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Min-Max Planning Report

Use the Min-Max Planning Report to show planning information for all items, or items with on-hand balances either below or above their assigned minimum or maximum on-hand quantities. You also have the option to generate internal or purchase requisitions for Buy items and WIP unreleased jobs for Make items for all items for which the on-hand quantity plus the on-order quantity is less than the min-max minimum amount.

The INV:Minmax Reorder Approval profile option governs the approval status of requisitions created by the Min-Max Planning Report. See: Oracle Inventory Profile Options.

Use the Item/Subinventory Information and Subinventory/Item windows to specify subinventory level min-max planning details. See: Assigning Subinventories to an Item and Assigning Items to a Subinventory.

You can define a default item source at the organization, subinventory, or item levels. Oracle Inventory uses the information from the lowest level to determine the source from which to requisition the item. The ascending hierarchy is: 1) Item in a subinventory, 2) Source in a subinventory, 3) Item in an organization, 4) Source in an organization.

Report Submission

Use the Planning and Forecasting Reports or Submit Requests window and enter Min-max planning report in the Name field to submit the report.

Report Parameters

Planning Level

Choose one of the following options.

Organization Perform planning for the entire organization.
Subinventory Perform planning only for the specified subinventory. The report cannot generate jobs and does not consider WIP jobs as supply or WIP components as demand.


Enter the subinventory. You can enter this field only when you choose the subinventory planning level.

Item Selection

Enter the type of item you want to include on the report.

Items under minimum quantity All items that fall under the minimum quantity.
Items over maximum quantity All items that fall over the maximum quantity.
All min-max planned items All items that are identified as min-max planned items.

Category Set

Enter the category set.

Categories From...To

Enter a range of categories to restrict the report to one or more categories.

Items From...To

Enter a range of items to restrict the report to one or more items.

Planners From...To

Enter a range of planners to restrict the report to one or more planners.

Buyers From...To

Enter a range of buyers to restrict the report to one or more buyers.

Sort By

Enter Inventory Item, Category, Planner, or Buyer to select the sorting criterion.

Demand Cutoff Date

Enter the demand cutoff date. The report includes demand on or before this date. If you set Net WIP Demand to No this calculation is for display purposes only.

Demand Cutoff Date Offset

Enter the demand cutoff date offset.

Supply Cutoff Date

Enter the supply cutoff date. The calculation includes open supply orders on or before this date.

Supply Cutoff Date Offset

Enter the supply cutoff date offset.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to restock. If you have set the Planning Level to Organization, the report generates requisitions or jobs according to the item's Make/Buy flag. If you have set the Planning Level to Subinventory, the report generates only requisitions.

For Repetitive Item

This is not applicable for subinventory-level planning. If you are using the Organization Planning Level, choose one of the following options:

Create Requisition Create requisitions for items under minimum quantity.
Create Discrete Job Create discrete jobs for items under minimum quantity.
Report Only Run the report without creating jobs or requisitions.

Default Delivery To

Enter the default delivery location.

Net Unreserved Orders

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to net unreserved orders.

Net Reserved Orders

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to net reserved orders.

Net WIP Demand

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to net WIP demand. Net demand is the unshipped sales quantity for the selected organization or subinventory. You cannot set this to Yes if you are using subinventory level planning.

Include PO Supply

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include PO supply.

Include WIP Supply

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include WIP supply.

Include Interface Supply

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include interface supply.

Include Non-netable Subinventories

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to include non-nettable subinventories.

Display Format

Choose one of the following:

Display All Information The report displays all columns.
Don't Display Supply/Demand Details The report does not display the Minimum Order Quantity, Maximum Order Quantity, and Multiple Order Quantity columns
Don't Display Order Constraints The report does not display the On Hand Quantity column.

Display Item Information

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to display item information.

See Also

Submitting a Request

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