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Choosing the Fields to View in the Search for Events Window

If your responsibility provides access to the Folder menu, you can add or remove fields to and from the folder, resize and rearrange them, and change the field prompts. The full list of information you can view in this folder is as follows:

Actual Cost: the real cost of running the scheduled event, program or development event

Activity: the training activity on which a scheduled event is based or for which a development event is scheduled

Administrator: the organization responsible for the event

Attended: the number of students who have attended the event.

Budget Cost: the budgetted, or theoretical cost of running the scheduled event, program or development event

Center: the training center where the event takes place

Costing Currency: the currency in which the event was priced

Currency: the currency in which places on the event are sold

Development Event Type: a category that you can define as a QuickCode, for development events only

Duration, Duration Units: the number of hours, days, weeks, or months the event is scheduled to run

Enrolling: this box is checked if today is within the enrollment period for the event

Enrollment Start Date, Enrollment End Date: these dates define the period in which you can enroll students for a scheduled event or program

External Attended, External Placed, External Requested and External Waitlisted: the number of external students enrolled on the event and with the specified status

Internal Attended, Internal Placed, Internal Requested and Internal Waitlisted: the number of internal students enrolled on the event and with the specified status

Language: the language in which a scheduled event is delivered

Max Int Attendees: the maximum number of internal students allowed to be Placed on a scheduled event.

Maximum Attendees: the maximum number of students allowed to be Placed on a scheduled event.

Minimum Attendees: the minimum number of students allowed to be Placed on a scheduled event.

Parent Event: for sessions only, the scheduled event of which the session is a part

Placed: the number of students placed on the event by that enrollment.

Price Basis: pricing information for scheduled events and programs

Program: the program category selected for a program

Prog Member: if checked, this indicates that the event is part of the program displayed in the Program Title field

Program Title: the name of the program to which the event is part of

Public: this box is checked if a scheduled event or program is open to enrollments from any employee or customer

Remaining Internal Places: the Maximum Internal Students minus the number of internal enrollments with a status of Placed or Attended; for scheduled events only

Remaining Places: the Maximum Students minus the number of enrollments with a status of Placed or Attended; for scheduled events only

Requested: the number of students who have requested attendance on the event.

Secure: this box is checked if a scheduled event or program is secure, and only users who belong to the appropriate sponsoring organization can enroll students onto the event

Standard Price: the price of the event before any discounts or agreements

Start Date, End Date, Start Time, End Time: the dates and times bounding the period in which the event runs

Status: the status of the event (Planned, Normal, Full, Closed, or Cancelled) for scheduled events and programs only

Title: the name or number identifying the event

Type: scheduled, program, development, one-time, or session

User Status: the user-defined statuses for the event (held in the Quick Code EVENT_USER_STATUS)

Vendor: the organization supplying the event; for scheduled events and one time events only

Venue: the primary venue booked for a scheduled event, session, or development event

Waitlisted: the number of students on the waiting list for the event

Week No: the week number from 1 to 52 calculated from start date of the event, for example, week 1 starts the first week in January

Suggestion: Since many of these fields do not apply to sessions, developments events and one-time events, you might choose to create separate folders for listing these types of event. For example, you could define a Sessions folder by the query Type = Session and might include the following fields: Title, Parent Event, Start Date, Start and End Times and Center.

See Also

Viewing the List of Categories in the Search for Events Window

Choosing the Events to List in the Find Events Window

Using the Folder - Choosing the Fields to View

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