Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 2.1






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Please check the compatibility matrix in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Readme before installing or using Oracle Enterprise Manager. emreadme.wri or emreadme.html is located in the ORACLE_HOME\RelNotes\EM directory. For example, C:\Oracle\Ora81\RelNotes\EM.

This chapter describes possible troubleshooting issues.

Reporting Problems to Oracle Support

When you use Oracle Enterprise Manager and encounter problems, you can turn to many sources for help.

Before you contact Oracle Technical Support, please take the time to consult your manuals and the Oracle Enterprise Manager Readme. A list of Oracle Enterprise Manager manuals are listed in the Preface under Documentation Set on page xii.


Manuals of particular interest are listed below:


In addition to the manuals and online help, Oracle offers OracleMetaLink, an electronic support service available to Oraclemetals (Gold, Silver, Bronze) customers, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Customers can register on-line through

MetaLink 2.0 includes the following features:

Oracle Technical Support

If the manuals and MetaLink do not answer your questions, contact Oracle Technical Support and provide them with the following information:

  1. What is the problem?

  2. What were you doing when the problem occurred?

    • In which product or component is the problem occurring?

    • What operations were you performing? Is the problem reproducible? What are the steps you took to see the problem?

  3. What is your environment?

    • What is your operating system and version?

    • What version of Oracle Enterprise Manager are you using and where is it installed?

    • What version of the Intelligent Agent are you using and where is it installed?

    • What version of the database are you using and where is it installed?

    • Where is the Management Server installed?

    • What version of the Data Collection Service are you using and where is it installed?

    • Provide schema, data, scripts, or any other relevant information about your environment. If possible, provide log files to assist in problem reproduction.

  4. What error messages and numbers did you see?

  5. Turn on tracing (when available) and provide tracing information.

  6. Look at log files (when available) and provide log information.

Setting Up Logging and Tracing

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 2.1 system supports tracing and logging. Tracing is the writing of data to a display for informational purposes. Logging is the redirection of trace information to a file.

This appendix discusses the following topics:

Tracing and Logging for the Management Server

Logging and tracing of the Management Server is specified in the file, located in the $ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config directory.

Logging and Tracing Properties

The logging and tracing properties are listed below:

TRACING.ENABLED = <true>|<false>

Activates/deactivates tracing. Default is false.

LOGGING.ENABLED = <true>|<false>

Activates/deactivates logging. Default is false.

LOGGING.DIR = <directory_spec>

Default is $ORACLE_HOME\sysman\log.


In order to set LOGGING.DIR to a directory of c:\temp, you must use "\\" and set LOGGING.DIR=c:\\temp

If you do not, the \t in c:\temp is read as a tab character and the Management Server fails to start. 

TRACING.LEVEL = <oem_trace_levels>

Set value to specify the detail of trace information to collect if tracing is enabled.

Possible values for <oem_trace_levels> are listed below:


Defaults to oms.log.0, oms.log.1, oms.log.2, and so on.

LOGGING.MAX_SIZE = <integer>

Controls the total maximum size of the log files. The value you specify for the OEM.LOGGING.MAX_SIZE property is in MB. Its default value is 50 and will result in two log files of max size 25MB. Setting the parameter to 0 indicates that a single log file will be used with no limit.


Defines the maximum number of files the log will span at any given time. The cumulative size of all the files would be less than or equal to LOGGING.MAXSIZE.

Default value is 2.

Note: If LOGGING.MAX_SIZE=0 (unlimited log size), LOGGING.MAX_FILE_CNT will not make sense and hence ignored.


A true value indicates that the Management Server is to rename any existing log files from a previous Management Server invocation. Such log files would be appended with a timestamp (format: yyyyMMddHHmmss) when they are renamed.

Default value is false.


Logging and tracing of the Backup and Data Management is also specified in the file:



Management Server Logs

The Management Server places all its trace messages in Management Server log files (oms.log.0, oms.log.1, oms.log.2, and so on). It writes to one log file, and when the log file is full, it writes to the next file, recycling the last two files.

The Management Server's log files have size limits. By default, when the Management Server starts, it can only create log files with a size of 25 MB. The initial log file name is oms.log.0. If the file reaches its 25 MB limit, a separate log file is created. The separate log file name is oms.log.1. If that file reaches its 25 MB limit, the oms.log.0 file is deleted and a new log file, oms.log.2, is created. The last two log files are kept.

