this report.

Column Headings

Customer Name: The name of the customer for whom you created these notes.

Customer Site: The bill-to site for this customer.

Issuer Name/Issuer Bank Name: The name and bank of the note issuer.

Issue Date/Maturity Date: The date this note was issued and the note maturity date.

Note Number/Exchanged Note: The note number and the note that replaces it (if you exchanged this note).

Note Status: The status of this note.

Note Amount: The amount of this note.

Remittance Bank: The remittance bank for this note.

Remittance Bank Account: The remittance bank account for this note.

Row Headings

Total for Site: The total amount of notes for the customer site.

Total for Customer: The total amount of notes for the customer.

Report Total: The total amount of notes included in this report.

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