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Discount Detail Listing

Use the Discount Detail Listing to review all discounts that you have defined. This listing shows all the details about a discount, including the discount type, price list, currency, any pricing column or customers associated with the discount, whether the discount is manual or automatic, the amount or percent, and the effective dates.


In the Order Entry Reports window, enter Discount Detail Listing in the Request Name field.


When you request a Discount Detail Listing, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides you with the following parameters. If you leave any parameters blank, this report includes all discounts that meet your other parameter criteria.

Mixed Precision

If you are printing this listing in multiple currencies you can use Mixed Precision to ensure that all currency values align at the radix character for easy readability. Mixed precision is the distance between the radix (the decimal, or any dividing symbol between the whole and parts of the currency) and the right side of the column. It is right padded if the currency's standard precision is less than the mixed precision. For example:

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping defaults this parameter to your setting for the profile Currency: Mixed Precision.

Sort By

Choose the category by which you would like to sort this listing. You can sort by Discount Name, Discount Type or Price List Name. The default value is Discount Name.


Choose the discounts you want printed in this listing.

Price List

Choose the price lists you want printed in this listing.

Customer Name

Choose the customers you want printed in this listing.


Choose the items you want printed in this listing.

Discount Type

Choose the discount type you want printed in this listing. You can choose to print either Line Item Discount types or Order Total Discount types.


Choose Yes to print only automatic discounts, No to print only manual discounts, or leave this parameter blank to print both automatic and manual discounts. The default value is blank.

Override Allowed

Choose Yes to include discounts that can be overridden, No to include only those that cannot be overridden, or leave this parameter blank to print both kinds of discounts. The default value is blank.


Choose Yes to include GSA (General Services Administration) discounts, No to exclude GSA discounts, or leave this parameter blank to print both kinds of discounts. The default value is blank.

Column Headings


Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints Yes if this is an automatic discount..

Allow Override

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints Yes if this discount allows user to override it.


Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints Yes if this discount is for GSA (General Services Administration) customers.


Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints the proration type for the discount.


Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints the parameter column used for this discount.

See Also

Defining Discounts

Enabling Parameters

Overview of Pricing

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