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Attachments in Oracle Projects

As of Oracle Applications Production 16, Oracle Projects supports attachments for the following entities. You can access attachments for these entities in the windows listed.

The table below shows each window that supports attachments and the mode in which the attachments feature can be used.

Note: If you copy a project from an existing project that has an attachment, the attachment is copied to the new project. If you copy an existing capital project, attachments to assets associated with the existing project will be copied to the new project.

Entity / Possible Uses for Attachments Window Mode(s)
Attach project scope/definition document or project management plan
Projects Update
Project Status Query
Capital Projects Workbench Query
Attach task scope/definition document or task management plan
Projects > Tasks Update
Project Status > Task Status Query
Budget Versions:
Attach document used for budget preparation
Budgets (Draft Budget) Update
Budget Version History Query
Attach images of timesheets and expense report receipts
Pre-Approved Expenditure Entry > Expenditures Update
Project Expenditure Inquiry / Cross-Project Expenditure Inquiry > Expenditure Items Query
Invoice Review > Expenditure Item Detail Query
Capital Projects Workbench > Expenditure Item Detail Query
Project Status > Expenditure Item Detail Query
Project Assets:
Attach description of the asset to be constructed
Projects > Assets Update
Capital Projects Workbench > Assets Update
Attach image of customer agreement or document with additional terms
Agreement Update
Agreement Templates Update
Project Funding:
Attach document on approval or description of project funding
Fund Projects Update
Funding History Query
Draft Invoice:
Attach copy of invoice or supporting document sent to customer
Draft Invoices Update

See Also

About Attachments Oracle Applications User's Guide

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