Oracle8i Parallel Server Setup and Configuration Guide
Release 2 (8.1.6)






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Installing and Configuring Oracle Parallel Server Management

Oracle Enterpise Manager supports administration of Oracle Parallel Server databases with Oracle Parallel Server Management. Oracle Parallel Server Management enables certain parallel components of Oracle Enterprise Manager. A performance monitoring tool called Oracle Performance Manager further enhances Oracle Parallel Server Management, enabling end users to monitor the global V$ view tables for performance.

This chapter describes how to install and configure Oracle Parallel Server Management.

Specific topics discussed are:

Oracle Parallel Server Management Architecture

You can control the activity of Oracle Parallel Servers and their instances using Oracle Parallel Server Management. Oracle Parallel Server Management is a comprehensive, integrated system management solution for an Oracle Parallel Server. Oracle Parallel Server Management enables you to manage multi-instance databases running in heterogeneous environments through an open client-server architecture.

In addition to managing parallel databases, Oracle Parallel Server Management enables you to schedule jobs, perform event management, monitor performance, and obtain statistics to tune parallel databases.

Oracle Enterprise Manager provides database administrators (DBAs) with a powerful set of tools to manage, monitor, and administer even the most complex network of databases from a single workstation, called the Enterprise Manager Console.

See Also:

Oracle8i Parallel Server Administration, Deployment, and Performance for further information about using views not available with Oracle Enterprise Manager, and for more detail on monitoring and tuning Oracle Parallel Server 

Oracle Parallel Server Management within Oracle Enterprise Manager context, contains the components shown in the table below:

Component  Description 


The Console is a graphical user interface with menus, toolbars, and launch palettes to enable access to Oracle tools. The Console is run from a client machine or a browser.

The Console has four windows:

  • Navigator window -- Contains an object browser that provides an organized, consistent and hierarchical view of the database objects in the network

  • Group window -- Provides a customized, graphical representation of key objects, created by the administrator

  • Event Management window -- Enables the administrator to remotely monitor critical database and system events

  • Job window -- Provides the administrator with the ability to automate repetitive activities


Management Server  

The Management Server performs functions requested by the Console.

The Management Server processes all system management tasks and administers the distribution of these tasks to Oracle Intelligent Agents on the managed nodes. 

Repository Database 

All administrators share a repository database which is a set of database tables. The repository contains the accounts of every administrator.

The Management Server uses the repository to store all system data, application data, and the state of managed nodes throughout the environment. The repository can be shared by multiple administrators.

The repository must be on a separate machine from the nodes.  

Oracle Intelligent Agents 

Oracle Intelligent Agents manages and completes tasks requested from the Console. Once installed, Oracle Intelligent Agent:

  • Listens for and responds to job requests initiated by the Console.

  • Schedules job requests. Requests can include detecting and correcting abnormal conditions, performing standard database administration procedures, and monitoring events.

Oracle Intelligent Agent is installed on the nodes.  

(Optional) Oracle Performance Manager 

Oracle Performance Manager enables you to choose from a variety of tabular and graphic performance statistics for Oracle Parallel Servers. The statistics represent the aggregate performance for all instances running on an Oracle Parallel Server. The statistics are displayed in individual charts and include information about data block pings, lock activity, file I/O, and session and user information.  

(Optional) Oracle Data Gatherer 

Oracle Data Gatherer gathers performance statistics for Oracle Performance Manager.

Oracle Data Gatherer is installed on each node with Oracle Intelligent Agent. 

Oracle Parallel Server Management uses the utilities shown in the table below to manage instances:

Component  Description 

OPS Control (OPSCTL) 

OPSCTL serves as a single point of control between Oracle Intelligent Agent and the nodes

Only one node's Oracle Intelligent Agent is used to communicate to OPSCTL. OPSCTL on that node then communicates to the other nodes through Net8.

OPSCTL is installed on the nodes. 

OPS Communication Daemon (OPSD) 

OPSD receives requests from OPSCTL to execute administrative job tasks, such as startup or shutdown. The command is executed locally on each node, and the results are sent back to OPSCTL.

OPSD is installed on the nodes. OPSD is only implemented on UNIX operating systems. 

