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Price List Maintenance

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides several ways to add lines to a price list. You can manually add price list lines, copy from one price list to another, or add a group of inventory items to a price list.

Copying Price Lists

You can quickly create a new price list by copying from an existing price list. You can copy a range of lines or all lines from the original price list. Only active price list lines, or those with an effective end date greater than the current date, are copied. The prices are copied directly from the original price list.

As you copy from one price list to another, you can also choose to copy all discounts for that price list. If you choose this option, any currently active discounts are copied. If a discount has associated customers or lines, only the active customers or lines are copied. See: Copying Price Lists.

Adding Inventory Items

You can add inventory items to a price list by specifying an item status, such as active or planned; an item category, such as hardware or software; or a range of items. As the items are added, you can either price the item at zero (0) or at the item's inventory cost If you sell your products priced at cost plus a markup percentage, you can add them to the price list at cost and then later update the prices to your selling price. See: Adding Items to a Price List and Adjusting a Price List.

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping only adds items that exist in the item validation inventory organization and that are not yet on the price list. If an item already exists on the price list, even if the effective end date has been reached, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping does not automatically add it. You add such items manually using the Price Lists window.

If you want to add items using the item category as selection criteria, you must first define the default inventory category set for Order Entry/Shipping. You can use the same category set you defined for other Oracle products, such as Oracle Inventory or Oracle Purchasing, or you can create a category set exclusive to Order Entry/Shipping. See: Defining Default Category Sets and Overview of Item Categories.

Creating Item Groups

You can create a group of items to be added to one or more price lists. Use this feature, instead of adding individual items, to add a subset of a group of similar inventory items. For example, you have an inventory category of drives that includes both hard and floppy disk drives. When you want to add all types of drives to a price list, you use the add items feature to include the entire category, but if you only want to add the floppy drives to a particular price list, you may define an item group and add that to each price list. See: Defining Item Groups and Adding Item Groups.

List Prices

Manual Changes to List Prices

You can always change the price on an existing price list line. If you type over the existing price, the new price is effective for new orders as soon as you save your changes.

If you set an effective end date on the existing price list line and create a new line with the new price and an effective start date, you can maintain a historical record of your pricing for a given item. The old price will cease being used as of the date entered as the end date. The new price will be effective at midnight of the date entered as the start date. For example, if you want the new price to be used on 01-SEP-98, then you would set the end date on the old price as 31-AUG-98 and the start date of the new price on 01-SEP-98. The old price will be used up to midnight of 31-AUG-98 and the new price will begin at midnight of 01-SEP-98.

Mass Changes to Manually Added List Prices

You can increase or decrease the list price on a group of manually added price list lines by an amount or percentage. The increase or decrease can be applied to all lines on the price list, only lines in a certain inventory category or status, or only lines created on a specified date or within a certain range of items.

Whenever you apply a mass change to a price list, the changes are applied directly to the existing price list line; no history is maintained.

See: Adjusting a Price List.

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