Important Note:

When the Management Server starts, all previous log files of the name oms.log.* are automatically deleted.  

Tracing for the Client

To activate client tracing of all client applications integrated with Enterprise Manager, add and save the following parameters and values for the file, located in the $ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config directory.


In addition, for Windows NT only, open a DOS window and set the following environment variable:


Then start a client application via the OEMAPP script. You cannot perform logging tracing of the client application on STDOUT. In other words, you cannot start the applications using icons or shortcuts if you want to trace them, and redirect the output to a file.

Tracing for the Web Browser

If you encounter problems bringing up Oracle Enterprise Manager in a browser, collect tracing information before reporting the problem to Oracle Support Services.

To set up tracing for your browser perform the following steps:

  1. Exit your browser session

  2. Start the java plug-in Console.

    From the Windows Start menu, click Programs->Oracle JInitiator Control Panel 1.1.7+. A window appears. Click the "Show Java Console" checkbox and click Apply. Close the plug-in properties window.

  3. Restart your browser and reload Oracle Enterprise Manager.

    The java console window appears, showing the java classes loaded by the plugin as well as any exceptions that may occur. If no exceptions are displayed, clear the screen (by clicking the Clear button) every 3rd or 4th screen-full of displayed information.

  4. If an exception appears in the java console window, please cut and paste it into a file and send it to Oracle Support Services along with a description of your problem.

Tracing for Paging

The paging service can be debugged and traced separately from the Management Server. If tracing is enabled, the server writes trace statements for all telephone line handling and any success or failure.

In the paging.cfg file, the following parameters influence the tracing:


Set value for debugging purposes; paging service will then track what paging is occurring by writing trace statements for all telephone line handling and any successes or failures.

The value can be either TRUE or FALSE. If the value is set to TRUE, you must specify a value for TRACEFILENAME and a value for TRACING.LEVEL. If the value is set to FALSE, you need not specify values for TRACEFILENAME and TRACING.LEVEL.


Set value to specify the detail of trace information to collect if tracing is enabled.

Possible values are listed below:


Set value for where to write tracing output if tracing is enabled.

Oracle recommends setting the value to PAGING_LOG.TRC.

By default, this file is located in the Intelligent Agent's ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\LOG directory.

Troubleshooting the Management Server

This section contains the following topics:

Management Server May Not Run Correctly from a Non-Default Oracle Home

On Unix, if the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set to the Oracle home where the management server is running, the management server will not start correctly. It will try to find its class files in the default Oracle home instead of the correct Oracle home.


To set the environment variable:

setenv ORACLE_HOME '/usr/local/oracle'


To set the environment variable:

ORACLE_HOME = '/usr/local/oracle'

On UNIX systems, the Oracle environment can also be set by calling coraenv (for the CSH) or oraenv (for any other shell). This shell script sets the oracle environment for a given identifier. This identifier can be a specific database or it can point to an ORACLE_HOME which contains the Management Server software. These scripts can be customized to include specific machine or server based settings.

Refer to the specific operating system's Oracle Administration documentation for more information about the coraenv and oraenv scripts.

Management Server Does Not Start from the Windows NT Start Menu

If you are starting the Management Server from the Windows NT Start menu and if you have chosen not to store your repository credentials during repository creation, you must enter the repository's user name that was used to create the database user and the password for that user in the Service Startup dialog box when you start the Management Server.

You Did Not Enter the Repository Credentials in the Service Dialog

If you do not supply the repository's user name and the password in the Service dialog, the Management Server logs a message in the Windows NT Event Log. See Accessing the Windows NT Event Log for more information.

Consequently, the Management Server will not start.

You Enter the Wrong Credentials in the Service Dialog

If you enter the wrong credentials, the Management Server will not start.

The Management Server log file will contain an error. The Management Server log file, oms.log, is located in the $ORACLE_HOME\sysman\log directory. Check the output to determine the problem. The message will probably say, "invalid login."

No error message will appear on screen; the information is logged in the Windows NT Event Log instead. See Accessing the Windows NT Event Log for more information.

