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Steps To Take Before Generating Invoices

Oracle Projects provides controls as to which projects are ready for invoice generation.

You must complete the following steps before generating invoices for a direct project in Oracle Projects:

Note: If your project uses the cost-to-cost invoice generation method, you must include burdened costs in your cost budget and revenue amounts in your revenue budget. Without these amounts, Oracle Projects cannot successfully generate invoices for your project.

Note: You must fund the budget before you can baseline it.

Note: If you do not want to generate an invoice for a specific top task on your project, uncheck the Ready to Bill check box in the Control Billing by Top Task window. Oracle Projects assumes you want to invoice all billable top tasks on contract projects.

See Also

Revenue Accrual and Invoice Generation Based on Percent Complete

Baselining a Draft

Billing Cycle

Entering a Draft


Entering Project and Task Options

Submitting Requests

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