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New Features in Oracle Order Entry/Shipping Release 11

New features in this release are as follows:

Container-Load Relationships window

The Container-Load Relationships window allows you to define the relationship between container items and load items to specify which items can be contained within other items. Container items are items that can contain other items. Load items are items that can be loaded into a container. See: Defining Container-Load Relationships.

Departure Planning Workbench

The Departure Planning Workbench allows you to schedule vehicle departures, assign scheduled shipment lines to a planned departure using vehicle capacity information, estimate the number of containers required for shipment, sequence deliveries within a departure, and sequence vehicle load ordering for lines within a delivery See: Overview of Departure Planning Workbench.

Drop Shipment Support

While entering, scheduling, or importing an order, you can now specify whether an order line will be fulfilled from your warehouse or sourced externally. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides enhancements to the Sales Orders, Schedule Orders, and View Orders windows to support this, as well as a new concurrent program named Purchase Release and a new report. See: Drop Shipments.

Group Discounting

The Line Discounts and Discount Customers windows now allow you to define a discount by item category or customer class, respectively. You can combine these discounting conditions with others, such as order type and purchase order number. See: Defining Discounts and Assigning Discounts.

Limited Customer Part Number Support

To support Oracle Release Management, the View Orders window now displays customer part number information for applicable orders in the Customer Item field, if you imported the order via OrderImport and Release Management's Demand Stream Processor. At this time, you cannot update customer part numbers in any Order Entry/Shipping window. When customer part numbers appear on an order, Order Entry/Shipping interfaces with Oracle Inventory to determine whether an order line must be departure planned prior to shipping. See: Viewing Orders and Returns.

Match and Reserve ATO Configurations

To support new Oracle Product Configurator functionality, two new options in the Sales Orders Special menu permit you to search for existing configurations that match options chosen for a sales order line. You can place a reservation on a matching configuration, which enables the order line to bypass Manufacturing Release. You can also use match and reserve functionality with OrderImport. See: Using Match and Reserve.

OrderImport Enhancement

To support Oracle Release Management, the OrderImport concurrent program allows Release Management's Demand Stream Processor to cancel imported order lines. The Demand Stream Processor can also delete imported lines after booking as long as the lines have not been interfaced to another concurrent program, such as Pick Release, Ship Confirm, or Inventory Interface.

OrderImport imports Project Manufacturing, Release Management, and Brazilian globalization data to sales order lines. See: OrderImport.

Pick Slip Grouping Rules window

The Pick Slip Grouping Rules window allows you to define grouping rules to determine how released picking lines are grouped onto pick slips. Grouping rules allow you to specify the criteria by which released picking lines are grouped. See: Defining Pick Slip Grouping Rules.

Project Manufacturing Support

To support Oracle Project Manufacturing, we have added Project and Task fields to the following windows:

Release Management Support

To support Oracle Release Management, the following fields have been added to various windows:

Release Sequence Rules window

The Release Sequence Rules window allows you to define rules to specify the order in which eligible picking lines are released during Pick Release. The order in which picking lines are released using a Release Sequence Rule is based on five attributes: order number, outstanding invoice value, schedule date, departure date, and shipment priority. See: Defining Release Sequence Rules.

Salesperson Defaulting

In addition to defaulting the salesperson from the agreement type and customer name, you can also default salesperson information from the bill-to and ship-to locations you define for an order. See: Overview of Sales Orders.

Ship Confirm-Departure window

The Ship Confirm-Departure window allows you to partially or completely ship or completely backorder an existing departure during Ship Confirm. You can also create a departure, assign deliveries to the departure, and ship or backorder the departure. You can additionally calculate the weight, volume, and percentage fill of the departure. See: Confirming a Departure.

Ship Confirm-Delivery window

The Ship Confirm-Delivery window allows you to partially or completely ship or backorder a delivery. You can define delivery line details, assign freight charges to a delivery, pack a delivery, and unpack a delivery. See: Confirming a Delivery.

Shipping Parameters window

The Shipping Parameters window allows you to define the default parameters used throughout Shipping. See: Defining Shipping Parameters.

Supply Chain ATP Inquiry

You can view Available to Promise (ATP) information across multiple inventory organizations so that you can decide which supply source you want to use to meet demand. See: Inquiring on Group Availability.

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