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Confirming a Delivery

You can partially or completely ship a delivery. If picking line details are not required, you can ship an entire delivery from the delivery level. If picking line details are required, you must define the required details for the items on the Delivery Lines window. See: Defining Delivery Line Details and Overview of Ship Confirm

You must create a departure for the delivery if you want to ship a delivery. You can create a departure prior to Ship Confirm, or you can create a departure while confirming the delivery. For example, when you try to ship a delivery that is not assigned to a departure, you are prompted to define three fields on the Delivery Status window (see the steps below). When you select Ship Entered Quantities or Ship All from the Delivery Status window, define these three fields, and choose OK, a departure is automatically created and the delivery is assigned to the departure.

If the Process Inventory Online check box is checked, the Update Shipping Information and Inventory Interface concurrent programs are automatically run when you ship a delivery. If the Process Inventory Online check box is not checked, you must run the Update Shipping Information and Inventory Interface concurrent programs via the concurrent manager. See: Update Shipping Information and Inventory Interface

If you try to ship a delivery in which some delivery line items are assigned to cantainers and the Enforce Packing check box is checked, you will receive a warning stating that packed quantities and shipped quantities must match. If this check box is not checked, you can ship the delivery without packing delivery line items (without receiving the warning that items are not packed). The Enforce Packing in Containers display list on the Shipping Parameters window determines the default for the Enforce Packing check box. See: Defining Shipping Parameters

Attention: Even if the Enforce Packing check box is checked, you can still ship the delivery without packing the delivery line items. The message you receive is only a warning that the items are not assigned to containers.


   To ship confirm an entire delivery:

   To ship confirm an entire delivery with details required:

   To partially ship a delivery without details required:

   To partially ship a delivery with details required:

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