You must restart the Management Server and reenter the correct credentials in the Service dialog for the Management Server to start.

Accessing the Windows NT Event Log

To access the Windows NT Event Log to view the events logged by the Management Server.

  1. From the Start menu->Programs->Administrative Tools (Common), select the Event Viewer item.

  2. Select Application from the Log menu.

  3. When the log screen appears, double-click any event logged by the Oracle<Oracle_Home_Name>ManagementServer service which have red octagonal stop signs next to them. These will be the errors reported by the Management Server, if any.

Changing Your Management Server for Client Access

If a Management Server fails in a multi-Management Server environment, it only affects the clients connected to it. Each Management Server is independent of the other Management Servers connected to the repository.

To change your Management Server node to another node where a Management Server is still running, follow the procedure below.

  1. In the Oracle Enterprise Manager login, select a node that has a Management Server which is configured with the repository you want to access from the Management Server pull-down list.

    If the node name where the Management Server is running does not appear in the pull-down list, follow the instructions below:

    1. Click the Management Servers button. The Management Servers dialog appears.

    2. Click the Add button. The Add Management Server dialog appears.

    3. Type in the name of the node where the Oracle Management Server is running that is configured with the repository you want to access and click OK.

    4. Select the node where the Oracle Management Server is running from the pull-down list.

  2. On each machine which runs Oracle Enterprise Manager through a web browser, return to the EmWebSite.html page to change the machine name to point to the node where a management server is running. You cannot simply enter a new Management Server machine name at the Oracle Enterprise Manager Login screen.

Setting the Ping Interval

In Release 2.1, the Management Server is designed to ping all targets on a pre-defined interval to monitor the state of all managed targets.

To manage the interval between pings, you can use the following property in the file to set the ping interval:

oms.vdp.ping_interval=<integer; time in minutes>

Note that the interval set determines the interval at which the Management Server tests for node up/down, regardless of what you set in the event which contains a node up/down test.

Troubleshooting the Paging Service

Paging Does Not Work

If you have followed the instructions for configuring your paging service and it still does not work, check the following:

Registering the Paging Service with a Remote Oracle Management Server

By default paging services are configured to register with a local Management Server using boot port 7771.

However, you must edit the PAGING.CFG file so that the service registers with the remote Management Server and/or registers with the Management Server on a different boot port if the Management Server is:

You must add the following properties to the PAGING.CFG file located in the Intelligent Agent's ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config directory:


Replace <oms-hostname> with the hostname of the remote Oracle Management Server and <integer> with the boot port the Management Server is using.

Modifying the Paging Service Information from the Enterprise Manager Console

From the Enterprise Manager Console, you may modify dialing information for your paging service (i.e. country code, area code, phone number and suffix.). You can edit these properties by following the instructions below:

  1. Go to the Navigator pane of the Console.

  2. Open the Paging Services folder.

  3. Right mouse-click on the appropriate paging carrier.

  4. Select Edit and the Edit Paging Carrier dialog box appears.

Page Notification Fails

If a page notification fails, the paging service will try to resend the page three more times. The interval of time between these retries is a value that can be altered. By default, the interval of time between retries is 1 minute. You can change this default setting by editing the OMSCONFIG.PROPERTIES file located in the Management Server's ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config directory. Users can add the property


to the OMSCONFIG.PROPERTIES file and replace <integer> with the number of minutes between retries.

Troubleshooting the Web Browser

If you start the web browser, log in to the Console, but the Console hangs, and the following is displayed in JInitiator Console:

The Console hangs after you start the web browser and log into the Console. The following message is displayed in the JInitiator Console:

Cannot assign requested address]

You must perform the following steps:

  1. Check that JInitiator uses browser settings for the proxy.

  2. Append the domain name to webserver address you type in the browser, e.g.

  3. Edit the browser settings and add that domain to "no proxy settings for" or edit the browser settings and choose Direct Connection to Internet.

Resetting the Password

If you forget your SYSMAN password and need to reset it to oem_temp, follow the instructions below:

You must first be connected to the Management Server repository (via SQL*Plus) before using the reset_sysman() procedure.

  1. Start SQL*Plus from the command line by typing:


  2. When you are prompted for the connection information, type:


    to connect to the database.

