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Order Cycle Listing

Use the Order Cycle Listing to review all order cycles that you have defined. This listing provides the cycle action name, its level, and any prerequisite cycle actions and results.

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping automatically sorts this listing by the sequence of the cycle action within the order cycle.


In the Order Entry Reports window, enter Order Cycle Listing in the Request Name field.


When you request an Order Cycle Listing, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides you with the following parameter:

Cycle Name

Choose the range of order cycles you want printed in this listing. If you leave this parameter blank, this listing includes all order cycles.

Column Headings


Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints the name of the cycle action or approval action.


Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints Order or Line, depending on the effective level of the cycle action.

Prerequisites Action

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints the name of the cycle action prerequisites for each cycle action. For example, the cycle action prerequisite for Ship Confirm might be Pick Release or Backorder Release.

Prerequisites Level

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints Order or Line, depending on the level of the prerequisites cycle actions.

Prerequisites Result

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints the cycle result prerequisites for each cycle action prerequisite. For example, the cycle result prerequisite for Ship Confirm might be a result of Released for the cycle action Pick Release.

Prerequisites Operator

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints the operator if there are more than one cycle actions prerequisites for one cycle action. For example, the cycle action Ship Confirm may have two possible prerequisites: Pick Release or Backorder Release. The operator is Or, indicating that either one of the prerequisites can be met for an order or return to be eligible for that cycle action. If the operator is And, then both prerequisites must be met. You indicate the operator when the order cycle is defined.

See Also

Order Cycles

Defining Cycle Actions

Defining Cycle Results

Assigning Cycle Action Results

Defining Order Cycles

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