On UNIX, Oracle Intelligent Agent invokes OPSCTL to executes jobs. OPSD then receives requests from OPSCTL, as shown in Figure 6-1:

Figure 6-1 OPSCTL Architecture for UNIX

On Windows NT, Oracle Intelligent Agent invokes OPSCTL to executes jobs. OPSCTL then sends requests to Oracle Server Manager. Oracle Server Manager uses information from configured tnsnames.ora files on the nodes to connect to a listener which sends the OPSCTL requested action to the instance. Therefore, it is essential to have the tnsnames.ora file configured on all nodes in the cluster.

Figure 6-2 shows how OPSCTL operates between the agent and the nodes on Windows NT:

Figure 6-2 OPSCTL Architecture for Windows NT

Oracle Parallel Server Management Requirements

The requirements for each node as shown in the table below must be met to use Oracle Parallel Server Management from the Console. These requirements should have been met if you followed the procedures in Chapter 3, "Installing and Creating an Oracle Parallel Server Database".

Node Requirements  For additional information, see: 

Ensure Oracle8i Enterprise Edition, Oracle Parallel Server Option, and Oracle Intelligent Agent are installed on each node in the cluster.  

Chapter 3, "Installing and Creating an Oracle Parallel Server Database"  

Each instance's Oracle System Identifiers (SIDs) in the Oracle Parallel Server must be unique.  

"Unique Identification of Instances with the initsid.ora File" 

Each node must have a tnsnames.ora file configured with a net service name entry for:

  • The database

  • Each instance


"Net Service Names (tnsnames.ora file)" 

The listener.ora file on each node must be configured with:

  • The listener name

  • A TCP/IP address for Oracle Enterprise Manager

  • An entry for the SID of the node in the SID_LIST_listener_name section.


"Listener (listener.ora file)" 

The oratab file and db_name.conf file must be configured on UNIX for OPSCTL.

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\OSD\PM must be set up on Windows NT for discovery work 


For UNIX, ensure OPSD has been started on each managed node by the oracle account at system startup. OPSD resides in $ORACLE_HOME/bin


Understanding Oracle Enterprise Manager Setup

You can run the individual Oracle Enterprise Manager components on separate machines or combine different components on separate machines to collaboratively manage the complete Oracle environment. Two environments are shown below:

Environment 1: Console, Management Server and Repository on Same Machine

The Console, with the aid of the Management Server, remotely manages the databases for both nodes. The Console and the Management Server are running on a Windows NT or Solaris machine with an Oracle8i database installed that is only used as a repository. Oracle Intelligent Agent does not need to be running.

The nodes share an Oracle8i database. The repository is not created in this database, and Oracle Intelligent Agent is running on both nodes.

Figure 6-3 Console, Management Server and Repository on the Same Machine

Environment 2: Console, Management Server and Repository on Separate Machines

The Repository is on a separate Windows NT or Solaris machine with an Oracle8i database installed that is only being used as a repository. Oracle Intelligent Agent does not need to be running.

The Management Server remotely manages the databases for the Console on a Windows NT machine. The Console is running on a Windows NT, Windows 95 or Windows 98 machine.

The nodes run an Oracle8i database. The repository is not created in this database, and Oracle Intelligent Agent is running on both nodes.

Figure 6-4 Console, Management Server and Repository on the Separate Machines

Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager

To install Oracle Enterprise Manager:

  1. Install the repository database on a machine other than one of the Oracle Parallel Server nodes.

    See Also:


  2. Install Oracle Enterprise Manager.

    You can install the Management Server and the Console on the machine where the repository database resides or on individual machines. If you purchased Oracle Diagnostics Pack, you can install Oracle Diagnostics Pack and Oracle Enterprise Manager together.

    See Also:



    Oracle Performance Manager can be run in addition to or without Oracle Enterprise Manager. If you choose to run this product as a stand-alone product, Oracle Enterprise Manager does not have to be configured.  

Configuring Oracle Enterprise Manager

To configure Oracle Enterprise Manager, perform these tasks:

Task 1: Configure Repository

Use Configuration Assistant to create and load your version 2 repository. The repository is a set of tables in an Oracle database which stores data required by Oracle Enterprise Manager. See Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide for complete configuration instructions.

