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General Behavior

When a new item is created in Oracle Sales and Marketing, a corresponding item is created in Schedule+. Any changes to this item (including delete) will be reflected in the corresponding item in Schedule+. If Schedule+ is not properly installed or the user's Schedule+ access permission is not correct, an error message is generated, but the insert/update/delete of the activity will still go through in Oracle Sales and Marketing. Any errors in the synchronization of a single Oracle Sales and Marketing To Dos are corrected later when the user performs the mass synchronization between Oracle Sales and Marketing and Schedule+, assuming that the setup issues with have been fixed by the user.

    To perform a synchronization of your To Dos appointments with Schedule+:

Attention: If an appointment, which exists in both Oracle Sales and Marketing and Schedule+, is later converted into a task in Oracle Sales and Marketing (i.e., one or both, the time fields are set to null); then the corresponding Schedule+ item is deleted.

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