    For example:


    since the default repository name is the hostname.

  3. Then type:

    execute smp_maintenance.reset_sysman(); 

Troubleshooting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant

Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant Errors

This section describes the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant error messages and their probable causes, and provides the actions recommended to correct them. file is not accessible

If the file is not writable, the "Configuration File Not Accessible" page appears. Please refer to Configuration File Not Accessible on page B-10 for more information.

The Database User You Chose Does Not Have the Necessary DBA Privileges

When you login as a DBA user on a selected database, the Configuration Assistant checks whether the user has the necessary privileges. If the user does not have the necessary DBA privileges, a message appears: "The database user you chose does not have the necessary DBA privileges. Logon to the database as a user with DBA privileges." Click OK to dismiss the message box. You must enter the proper credentials in order to continue. Enter the credentials and try again.

Select Database for Repository Login is Unsuccessful

If you have entered an invalid username, password, or service, an error message indicating the failure appears. For example: "Connection failed ORA-01017: Invalid username/password; logon denied" message appears. Click OK to dismiss the message box. Enter the data and try again.

The User Already Exists

The user already exists, and already contains an incomplete Enterprise Management Release 2 repository. A repository create, drop, or upgrade operation may be in progress, or a previous operation may have failed. Continuing the current operation can replace incomplete components and create missing components in the repository.

What would you like to do?

If a repository operation is already actively in progress elsewhere, do not continue. Attempting to perform simultaneous operations on the same repository may cause repository corruption.

The user "<username>" already contains a complete and up-to-date Enterprise Manager V2 repository

The user "<username>" already contains a complete and up-to-date Enterprise Manager Release 2 repository. If you wish to overwrite the existing repository, first use the Drop option.

The User Already Exists and Contains a V1 Repository

If the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant detects that the chosen repository name is the name of an already existing user/schema in the database and that it contains an Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 1.x repository, a message appears: "The user already exists and contains a V1 repository. A V2 repository may not coexist with a V1 repository in the same schema. Please choose another user name."

The User Already Exists in this Database

If the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant detects that the chosen repository name is the name of an already existing user/schema in the database, and that it contains neither an Oracle Enterprise Manager Release 2.1 nor Release 1.x repository, a message appears: "The user already exists in this database. Do you wish to create the repository within this user's schema anyway?"

If you choose no, you may select a different user name.

If you choose yes, the "Create Repository Summary" page appears. Refer to Step 5 "Create Repository Summary" on page 2-14 for more information.

The Management Server on this Machine is Currently Managing a Repository Owned by user <user_name> on service <service_name>

During create repository, if the Configuration Assistant detects that a managed repository is already specified in the file, and you are creating a repository that is different from the managed repository, a message appears: "The Management Server on this machine is currently managing a repository owned by user <user_name> on service <service_name>. Would you like to change it to now manage the repository owned by user <user_name> on service <service_name>?"

If you choose yes, the configuration will be updated. The Management Server must be stopped and restarted in order for the changes to the configuration file to take effect. If you choose no, the configuration will not be updated. The "Create Repository Summary" page and the steps in the Configuration Assistant Progress Window will reflect your choices.

You have chosen the user's default or temporary tablespace to be SYSTEM.

Note that the Configuration Assistant, when it creates the user for an Oracle Enterprise Manager repository, asks you for the default and temporary tablespaces to use. If you choose SYSTEM for either of these, Configuration Assistant puts up the following warning: "You have chosen the user's default or temporary tablespace to be SYSTEM. We recommend the SYSTEM tablespace be used only for data dictionary tables and the SYSTEM rollback segment. Are you sure?" Pick another tablespace.

The Default Tablespace for the Repository Does Not Contain Enough Free Space

If the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant detects that the default tablespace for the repository does not contain enough free space, the following message appears: "The default tablespace for the repository does not contain enough free space." Refer to Repository Database Default Tablespace Does Not Contain Enough Free Space on page C-21 for information for possible solutions.

Repository Database Default Tablespace Does Not Contain Enough Free Space

The Configuration Assistant checks that the selected default tablespace for the repository has the appropriate attributes/characteristics, but if it does not contain enough free space, the following message appears: "The default tablespace for the repository does not contain enough free space."

