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Submitting a Streamline Request

The Submit Streamline Processes process submits and monitors a series of other processes that must be run sequentially to complete a function. For example, in order to interface labor costs between Oracle Projects and Oracle General Ledger, a user must submit three separate processes: Interface Labor Costs to General Ledger, Oracle General Ledger's Journal Import, and Tieback Labor Costs from General Ledger. By using the PRC: Submit Streamline Processes process, a user avoids having to run and track the status of these processes individually. Instead, the user submits one Streamline process for the option 'Interface Labor Costs to GL'; this process then submits and monitors the progress of each separate process in sequence. When all processes required to complete a function are finished, the Submit Streamline Processes process itself finishes.

Oracle Projects provides two types of streamline processes:

   To submit a streamline request:

Attention: You must use the same report mode, either summarized or detailed, to interface expense report costs to Oracle Payables and to tieback the same expense reports. See: Interface Expense Reports to Oracle Payables.

Report Output

There is one output report that shows you the results of the Submit Streamline Processes process:

Cancelling Requests

   To cancel a concurrent request:

Monitoring Requests

   To monitor status of a concurrent request:

Debug Mode

You can run Oracle Projects processes and some reports in debug mode. Debug mode provides more details in the log file for debugging purposes, and creates a trace file for performance analysis.

   To run a process or report in debug mode:

Set the profile option PA: Debug Mode to yes, and submit the process or report.

See Also

Defining Request Sets

Submitting a Request

Submitting a Request Set

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