Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 2.1






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Configuration Assistant Operations

The Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant assists the database administrator with repository creation, removal, upgrade, and configuration parameter maintenance.

Repository creation is described in "Creating a Release 2.1 Repository" on page 2-1.

This appendix discusses:

It also includes information about repository creation and parameters configuration when the file is inaccessible.


An Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 1.x repository is not the same as an Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 2.1 repository. A Release 2.1 repository may not coexist with a Release 1.x repository in the same schema.  

If you are using a previous Enterprise Manager Release 1.x release and want to migrate your 1.x repository or repositories directly to a Release 2.1 repository, you will need to perform additional steps using the Enterprise Manager Migration Assistant after creating your Release 2.1 repository. Refer to Chapter 7, "Migrating a Release 1.x Repository to a Release 2.1 Repository" for information about migrating one or more Release 1.x repositories into the shared Release 2.1 repository schema.

Upgrade a Release 2.0 Repository to a Release 2.1 Repository


If you plan to upgrade your repository from Release 2.0 to Release 2.1, you must first upgrade your products to Release 2.1 before upgrading your repository.

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant takes an existing repository and upgrades it directly. After the upgrade, the original repository is at the newer version.

It is necessary for all users of the repository to upgrade all their Oracle Enterprise Manager products, including packs, to Release 2.1 on all machines where the software will be used, including, but not necessarily limited to Management Servers. As soon as the repository has been upgraded, all Release 2.0 products will cease to operate against that repository, regardless of where they are running. 

In order to upgrade a repository, you must connect to the database as a user with DBA privileges.


Before you attempt to upgrade the repository, you must first back up the database or schema. If there is a failure during a repository upgrade, the repository will no longer be usable. The failed repository no longer appears in the list of available repositories that can be upgraded. 

To upgrade the repository, follow the steps outlined in the following sections.

For information about starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, refer to "Starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant" on page 2-4.


Before you attempt to perform an upgrade, you must first stop all Management Servers and Oracle Enterprise Manager applications that are using this repository. If any Management Server is currently using this repository, upgrading the repository causes a server error. 

Step 1 "Configuration Operation"

When you start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, the "Configuration Operation" page appears.

Select "Upgrade an existing repository" from the list of configuration operations and press Next to continue. The "Select Database for Repository" page appears.

Step 2 "Select Database for Repository"

Log in to the database which contains the repository you want to upgrade. You must connect to the database as a user with DBA privileges.


The repository schema user created by the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant will not have the necessary DBA privileges for this step. To avoid potential security issues, do not grant more privileges to your repository schema user than is necessary. Connect to the database as a different user with DBA privileges instead. For example, system/manager. 

For information about logging in to the database which contains the repository, refer to Step 2 "Select Database for Repository" on page 2-6.

If you log in successfully, the "Select Repository" page appears.

Step 3 "Select Repository"

If the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant detects that Release 2.0 repositories exist in the specified database, they are displayed. Choose the appropriate repository and press the Next button to continue.

If the specified database does not contain any Release 2.0 repositories, the list of repositories is empty and grayed out, and a note stating that "No repositories were found in the database" appears. You may click the Cancel button to exit the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant or click the Back button to return to previous pages to change the information.

Step 4 "Repository Login Information"

In the "Repository Login Information" page, you must supply the repository user password.

During repository creation, a database user (repository schema user) who owns the repository was created by the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant with the username and password you have supplied.

In order to perform a repository upgrade, it is necessary to logon to the repository database as this user.

The repository user name has been entered into the username field as a result of your choice in the previous page. However, you will need to enter the password.

Press Next to continue. The "Upgrade Repository Summary" page appears.

Step 5 "Upgrade Repository Summary"

The "Upgrade Repository Summary" page provides a summary of all the information supplied during the upgrade repository wizard. Click Finish to initiate repository upgrade or click Back to return to previous pages to change the information.

Step 6 "Configuration Assistant Progress"

When you click the Finish button, the Configuration Assistant Progress window appears, showing the processing performed and the processing steps that comprise the operation being performed. Each processing step is shown by a line of text.

If you want to see detailed information, click the "Show Details" button to expand the dialog to show a text area. You can hide the text area by pressing the "Hide Details" button.

The Cancel button changes to a Close button when processing is completed whether it is successful or not.

When all of the steps have been completed without error, the "Processing completed." message appears.

You can cancel the requested operation before it completes by clicking the Cancel button.

Click the Close button when you are finished.

Drop an Existing Repository

In order to drop a repository, you must connect to the database as a user with DBA privileges.

To drop the repository, follow the steps outlined in the following sections.

For information about starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, refer to "Starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant" on page 2-4.


Before you attempt to drop the repository, you must first stop all Management Servers and Oracle Enterprise Manager applications that are using this repository. If any Management Server is currently using this repository, deleting the repository causes a server error. 

Step 1 "Configuration Operation"

When you start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, the "Configuration Operation" page appears.

Select "Drop an existing repository" from the list of configuration operations and press Next to continue. The "Select Database for Repository" page appears.

If the Configuration Assistant cannot write to the file, the "Configuration File Not Accessible" page appears.

Step 2 "Select Database for Repository"

Log in to the database which contains the repository you want to drop. You must connect to the database as a user with DBA privileges.


The repository schema user created by the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant will not have the necessary DBA privileges for this step. To avoid potential security issues, do not grant more privileges to your repository schema user than is necessary. Connect to the database as a different user with DBA privileges instead. For example, system/manager. 

