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Quantity Changes

Whenever you query an existing order line, the Quantity Ordered field identifies the current quantity ordered for that line. You can change the quantity for a reserved or demanded order line by first unscheduling the line, then entering the revised total quantity in the Quantity Ordered field in the Sales Orders window.

You can update the Quantity Reserved for an order line by unscheduling the order line, then revising the Quantity to Reserve field. If the quantity you want to reserve is the same as the ordered quantity, it is not necessary to include a quantity in the Quantity Reserve, since the entire Ordered Quantity will be used.

Attention: You cannot change scheduling attributes while trying to undemand, unreserve, or unschedule an order (you must save one type of change before doing the other).

See Also

Overview of Order Scheduling

Scheduling an Order or Order Line

Order Unscheduling

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