For 8.1.x, use the OEM_REPOSITORY tablespace if it exists. It is the default tablespace for Enterprise Manager.

If you are creating a repository in a new user, the Configuration Assistant's Select Repository User Tablespaces screen strongly encourages you to create an OEM_REPOSITORY tablespace. Using the Enterprise Configuration Assistant to create the OEM_REPOSITORY tablespace ensures that the tablespace has appropriate attributes/characteristics.

However, if you prefer, you can create another tablespace or increase the size of an existing tablespace.


You do not have to exit from the Configuration Assistant when using DBA Studio's Storage Management to create another tablespace or increase the size of an existing tablespace. 

Refer to Appendix D, "Repository Sizing" to determine storage requirements and disk space allocation for your Oracle Enterprise Manager repository.

Creating an OEM_REPOSITORY Tablespace if One Does Not Exist

If the OEM_REPOSITORY tablespace has not been created for you, the "Create a new OEM_REPOSITORY tablespace (recommended)" option is available on the "Select Repository User Tablespaces" page of the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant.

Select this option if you want to create the OEM_REPOSITORY tablespace. Using the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant to create the OEM_REPOSITORY tablespace gives that tablespace appropriate attributes/characteristics. Then use it as the user's default tablespace.

Creating Another Tablespace

To use DBA Studio's Storage Management to create a new tablespace, follow the procedure described in this section:

  1. Start the DBA Studio in standalone mode.

    • On Windows NT:

      You can start the DBA Studio from the Windows Start Menu->Programs->Oracle-<Oracle_Home_Name>-> DBA Management Pack->DBA Studio.

    • On UNIX:

      You can start the DBA Studio from the command line using the command:

      oemapp dbastudio

    When the login dialog appears, choose Connect directly to databases and press OK.

  2. Double-click the database icon in the DBA Studio navigator tree and connect to the database as a user with the SYSDBA privilege.

  3. Select Create from the Object menu, then Tablespace, and click Create. The Create Tablespace property sheet appears.

  4. In the Create Tablespace Property Sheet's General page, enter the name of the new tablespace and specify that the tablespace will be used to hold permanent database objects.

  5. In the Datafile section, enter the size of the new datafile. The File Name and File Directory columns should already contain default entries.

  6. Right-click the "+" sign which appears next to the name of the datafile (<name>.ora) and choose Edit, double-click the datafile row, or choose the Edit button (pencil icon). The Create Datafile property sheet appears.

  7. In the Create Datafile's Storage page, select the "Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND)" box so that the datafile will automatically increase in size when more space is needed in the database.

  8. Click the OK button in the Create Datafile property sheet.

  9. In the Create Tablespace Property Sheet's Storage page, choose a method of space management. You cannot alter the method at a later time.

  10. Click the Create button in the Create Tablespace Property Sheet.

Increasing the Size of an Existing Tablespace

To use DBA Studio's Storage Management to increase the size of an existing tablespace, follow the procedure described in this section:

  1. Start the DBA Studio in standalone mode.

    • On Windows NT:

      You can start the DBA Studio from the Windows Start Menu->Programs->Oracle-<Oracle_Home_Name>-> DBA Management Pack->DBA Studio.

    • On UNIX:

      You can start the DBA Studio from the command line using the command:

      oemapp dbastudio

    When the login dialog appears, choose Connect directly to databases and press OK.

  2. Double-click the database icon in the DBA Studio navigator tree and connect to the database as a user with the SYSDBA privilege.

  3. Expand the Storage Management node.

  4. Double-click the datafile you want to increase from the Datafiles folder. The General page of the Datafile property sheet appears, allowing you to edit the file size of the datafile.

  5. Click the Apply button in the General page.

  6. Click on the Storage tab. The Storage page of the Datafile property sheet appears.

  7. Check the "Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND)" box and click the Apply button.

Database Parameters Not Large Enough for Repository Operation

An Oracle Management Server will open a number of repository database sessions while processing work on behalf of clients and managed nodes.

The number of sessions required by a single Management Server generally ranges from 5 to 3, depending on the load placed on the Management Server. More repository database sessions may be required under the following circumstances:

If other applications are accessing the same database used for the Enterprise Manager Repository this will increase the session load on the database and should be considered when setting up the database.