For information about logging in to the database which contains the repository, refer to Step 2 "Select Database for Repository" on page 2-6. If you log in successfully, the "Select Repository" page appears.

Step 3 "Select Repository"

If the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant detects that Release 2.1 repositories exist in the specified database, they are displayed. Choose the appropriate repository and press the Next button to continue.

If the specified database does not contain any Release 2.1 repositories, the list of repositories is empty and grayed out, and a note stating that "No repositories were found in the database" appears. You may click the Cancel button to exit the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant or click the Back button to return to previous pages to change the information.

Step 4 "Select Drop Repository Options"

From the "Select Drop Repository Options" page, you can choose to drop the repository user and all its schema objects or merely the repository objects.

If you choose to drop only the repository, you must supply the repository user's password so that the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant can connect to the repository in order to invoke the Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 2.1 SQL drop scripts. Only repository objects are dropped. Other schema objects in the repository remain.

If you choose to drop the repository user and all its schema objects, a password is not required.


Make sure that you do not have other objects of value in that schema before proceeding with this step. Valuable data may be lost if you do not ensure this. 

If the Configuration Assistant detects that a managed repository is specified in the file, and you are not dropping that repository, the Configuration Assistant will not change the Management Server configuration.

If you are dropping the managed repository, the Configuration Assistant will clear the Management Server configuration.

Press Next to continue. The "Drop Repository Summary" page appears.

Step 5 "Drop Repository Summary"

The "Drop Repository Summary" page provides a summary of all the information supplied during the drop repository wizard. Click Finish to initiate repository removal or click Back to return to previous pages to change the information.

Step 6 "Configuration Assistant Progress"

When you click the Finish button, the Configuration Assistant Progress window appears, showing the processing performed and the processing steps that comprise the operation being performed. Each processing step is shown by a line of text.

If you want to see detailed information, click the "Show Details" button to expand the dialog to show a text area. You can hide the text area by pressing the "Hide Details" button.

The Cancel button changes to a Close button when processing is completed whether it is successful or not.

When all of the steps have been completed without error, the "Processing completed." message appears.

You can cancel the requested operation before it completes by clicking the Cancel button.

Click the Close button when you are finished.

Edit Configuration Parameters

Use the Edit Configuration Parameters selection if you want to perform the following tasks:


The Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant will only set or change configuration parameters for the machine that it is running on. 

The Configuration Assistant can only set or change configuration parameters ( file) for the machine on which it is running. It does not have the ability to change another machine's configuration parameters; you must go to each of the other Management Servers administering the repository and run the Configuration Assistant using the Edit Configuration Parameters option to change each machine's configuration parameters.

You must set up or change the repository connect information (user name, password, service) to point to the correct repository. It is important that all the Management Server machines that are administering the same repository have consistent configuration parameters.


If you change the password for the database user account which owns the repository, you must also change the corresponding Management Server configuration parameter for every Management Server that uses the repository; otherwise, the next Management Server start will fail. 

To edit the Management Server configuration parameters, follow the steps outlined in the following sections.

For information about starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, refer to "Starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant" on page 2-4.

Step 1 "Configuration Operation"

When you start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, the "Configuration Operation" page appears.

Select "Edit Configuration Parameters" from the list of configuration operations and press Next to Continue. The "Configuration Parameters" page appears.

Step 2 "Configuration Parameters"

Set up or change the parameter you want. This information will be used when this machine's Management Server next initializes. If any of the information is invalid, then the Management Server will not start successfully.

User Name

Enter the repository's user name to change the Management Server configuration to use another repository. The user name is a database username, not an Oracle Enterprise Manager administrator name.


Enter the repository user's password to change the password that the Management Server uses to log into the repository when it starts.

If you change the password, you must also change the Confirm field so that it matches the password you changed.


Enter the service/database where the repository resides to change the Management Server to use a repository in another database.


In order to progress to the next page, you must change at least one of the parameters in this page. If the Next button is pressed without changing anything, an error message appears: "There were no changes to the configuration parameters. Make changes or cancel." In this case, the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant does not allow navigation to the next page. 

Step 3 "Modify Configuration Parameters"

The "Modify Configuration Parameters" page provides a summary of all the information supplied during the modify Management Server parameters wizard operation. Click Finish to initiate the change or click Back to return to previous pages to change your information.

Configuration File Not Accessible

The "Configuration File Not Accessible" page appears when you have chosen to create or drop a repository and the file was not accessible. The file may not be accessible because write permissions are not available on the file.

You can continue to perform the repository operation without modifying the file or you may choose not to continue with the operation.

If you select "Perform the repository operation anyway," the Next button is enabled and you are allowed to continue with the normal sequence of creating or dropping a repository. However, in this case, the file will not be modified.

If you are performing a repository creation, the Configuration Assistant creates the repository, but not the file. You will not be able to start the Management Server until you have write access to the file.

The summary page will indicate that the configuration file will not be updated, and "Set Configuration Parameters" will not appear as a processing step in the Configuration Assistant Progress window."

Later, when you have gained write access to the file, you can use the "Edit Configuration Parameters" option to enter the database username, password and service information for the repository that the Management Server will use. Once the configuration file has been updated, you will be able to start the Management Server.

If you select "Do not perform the repository operation," the "Configuration File Not Accessible" page becomes the last page. The Next button is disabled. No changes are performed. In this case, you can either go back to the previous page, or cancel.

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