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Schedule Details

Each time you enter an order line, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping automatically creates a schedule detail. A schedule detail includes the warehouse, schedule dates, subinventory, lot, and revision. The warehouse and schedule date are inherited from the order line, provided your standard value rule set for the order type defaults the Line Schedule Details information from the order line. Subinventory, lot, or revision must be entered manually. If you never need to schedule an order line to any more detail than the warehouse, you can do all your scheduling from the order line. However, if you need to do more detailed scheduling or your standard value rule set does not default the information, you need to create details manually in the Schedule Details window. The Schedule Details window is available from both the Sales Orders and Schedule Orders windows. See: Defining Standard Value Rule Sets.

You can create as many schedule details for an order line as you need. It may be appropriate to create more than one schedule detail for an order line if you are unable to meet a customer request date with only one shipment from one warehouse. You may also want to indicate the specific subinventory from which to pick the item, or reserve some or all the ordered quantity from a specific lot or revision. Schedule details reflect your internal scheduling to meet a customer request and do not appear on customer invoices. You can create multiple details for an order line with different schedule statuses. For example, you can place demand for one schedule detail, reserve another, and leave another unscheduled. You may want to do this when a customer wants to specify the particular lot or revision they want. If you have only a partial quantity available in the lot they requested, you can reserve the quantity available from the specific lot and then demand the balance without lot reference.

The detail's Schedule Status and the item controls determine what information can or must be entered on the detail. If you are creating unscheduled details (no demand or reservations) or demanded details, you can enter the warehouse, schedule date, and subinventory. The subinventory will be the only one used when Pick Release releases this schedule detail.

If you are reserving a schedule detail and the item is under lot or revision control, you may also need to enter the lot or revision. If you are using revision control and you enter a lot or subinventory, you must also specify a revision. If you are using lot control and you enter a subinventory, you must also specify a lot.

If you have multiple schedule details for an order line, the order line warehouse, schedule date, and schedule status may be different for each schedule detail. The order line warehouse and schedule date reflect the last one entered on the order line. The order line schedule status reflects the highest level of scheduling of all schedule details. For example, you may have three schedule details, one reserved, one demanded, and one unscheduled; the order line Schedule Status displays Reserved. Each schedule displays the actual warehouse, schedule date, and schedule status in the Schedule Details window.

You can modify any information on a schedule detail except in the Quantity or Schedule Status fields, or you can create your own schedule detail. Depending on your standard value rules, if you change the schedule date on the order line, the details that you updated manually may or may not be updated as well.

Note: Pick Release releases schedule details, not order lines, so it is important that the schedule details be accurate. If you question whether a change you made on the order line cascaded into the details, verify that the changes were applied correctly in the Schedule Details window.

See Also

Defining Order Line Details

Overview of Order Scheduling

Scheduling an Order or Order Line

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