Task 2: Start Oracle Enterprise Manager Components

To use the Console, start the following components:

Oracle Intelligent Agent

Start the Oracle Intelligent Agent on each of the nodes.

At an operating system prompt, enter the command:

lsnrctl dbsnmp_start

On Windows NT, you can also use the Control Panel:

  1. Double-click the Services icon in the Control Panel window.

  2. Select the OracleHOME_NAMEAgent service.

  3. Click Start to start the service.


    Additional Oracle Intelligent Agent configuration is required if the ORACLE_HOME is shared, as described in "Oracle Intelligent Agent Configuration"

Management Server


Your Management Server service is started automatically during repository creation if you launched the Configuration Assistant from the Oracle Enterprise Manager installation. 

To start the Management Server, at an operating system prompt, enter:

oemctrl start oms

The command string is case-sensitive and you must enter it with lowercase characters.

To start the Management Server in the background on Solaris, enter:

% oemctrl start oms&

On Windows NT, you can also use the Control Panel:

  1. Double-click the Services icon in the Control Panel window.

  2. Select the OracleHOME_NAMEManagementServer service.

  3. Click Start to start the service.

The Management Server looks for the OMSCONFIG.PROPERTIES file in the $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config directory on UNIX and ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config directory on Windows operating systems. It contains the connect information required by the Management Server to start up.


Always use Oracle Enterprise Manager's Configuration Assistant to create a repository or to change the repository's connect information. The information is encrypted in the OMSCONFIG.PROPERTIES file. 

See Also:

Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide for optional Console configuration detailed information about editing the OMSCONFIG.PROPERTIES file. 


The Console gives you a central point of control for the Oracle environment through an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) that provides powerful and robust system management.

To start the Enterprise Manager Console:

  1. At an operating system prompt, enter:

    oemapp console

    The command string is case-sensitive and you must enter it with lowercase characters.

    On Windows NT, you can also choose Start > Programs > Oracle - HOME_NAME > Oracle Enterprise Management > Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

  2. If you are logging in to the Console for the first time, after the first login dialog appears, enter the default credentials for the super administrator account:

    Administrator = sysman

    Password = oem_temp

  3. Select a Management Server that is configured with the repository you want to access from the Management Server list.

    If the name of the Management Server you want to use does not appear, perform these procedures:

    1. Click the Management Servers button. The Management Servers dialog appears.

    2. Click the Add button. The Add Management Server dialog appears.

    3. Enter in the name of the Management Server, then click OK.

    4. Select the Management Server from the list.

    A Security Warning dialog appears in which you can change your password.

  4. Enter a password and confirm it.

    The new password you enter is the password you use to log in to the Console for subsequent logins.


    Passwords must have no more than 8 characters.  

    The Console appears with the Discovery Wizard:

    The first time you start the Console, you must log in as the super administrator. After other administrator accounts have been created using the super administrator account, you can log in as an administrator.

  5. Continue with "Task 3: Discover Nodes".


    The Console may also be run from a web browser, allowing administrators to run the Console as a "thin" or "fat" client.

    Thin clients use a web browser to connect to a server where Console files are installed, whereas fat clients have Console files installed locally. Run from a web browser, the Console enables you to perform all the same administration tasks you would normally perform from the installed Console, including access to the DBA Management Pack applications. You can perform these tasks on any machine that supports a web browser.

    For further information about running the Oracle Enterprise Manager from a web browser, follow the instructions in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide.

Task 3: Discover Nodes

After the Console has been started, discover network services, such as databases, listeners, and nodes, to populate the Navigator tree.

To discover services:

  1. Click Next in the Discovery Wizard: Introduction page.

    The Specify Nodes page appears:

  2. Enter the host names of Oracle Parallel Server nodes.

    The Progress page appears with the discovery status:

    Successful discovery results in the following:

  3. Click Finish.

    The following confirmation dialog box appears:


    An unsuccessful discovery is usually the result of the Oracle Intelligent Agent not being started on the node. See "Resolving Service Discovery Failures"

  4. Click OK to acknowledge the status dialog.

    Once a node is identified, Oracle Enterprise Manager automatically discovers (locates) all the databases and other services running on the managed nodes. When a node is discovered, the services located are:

    • The database it supports

    • Its instances

    • Its listeners

    When an Oracle Parallel Server instance is discovered, a new folder named Parallel Server Instances is created for the node it belongs to.

