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Using the Assign Territory Access Concurrent Program

Oracle Sales and Marketing automatically creates access records based on the territories defined for your enterprise when you run the Assign Territory Access program. Oracle Sales and Marketing keeps a list of new or changed accounts, leads, and territories. The Assign Territory Access program reads the list to determine which accounts and leads to analyze.

Suggestion: Since account and lead information changes frequently, you should run the Assign Territory Access program once a day, preferably during off hours.

Territory Access Example

The following example shows the access records that automatically result given the specific territory definitions, accounts, and leads shown below.

Examine the way the territory types have been organized into groups and the way territories have been defined under territory types. Notice how the access defined in the territory group affects the access the sales representatives ultimately have to a particular account or lead. Also notice the role rank plays in determining territory assignment.

Territory Group Name Assigned Access Type
AR -- Account Representatives Account and Leads
PR -- Product Representatives Lead
CR -- Contact Representatives Account

Territory Group Territory Type Qualifier Rank Resulting Access Type
AR Key Account Account Code Very High Account and Leads
AR Key Customer Customer Name High Account and Leads
AR Industry by State Account Classification Moderate Account and Leads
AR State State Low Account and Leads
PR Lead Expected Purchase in Key State Lead Expected Purchase Very High Lead
PR Lead Item Number in Key State Lead Item Number Very High Lead
PR Lead Expected Purchase Lead Expected Purchase High Lead
PR Lead Item Number Lead Item Number High Lead
CR Contact Interest Account or Contact Interest Very High Account

Territory Group Territory Type Rank Qualifier Qualifier Values that Define the Territory Assigned Sales Rep
AR Key Account Very High Account Code 100 (Xyron in Tracy, CA) or
200 (Xyron in Fresno, CA)
AR Key Account Very High Account Code 300 (Xyron in Phoenix, AZ) Bradley
AR Key Customer High Customer Name Xyron Cummings
AR Key Customer High Customer Name Antel Dunn
AR Industry by State Moderate Account Classification Pharmaceuticals Elkins
State CA
AR Industry by State Moderate Account Classification Pharmaceuticals Farmer
State AZ
AR State Low State CA Goldman
AR State Low State AZ Henderson
PR Lead Expected Purchase in Key State Very High Lead Expected Purchase Lab Equipment Ingalls
State CA
PR Lead Item Number in Key State Very High Lead Item Number 12-933 (Ammonium Sulfate) Jackson
State CA
PR Lead Expected Purchase High Lead Expected Purchase Lab Equipment Kendall
PR Lead Expected Purchase High Lead Expected Purchase Chemicals Lawson
PR Lead Item Number High Lead Item Number 12-497 (Serum Centrifuge) Monroe
PR Lead Item Number High Lead Item Number 12-933 (Ammonium Sulfate) Niles
CR Contact Interest Very High Account or Contact Interest Lab Equipment Oliver
CR Contact Interest Very High Account or Contact Interest Chemicals Parker

Customer Name Description of Customer
Xyron Pharmaceutical company
Antel Pharmaceutical company
Brighton Pharmaceutical company
Biology Dept., Univ. of California University

The following table shows accounts, contacts, and contact interests. The far right column shows the name of the sales representative that gets access to the account, based on the territory rules shown in the tables above. Notice that the sales representatives Ingalls, Jackson, Kendall, Lawson, and Niles get access to the account because they are each the assigned sales representative for a lead associated with the account. (See: the Leads table.) Because they have Lead access, they can also see the account the lead belongs to and all contacts associated with the account. Refer to the Resulting Accesses table, to see how the access permission is granted.

