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Pending Order Approval Report

The Pending Order Approval Report reviews all orders that are waiting for approval. This report provides each cycle approval action and all orders that need this approval, along with the order number, order type, order values, order date, and customer name. The agreement type associated with the order, purchase order number, and name of the salesperson are also printed in this report.


In the Order Entry Reports window, enter Pending Order Approval Report in the Request Name field.


When you request a Pending Order Approval Report, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides you with the following parameters. If you leave any parameters blank, this report includes all order approval actions that meet your other parameter criteria.

Sort By

You can sort this report by Agreement, Customer, Order Date, Order Number, Sales Representative, or Ship to Country. The default value is Order Date.

Action Name

Choose the approval cycle action(s) that you want printed in this report.

Order Date

Choose the range of order dates that you want printed in this report.

Order Type

Choose the order type(s) that you want printed in this report.

Order Number

Choose the order number(s) that you want printed in this report.

Order Category

Choose the order category for the orders that you want printed in this report. You can choose from Regular, Return or Internal Sales Order. The default value is Regular.

Customer Name

Choose the customer(s) that you want printed in this report.


Choose the agreement(s) that you want printed in this report.

Salesrep Name

Choose the salesperson(s) you want printed in this report.

Ship To Country

Choose the country or countries for the ship to addresses of the shipments you want printed in this shipping document.

Mixed Precision

If you are printing this report in multiple currencies you can use Mixed Precision to ensure that all currency values align at the radix character for easy readability. Mixed precision is the distance between the radix (the decimal, or any dividing symbol between the whole and parts of the currency) and the right side of the column. It is right padded if the currency's standard precision is less than the mixed precision. For example:

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping defaults this parameter from the profile Currency: Mixed Precision.

Column Headings


Oracle Order Entry/Shipping prints the approval cycle action name.

See Also

Defining Order Types

Entering Order Approvals

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