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Copying Bill and Routing Information

You can save time defining new, similar bills or routings by copying their information rather than creating them manually.

You can copy a bill or routing from your current organization or from another organization that shares your same item master organization. You can then modify your new bill or routing as necessary.

You can copy any revision of a primary or alternate bill or routing.

Subinventory and locator information are not copied across organizations.

Bills of Material Only

When you copy bills from your current organization, everything is copied to the new bill including the supply type and the supply subinventories and locators.

You can only copy bills between items having the same BOM Item Type attribute. For example, if the new bill is a model bill, you can only copy existing bills that are model bills.

Know the structure of the bill you are copying, since the copy function only copies single level components of the bill. For example, if the parent item whose bill you want to copy has single level components that are subassemblies, the bill copy function will not copy the components of the subassembly.

When you copy the bill from another organization, the components on the bill you are copying must exist in the target organization. The supply subinventories and locators are not copied. Substitute component items must also exist in the target organization to be copied.

When copying an engineering bill to manufacturing, only those single-level manufacturing (not engineering) components are copied.

Routings Only

When copying from another organization, only operations occurring in departments that exist in both organizations are copied. Similarly, only resources that exist in both organizations are copied. The resource must also belong to the same department in the target organization.

   To copy bill or routing information:

See Also

Defining Items

Bill / Component Validation Rules

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