Acct Code Description of Account Contact Contact's Interest Sales Reps That Receive Access to Account & Contact
100 Xyron in Tracy, CA Smith Lab Equipment Anderson
200 Xyron in Fresno, CA Taylor Lab Equipment Anderson
300 Xyron in Phoenix, AZ Ulman Lab Equipment Bradley
400 Antel in Oakland, CA Vale Chemicals Dunn
500 Brighton in Tucson, AZ Wilson Chemicals Farmer
600 Biology Dept., Univ. of CA     Goldman

The following table shows leads, lead classifications, and lead item numbers. The far right column shows the name of the sales representative that gets access to the lead, based on the territory rules shown in the tables above. Notice that the sales representatives Anderson, Bradley, Farmer, and Goldman, who as account representatives have Account and Lead access, get access to all leads for the account. Refer to the Resulting Accesses table to see how the access permission is granted.

Lead Number Account Expected Purchase on Lead Line Lead Item Number on Lead Line Sales Reps. That Receive Access to Lead
1000 100--Xyron in Tracy, CA Lab Equipment   Anderson
2000 200--Xyron in Fresno, CA   12-933 Anderson
3000 300--Xyron in Phoenix, AZ Lab Equipment   Bradley
4000 500--Brighton in Tucson, AZ Chemicals 12-933 Farmer
5000 600--Biology Dept., Univ. of CA Filters   Goldman

The following table shows the accesses that Oracle Sales and Marketing creates by applying the territory rules to the account and lead information.

Sales Rep. Access Type Account Leads
Anderson Account and Leads 100--Xyron in Tracy, CA All
Anderson Account and Leads 200--Xyron in Fresno, CA All
Bradley Account and Leads 300--Xyron in Phoenix, AZ All
Dunn Account and Leads 400--Antel in Oakland, CA All
Farmer Account and Leads 500--Brighton in Tucson, AZ All
Goldman Account and Leads 600--Biology Dept., Univ. of CA All
Ingalls Lead 100--Xyron in Tracy, CA 1000
Jackson Lead 200--Xyron in Fresno, CA 2000
Kendall Lead 300--Xyron in Phoenix, AZ 3000
Lawson Lead 500--Brighton in Tucson, AZ 4000
Niles Lead 500--Brighton in Tucson, AZ 4000
Oliver Account 100--Xyron in Tracy, CA None
Oliver Account 200--Xyron in Fresno, CA None
Oliver Account 300--Xyron in Phoenix, AZ None
Parker Account 400--Antel in Oakland, CA None
Parker Account 500--Brighton in Tucson, AZ None

Additional Information Rank is instrumental in determining who gets access. Within a territory group, the matching territories having the highest rank are the only ones that gain access. For example, Anderson is the only sales representative from the Account Representatives territory group that gets access to Xyron in Tracy. Because the Key Account territory is ranked Very High, he beats out Cummings, Elkins, and Goldman. Dunn gets access to Antel because there is no Key Account representative for Antel in Oakland. Farmer gets access to Brighton because Farmer is the representative for pharmaceutical companies in Arizona and there are no Key Account or Key Customer representatives for Brighton.

Notice also that if there are several territories that all have the highest rank, they all get access. Lawson and Niles both get access to lead 4000 because Lawson handles all chemical sales and Niles handles any non-California Ammonium Sulfate sales. Since Lawson and Niles both have territories with rank High, they both get access.

You can automatically create the most appropriate sales team for each lead, based on account and product information. For example, Anderson and Ingalls are the sales team for Xyron in Tracy, CA because Anderson is the Key Account representative for Xyron in Tracy, and Ingalls gets involved with all lab equipment sales in California (lead number 1000 in the Leads table). Whereas the team for Xyron in Fresno, CA is Anderson and Jackson because Anderson is also the Key Account representative for Xyron in Fresno, and Jackson handles all Ammonium Sulfate sales in California (lead number 2000 in the Leads table). By putting the territories that are based on account information in a different territory group from the territories that are based on lead information, you can build effective sales teams.

You can grant account-only access to a product marketing representative, if you want to let the marketing representative create lists of contacts for mailings or call campaigns based on the interests of the contact. By putting this type of territory in a different group than the other territories, your product marketing representatives do not compete for access with your sales representatives. For example, since Oliver has account-only access based on contact interest, he can create a list of all contacts interested in lab equipment.

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