Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 2.1







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1 Introducing Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager's Architecture
Oracle Enterprise Manager System and Hardware Requirements
Basic Terminology
What is a repository?
What is a repository owner?
What is an administrative user?
What is a Console?
What is an Oracle Management Server?
What is the Oracle Intelligent Agent?
What is service discovery?
What are preferred credentials?
Configuring Oracle Enterprise Manager Overview

2 Creating a Release 2.1 Repository

Creating a New Release 2.1 Repository
Starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant
Step 1 "Configuration Operation"
Step 2 "Select Database for Repository"
Step 3 "Repository Login Information"
Step 4 "Select Repository User Tablespaces"
Step 5 "Create Repository Summary"
Step 6 "Configuration Assistant Progress Window"

3 Controlling the Management Server

Starting the Management Server
Checking the Status of the Management Server
Stopping the Management Server
Checking the Management Server Log Files

4 Adding Additional Management Servers

Installing an Additional Management Server
Setting Up an Additional Management Server
Step 1 "Configuration Operation"
Step 2 "Configuration Parameters"
Step 3 "Modify Configuration Parameters"

5 Starting the Intelligent Agent

Starting and Stopping the Oracle Intelligent Agent on Windows NT
Starting the Intelligent Agent on Windows NT
Stopping the Intelligent Agent on Windows NT
Verify Intelligent Agent is Running on Windows NT
Starting, Stopping, and Verifying the Status from the Command Prompt
Starting and Stopping the Oracle Intelligent Agent on UNIX

6 Setting Up the Console

Starting the Enterprise Manager Console
Discovering Services
Creating Administrator Accounts
Running Oracle Enterprise Manager from a Web Browser
General Setup
Setting Up the Job System
Creating a Windows NT User Account for Running Jobs
Setting Up Preferred Credentials for Managed Services
Setting Up Email Notification
Setting Up the SMTP Gateway
Setting Up Email and Paging Notifications
Configuring and Starting the Paging Service
Setting Up Paging
Starting the Paging Service
Querying Status of the Paging Service
Stopping the Paging Service
Paging Status Codes for Numeric Pages
Configuring the Console If Using a Dialup Line to Connect to the Management Server
Configuring a Remote Database for Backup or SYSDBA Administration
Server Side (NT)
Server Side (UNIX)

7 Migrating a Release 1.x Repository to a Release 2.1 Repository

Important Notes
Phases of Migration
How the Differences Between Release 1.x and Release 2.1 Impact Migration
Preparing for Repository Migration
Create New Release 2.1 Administrators
Refresh All Services in the Release 1.x Console
Shut Down the Release 1.x Console and the Release 2.1 Management Server
Check the Information Currently in the Release 1.x Repository
Back Up the Existing Release 1.x Repository
Migrating the Repository Using the Migration Assistant
Step 1 "Introduction"
Step 2 "Component Selection"
Step 3 "Source Repository Login"
Step 4 "Target Repository Login"
Step 5 "Administrator Data"
Work in Progress
Deleting and Deregistering All Active Jobs and Events from the Release 1.x Console
Confirming a Successful Migration
Backing out of a Migration
Release 1.x Objects Reference
Release 1.x Objects Which Will Migrate to Release 2.1
Release 1.x Objects Which Need to be Re-created
Release 1.x Objects Which No Longer Exist

8 Setting Up DBA Studio

DBA Studio in Standalone or Management Server Mode
Direct Connection to Databases
Connection through the Oracle Management Server
Setting Up DBA Studio in Standalone Mode
Starting DBA Studio in Standalone Mode
Adding Databases to the Tree in DBA Studio Standalone Mode
Connecting to a Database in DBA Studio Standalone Mode
Editing Local Preferred Credentials in DBA Studio Standalone Mode
Setting Up DBA Studio in OMS Mode
Setting Up DBA Studio to Connect to a Management Server
Starting DBA Studio OMS Mode
Connecting to a Database in DBA Studio OMS Mode
Other DBA Studio Procedures
Accessing the Quick Tour in DBA Studio
Connecting to the Database As a Different User
Viewing Which Role You Are Connected As In DBA Studio
Removing a Database from Tree in DBA Studio Standalone Mode
Removing a Database from the Navigator in OMS Mode
Adding Databases to the Navigator Tree For DBA Studio OMS Mode
Changing from OMS Mode to Standalone Mode
Changing from Standalone Mode to OMS Mode

A Directory Structure

Directory Structure of Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 2.1
Directory Structure for $ORACLE_HOME\sysman
Other Important Directories

B Configuration Assistant Operations

Upgrade a Release 2.0 Repository to a Release 2.1 Repository
Step 1 "Configuration Operation"
Step 2 "Select Database for Repository"
Step 3 "Select Repository"
Step 4 "Repository Login Information"
Step 5 "Upgrade Repository Summary"
Step 6 "Configuration Assistant Progress"
Drop an Existing Repository
Step 1 "Configuration Operation"
Step 2 "Select Database for Repository"
Step 3 "Select Repository"
Step 4 "Select Drop Repository Options"
Step 5 "Drop Repository Summary"
Step 6 "Configuration Assistant Progress"
Edit Configuration Parameters
Step 1 "Configuration Operation"
Step 2 "Configuration Parameters"
Step 3 "Modify Configuration Parameters"
Configuration File Not Accessible

C Troubleshooting

Reporting Problems to Oracle Support
Oracle Technical Support
Setting Up Logging and Tracing
Tracing and Logging for the Management Server
Logging and Tracing Properties
Management Server Logs
Tracing for the Client
Tracing for the Web Browser
Tracing for Paging
Troubleshooting the Management Server
Management Server May Not Run Correctly from a Non-Default Oracle Home
Management Server Does Not Start from the Windows NT Start Menu
You Did Not Enter the Repository Credentials in the Service Dialog
You Enter the Wrong Credentials in the Service Dialog
Accessing the Windows NT Event Log
Changing Your Management Server for Client Access
Setting the Ping Interval
Troubleshooting the Paging Service
Paging Does Not Work
Registering the Paging Service with a Remote Oracle Management Server
Modifying the Paging Service Information from the Enterprise Manager Console
Page Notification Fails
Troubleshooting the Web Browser
Resetting the Password
Troubleshooting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant
Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant Errors
Repository Database Default Tablespace Does Not Contain Enough Free Space
Creating an OEM_REPOSITORY Tablespace if One Does Not Exist
Creating Another Tablespace
Increasing the Size of an Existing Tablespace
Database Parameters Not Large Enough for Repository Operation
Changing the Permissions on the File
Determining the SGA Size
Troubleshooting Job Notifications

D Repository Sizing

E Configuring the Webserver and Directory Mapping

Apache 1.3.9 on Solaris
Oracle Application Server 4.0.8 on Windows NT and Solaris
Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0


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