Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 2.1






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Creating a Release 2.1 Repository

In Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 2.1, a repository contains state information for the managed environment and information about the management packs. The repository is used as a back-end store by the Oracle Management Servers, providing distributed control between clients and managed nodes.

In Release 2.0, the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant only created the repository for the base Oracle Enterprise Manager product. In Release 2.1, it now creates the repository for all Oracle Enterprise Manager products. The Oracle Enterprise Manager repository is treated by the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant as a single entity. Regardless of whether you have additional products installed, creating a repository will create all parts of a repository.

The Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant provides the database administrator with repository creation, removal, upgrade, and configuration parameter maintenance.

If you are a new Oracle Enterprise Manager user, or if you want to create a new Release 2.1 repository, you will use the Create a New Repository option of the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant to create and load your Release 2.1 repository and set up the configuration parameters for a local Management Server.

If you are using a Release 2.0 repository and want to upgrade your repository from Release 2.0 to Release 2.1, refer to "Upgrade a Release 2.0 Repository to a Release 2.1 Repository" on page B-2.

If you are using a previous Enterprise Manager Release 1.x and want to migrate your 1.x repository or repositories directly to a Release 2.1 repository, you will need to perform additional steps using the Enterprise Manager Migration Assistant after creating your Release 2.1 repository. Refer to Chapter 7, "Migrating a Release 1.x Repository to a Release 2.1 Repository" for information about migrating one or more Release 1.x repositories into the shared Release 2.1 repository schema.

Refer to "Setting Up an Additional Management Server" on page 4-2 for information on setting up or adding a Management Server to manage an already existing repository.

In a multiple Management Server environment, you must run the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant on every machine that will be running a Management Server. The repository can exist on a different machine from the Management Server.


The Enterprise Manager Console, DBA Management Pack, separately licensable Packs, Management Server and repository must all be of the same release. For example, you cannot use a Release 2.0 Management Server and repository with a Release 2.1 Console nor can you use a Release 2.1 Management Server and repository with a Release 2.0 Pack. Any Enterprise Manager Release 2.1 product must use a Release 2.1 Management Server and repository, where product refers to any of the following:

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Console

  • Oracle DBA Management Pack

  • Oracle Tuning Pack

  • Oracle Diagnostics Pack

  • Oracle Change Management Pack

  • Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications

  • Oracle Management Pack for SAP R/3

  • Oracle Standard Management Pack

If the existing Management Server and repository are of a previous version, then you can migrate or upgrade them to the most recent version. In the case of migrating or upgrading a Management Server and repository to Release 2.1, ensure that all Enterprise Manager products you intend to use with the repository are of Release 2.1. For instance, do not upgrade the Management Server and repository to Release 2.1 if you are still using Diagnostics Pack Release 2.0 or Change Management Pack Release 2.0. If you upgrade your Management Server and repository to Release 2.1 before obtaining the Release 2.1 Pack software you intend to use, you will not be able to use the older Pack product(s). 

Creating a New Release 2.1 Repository

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 2.1 repository is not the same as a Release 1.x repository. In Enterprise Manager Release 1.x, each administrator has his own repository schema, which contains a current view of the network and user-specific information. In Enterprise Manager Release 2.1, administrators have individual accounts and preferences within a single "shared" repository schema.

When creating a new Release 2.1 repository, the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant performs the following tasks for you:

Starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant


A database must be installed and running before you can create the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository schema. 

To start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, perform the following steps:


You must be logged in as the owner of the file (have permission on the file) to execute this command. 

Step 1 "Configuration Operation"

When you start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant as a standalone application, the "Configuration Operation" page appears.

When the Configuration Assistant is launched from an installation session and you have selected to create a new repository from the install dialog, the Configuration Operation screen will not appear. The screen will be "Select Database for Repository." In this case, proceed to Step 2 of 5.

Select "Create a new repository" from the list of repository operations and press Next. The "Select Database for Repository" page appears.

Step 2 "Select Database for Repository"

Log in to the database where you want to create the repository.

User name and Password: You must connect to the database as a user with DBA privileges. This is an individual database user account, not an Oracle Enterprise Manager administrator account.

For example, system/manager.

