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Foreign Currency Transactions

When you enter a batch or receipt that is not in your functional currency, Receivables displays a pop-up window to let you enter exchange rate information. Receivables uses this information to convert your foreign currency receipts and transactions to your functional currency.

Suggestion: You can also define daily conversion rates. Daily conversion rates let Receivables automatically calculate exchange rate information when you enter foreign currency receipts and transactions. See: Entering Daily Rates.

If the profile option Journals: Display Inverse Rate is No, Receivables calculates the Functional amount as:

Functional Currency = Foreign Currency * Rate

Otherwise it is calculated as:

Functional Currency = Foreign Currency / Rate

Rate Date: The date that applies to the exchange rate for your foreign currency. The default is either the batch date (if this receipt is part of a batch) or the receipt date.

Rate Type: Receivables provides the following conversion rate types:

If you select a Rate Type of 'Spot' or 'User', Receivables verifies that a rate exists for the date you enter and you cannot update the exchange rate.

Rate: The exchange rate for this receipt. If you entered a Rate Type of User, enter an exchange rate. You can have multiple currency exchange rates for the same date. Otherwise, the rate type you entered provides the default rate. You define your non-user exchange rates in the Daily Rates window. If you entered a Rate Type other than User, Receivables verifies that a rate exists for the Rate Date you entered.

Adjusting an Exchange Rate

You can change the rate type, rate date, and exchange rate of a foreign currency receipt, even if it has been transferred to your general ledger.


   To adjust the exchange rate information for a receipt:

Viewing Exchange Rate Information for a Receipt

You can view receipt exchange rate information from either the Receipts or Receipts Summary window.

   To view the exchange rate information for a receipt:

See Also

Entering Receipts

Foreign Currency Transactions

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