    By expanding and contracting the folders in the Navigator window, you can see the object discovered.

    The following graphic shows an Oracle Parallel Server database named opsmz with instance opsmz1 on host, instance opsmz2 on host, and instance opsmz3 on host

Task 4: Specify Preferred Credentials for Nodes and Oracle Parallel Server Database

You must configure the Oracle Enterprise Manager with preferred user credentials so you can perform certain functions. Oracle Enterprise Manager uses these credentials when establishing connections to Oracle Parallel Server, such as when the Oracle Parallel Server is expanded in the Console's navigator. Startup and shutdown operations also use the credentials.

The credentials you configure must identify a valid DBA user with SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges for the Oracle Parallel Server database on the target node. This enables you to expand the Oracle Parallel Server database folder in the Navigator window and to perform connection and job execution operations. If you do not identify a valid database user, Oracle Enterprise Manager prompts you for this information each time you attempt to connect to the database.

Likewise, you must identify an operating system user to run jobs on particular nodes, such as starting or stopping an instance. Although you submit a job from the Console, the job scripts themselves reside on the Oracle Intelligent Agent on the nodes. For this reason, you must configure a user that has operating system access to the node.

This section covers the following topics:

Create an Operating System Account

On UNIX, this user may be the oracle account set up during the installation process.

On Windows NT, you must create a Windows NT user account using the next procedure. To create a user account on each node of the cluster:

  1. Choose Start > Programs > Administrative Tools (Common) > User Manager:

    The User Manager window appears:

  2. Choose User > New User.

    The New User dialog box appears:

  3. Enter the appropriate information in the dialog box:

    1. Enter a user name that is up to eight characters in length.

    2. Optionally, enter a full name and description for the user.

    3. Enter and confirm a password that is up to eight characters in length.

    4. Make sure the "User Must Change Password at Next Logon" check box is not checked and "Password Never Expires" check box is checked.

    5. Click Groups to make the user a member of the Administrator's group.

      The Group Memberships dialog box appears:

    6. Double-click the Administrators icon from the window on the right to move it to the Member of list box.

    7. Click OK to close the Group Memberships dialog box and return to the New User dialog box.

  4. Click OK in the New User dialog box.

    The user is added and the User Manager window re-appears.

  5. Select the newly-created user, then choose Policies > User Rights.

    The User Rights Policy dialog box appears:

  6. Click the Show Advanced User Rights check box, then select Log on as a batch job from the Right drop-down list box.

  7. Select the user name from the Grant To list box.

    If the user is not listed, create it. To do this:

    1. Click Add.

      The Add Users and Groups dialog box appears:

    2. Select the name of your local host machine from the List Names From drop-down list box.

    3. Click the Show Users button.

    4. Select the user from the Names list box, then click Add:

      The new user name appears in the Add Names list box.

    5. Click OK.

      The user appears in the Grant To list box in the User Rights Policy dialog box.

  8. Click OK in the User Rights Policy dialog box in the User. Control returns to the User Manager window.

  9. Choose User > Exit.

Grant SYSDBA or SYSOPER Privileges to a User

Identify a current user, such as SYSTEM, or create a new user that is to be used to connect, start, and stop the database.

Once a user is identified, ensure it has SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges. SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges contain all the system privileges you need to manage the database.

To grant SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges to a user, use the GRANT command:

SQL> GRANT sysdba to username;
SQL> GRANT sysoper to username; 

Set User Credentials in the Console

You must set user credentials for the database and each node.

To set credentials:

  1. Choose System > Preferences.

    The Edit User Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Preferred Credentials tab to enter credentials for various service types:

  3. Click on a node (identified by the Node service type) and enter the operating system user name and password.

  4. Perform Step 3 for each node in the cluster.

  5. Click on the Oracle Parallel Server database (identified by the Parallel Server service type):

  6. Enter a DBA user name and password that has SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges for the target database, such as SYSTEM/MANAGER, and select SYSDBA or SYSOPER from the Role list.