Service: The service may be specified using the form:



host is the machine name where the database is located

port is the database listener port address, usually 1521 or 1526

SID is the database system identifier

An example:


which connects to the orcl database using port 1521 on the pjlee-pc machine.

Press Next to continue.

Refer to "Troubleshooting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant" on page C-18 for information about error messages.

When configuring your repository, choose a database that meets the following criteria:

Step 3 "Repository Login Information"

An Enterprise Manager repository is owned by a database user. During repository creation, a database user (repository schema user) who owns the repository will be created by the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant with the username and password you enter on this page.

User name: Enter the repository's user name that will be used to create a database user that will own the repository. The repository's user name must be unique across the network. The TCP/IP hostname of the machine is assumed to be unique; therefore it is used by default. If you choose another name, you must ensure that it is unique.

Password: Enter the password for that user.

Confirm: Verify the password by typing it again.

You can choose whether to save the user name and encrypted password in the file, which is read by the Management Server on startup. If these repository credentials are stored in the file, the Management Server uses them to login to the repository; if they are not saved, the Management Server prompts you for a user name and password before it starts up.

If you do not want to store the user name and encrypted password in the file, check the "Do not save username and password" checkbox.

If the username you chose for your repository already exists, the Select Repository User Tablespace page is skipped. The Create Repository Summary page is your next page.


The repository schema user created by the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant is different from the individual database user account with DBA privileges that you use to connect to a database in the "Select Database for Repository" step of the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant. The repository schema user will not have the necessary DBA privileges for this step.

To avoid potential security issues, do not grant more privileges to your repository schema user than is necessary.

For the "Select Database for Repository" step of the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, connect to the database as a database user with DBA privileges instead of granting DBA privileges to the repository schema user and using it to connect to the database. For example, system/manager.

For the "Repository Login Information" step of the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant, logon to the repository database as the repository schema user.  

Step 4 "Select Repository User Tablespaces"

The Select Repository User Tablespaces page does not appear:


Do not install the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository into the SYSTEM (especially the SYSTEM tablespace of your production database), ROLLBACK, or TEMPORARY tablespaces. The tablespace parameter settings used for the SYSTEM tablespace are not appropriate for Oracle Enterprise Manager use. You should only use the SYSTEM tablespace for "system" entities. Tools, users, and management products such as Oracle Enterprise Manager should be placed in other tablespaces.

ROLLBACK tablespaces are used for creating rollback segments. Rollback segments are used by Oracle user processes to store rollback information. TEMPORARY tablespaces, which are assigned as TEMPORARY tablespaces for users, are used by Oracle user processes as a "scratch pad." Both of these tablespaces fluctuate in tablespace usage when the database is up and running.

The TEMPORARY tablespace can be used as the user's temporary tablespace.

For more details, refer to the Oracle8i Release 2 Concepts Guide

If the OEM_REPOSITORY tablespace already exists, the following screen appears.

Select the default and temporary tablespaces for the Enterprise Manager repository to use.

If the OEM_REPOSITORY tablespace does not exist, the following screen appears:

Default Tablespace:

Temporary Tablespace

Select a temporary tablespace from the pull-down list.

Click Next to continue.

If the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant detects that the default tablespace for the repository contains the required amount of free space, the "Create Repository Summary" page appears.

Step 5 "Create Repository Summary"

The "Create Repository Summary" page appears, showing a summary of the processing to be performed. Verify that all of the information supplied during the create repository wizard operation is accurate.

Click Finish to initiate repository creation or click Back to return to previous pages to make modifications.

When you click the Finish button, the Configuration Assistant Progress window appears, showing the processing performed and the processing steps that comprise the operation being performed.

Step 6 "Configuration Assistant Progress Window"

If you want to see detailed information about what is happening during the processing, including any errors that might occur, click the "Show Details" button to expand the dialog to show a text area. You can hide the detailed information by clicking the "Hide Details" button.

The Cancel button changes to a Close button when processing is completed whether it is successful or not.

When all of the steps have been completed without error, the "Processing completed." message appears.

You can cancel the requested operation before it completes by clicking the Cancel button.


If you cancel the repository creation while it is in progress, the state of the repository is in doubt. In these circumstances, you should drop the repository using the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant. 

You must click the Close button to exit the Configuration Assistant.

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