If your processes setting is too low for Oracle Enterprise Manager, you will receive an error message similar to the following in the oms.log file located in the Oracle_OEM_Home/sysman/log directory.

can't open a session

For large workloads, or for cases where multiple applications are accessing the database where the repository resides, you can increase the processes parameter in the database init.ora to accommodate the workload.

To use Instance Management to change your database parameters, follow the procedure described in this section:

  1. Start the DBA Studio in standalone mode.

    • On Windows NT:

      You can start the DBA Studio from the Windows Start Menu->Programs->Oracle-<Oracle_Home_Name>-> DBA Management Pack->DBA Studio.

    • On UNIX:

      You can start the DBA Studio from the command line using the command:

      oemapp dbastudio

    When the login dialog appears, choose Connect directly to databases, and press OK.

  2. Double-click the database icon in the DBA Studio navigator tree and connect to the database as a user with the SYSDBA privilege.

  3. Expand the Instance Management node.

  4. Click the All Initialization Parameters button in the Database Property Sheet's General page.

  5. Change the value of the parameter.

  6. Click Save As button on the All Initialization Parameters page. The Save Initialization Parameters dialog appears.

  7. Enter the complete directory path and a file name or use the Browse button to find a location on your local operating system to place the file and enter the file name.

  8. Press OK to save the file.

Changing the Permissions on the File

If you have chosen to store your repository credentials in the file during repository creation, you may want to change the permissions on the file to restrict who can view it.

If you change the file permissions, other users cannot view the file.


The repository credentials stored in the file do not expose plain text passwords. The password, if present, is encrypted in that file. 


To change the file permissions, at the command prompt, enter:

$ chmod 600 

This command sets the read and write permissions only for the owner of the file.

Windows NT:

To change the file permissions, perform the following steps.

  1. From the Start menu->Programs, select the Windows NT Explorer item.

  2. From Oracle_Home/sysman/config directory, select the file.

  3. Right-click the selected file, and then choose the Properties item in the resulting pop-up menu.

  4. Select the Security tab from the Properties dialog. Note: This step only applies to NTFS file systems.

  5. Press the Permissions push-button on the Security page to display the File Permissions dialog. The default is "Everyone" has Full Control (All). The type of Access is Full Control.

  6. Click the Remove button to remove this entry.

  7. Click the Add button to display the Add Users and Groups window.

  8. Click the Show Users button to view all users.

  9. Select the user who starts the Management Server regularly and uses the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant for the "type of access" field and select "select full control" from the drop down list.

  10. Click the OK button to dismiss the Add Users and Groups dialog.

  11. Click the OK button to dismiss the File Permissions dialog.

  12. Click the OK button to dismiss the file Properties dialog.

You can provide access to multiple usernames.

Determining the SGA Size

The two primary factors in determining SGA size are:

The amount of RAM available to the instance is memory dedicated to the repository's instance. This must not include memory needed for other instances and applications on the repository host node. The amount of activity includes all active (submitted) jobs, active (registered) events, hosts monitored, and connected administrators. As activity increases, so will the demands on the instance.

If the instance is dedicated to the Management Server repository, the basic minimums are listed below:

db_block_size = 2048             # EM is a strict OLTP application

db_block_buffers = 2048           # **May need increase under heavy load**

sort_area_size = 128000           # **May need increase under heavy load**

sort_area_retained_size = 128000  # **May need increase under heavy load**

log_buffer = 64000               # **May need increase under heavy load**

The Management Server repository transactions tend to be short, so rollback space usually is not a problem. Watch your redo log size and log_buffer size if a high transaction (activity per above) rate is expected.

Troubleshooting Job Notifications


The job notifications are not being delivered and the console status remains in scheduled. Sometimes the jobs work and sometimes the jobs fail. Resubmitting one of the jobs results in a "job already submitted" error.


The agent may be delivering job status/output for the job to two different Consoles operating at different IP addresses.

Another Enterprise Manager installation is probably running on another node with the same repository name as the first node. Some job notifications are delivered to the first node and some notifications to the second node, depending on which machine last registered itself. You must check what is running on the nodes and decide which one is your Management Server.

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