    The SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege is required for the Oracle Parallel Server database and instance startup and shutdown. 

  7. If you plan to use the Oracle Performance Manager application, click on an instance (identified by the Parallel Server Instance service type), enter a user name and password that can connect to the instance, select NORMAL role from the drop-down menu.

  8. Click OK.

    See Also:


Configuring Oracle Performance Manager


Oracle Enterprise Manager and the Oracle Intelligent Agent are not required by the Oracle Performance Manager, as its functions are performed using a database connection to the Oracle Parallel Server. 

To configure Oracle Performance Manager, perform these tasks:

Task 1: Start Oracle Performance Manager Components

Task 2: Accessing Oracle Parallel Server Charts

Task 1: Start Oracle Performance Manager Components

To use the Oracle Performance Manager, start the following components:

Oracle Data Gatherer

Start the Oracle Data Gatherer on at least one of the Oracle Parallel Server nodes.

At an operating system prompt, enter:

vppcntl -start

On Windows NT, you can also use the Control Panel:

  1. Double-click the Services icon in the Control Panel window.

  2. Select the OracleHOME_NAMEDataGatherer service.

  3. Click Start to start the service.

Oracle Performance Manager

  1. Start Oracle Performance Manager in one of two ways:

    • Standalone

      At an operating system prompt, enter:

      oemapp pm

      On Windows NT, you can also choose Start > Programs > Oracle - HOME_NAME > Oracle Diagnostics Pack > Performance Manager.

      The Performance Manager Login dialog box appears:

      Select whether to log on to the Management Server or to log on in standalone mode. If "Login to Oracle Management Server" is chosen, additionally enter the Oracle Enterprise Manager administrator user name, password and location of the Management Server.

    • Started from Console

      Choose Oracle Performance Manager in the Diagnostics Pack toolbar or choose Tools > Diagnostics Pack and click Oracle Performance Manager.

      When you start Oracle Performance Manager from the Console, the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository log on credentials are automatically passed to Oracle Performance Manager. This provides you with access to all repository-based information. Also, if a service is selected in the Console Navigator window when Oracle Performance Manager is started, Oracle Performance Manager connects to the database.

  2. Click OK to start Oracle Performance Manager.

    The Oracle Performance Manager starts:

Task 2: Accessing Oracle Parallel Server Charts

You can access Oracle Parallel Server charts from the Parallel Server Instance folder or from the Databases folder.

Parallel Server Instances Folder

If the log in occurred from the Console or the "Login to the Oracle Management Server" option was selected in the Performance Manager Login dialog box, you can expand the Parallel Server Instances folder to display the instances from which the list of available charts may be obtained:.

Once you expand the Parallel Server Instances folder, expand User Defined Charts > Parallel Server.

If you did not specify credentials for the instances, as described in "Task 4: Specify Preferred Credentials for Nodes and Oracle Parallel Server Database", the Parallel Server Instances Logon dialog appears when you attempt to expand an instance:

Enter a database user and password. The Oracle Database Gatherer location is automatically specified.

Databases Folder

If the log in occurred in standalone mode or if you selected the "Standalone, no repository connection" option in the Performance Manager Login dialog box you can access the Oracle Parallel Server charts from the Databases folder:

  1. Click the Databases folder.

  2. Choose File > Add New Service.

    The Database Logon dialog prompts you for the required Oracle database credentials:

  3. Enter the required information, including a database user name and password, a net service name in the Service field, and the location of the Oracle Data Gatherer. The Oracle Data Gatherer should be installed and running on one of the nodes in the cluster.

  4. Expand Databases > User Defined Charts > Parallel Server.

    See Also:


Additional Notes for DBA Studio

If you plan to run DBA Studio applications in stand-alone mode without a connection to the Management Server, a tnsnames.ora file must be created. It must contain entries for the database and each instance.

See Also:

"Net Service Names (tnsnames.ora file)" for an example tnsnames.ora file 

When running the DBA Studio application in stand-alone mode, the Startup and Shutdown menu items start and stop an individual instance, not the Oracle Parallel Server database.

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