Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
Release 2.0.6







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Intended Audience
How This Book Is Organized
Part I: Getting Started
Part II: Managing Oracle Internet Directory
Part III: Deploying Oracle Internet Directory
Part IV: Appendixes
Related Oracle Documents

Part I Getting Started

1 Introduction

What is a Directory?
What is LDAP?
Oracle Internet Directory Features
High Availability

2 Concepts and Architecture

Kinds of Attribute Information
Single-Valued and Multi-Valued Attributes
Common LDAP Attributes
Attribute Syntax
Attribute Matching Rules
Object Classes
Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance
Object Class Types
Abstract Object Classes
Structural Object Classes
Auxiliary Object Classes
Distributed Directories
Overview of Replication
Directory Replication Groups and Replication Agreements
Oracle Advanced Symmetric Replication (ASR)
Replication Architecture
How Replication Works
Anonymous Authentication
Simple Authentication
Strong Authentication with SSL
Access Control and Authorization
Data Integrity
Data Privacy
National Language Support
Oracle Internet Directory Architecture
Architectural Overview
An Oracle Internet Directory Node
An LDAP Directory Server Instance
Configuration Set Entries
How Oracle Internet Directory Works: An Example
Further Reading

3 Preliminary Tasks

Step One: Start the OID Monitor Daemon
Starting the OID Monitor Daemon
Stopping the OID Monitor Daemon
Step Two: Start Server Instances
Starting an LDAP Server Instance
Stopping an LDAP Server Instance
Starting an Oracle Directory Replication Server Instance
Stopping an Oracle Directory Replication Server Instance
Restarting Directory Server Instances
Troubleshooting Directory Server Instance Startup
Step Three: Reset the Default Security Configuration

4 Using the Administration Tools

Using Oracle Directory Manager
Starting Oracle Directory Manager
Connecting to a Directory Server
Navigating Oracle Directory Manager
The Oracle Directory Manager Menu Bar
The Oracle Directory Manager Toolbar
Connecting to Additional Directory Servers
Disconnecting from a Directory Server
Performing Administration Tasks by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Using Command Line Tools
Using Bulk Tools
Using OID Control Utility
Using the Catalog Management Tool
Using the OID Database Password Utility
Administration Tasks at a Glance

Part II Managing Oracle Internet Directory

5 Managing an Oracle Directory Server

Managing Server Configuration Set Entries
Preliminary Considerations
Managing Server Configuration Set Entries by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Viewing Configuration Set Entries
Adding Configuration Set Entries
Modifying Configuration Set Entries
Deleting Configuration Set Entries
Managing Server Configuration Set Entries by Using Command Line Tools
Adding Configuration Set Entries by Using ldapadd
Modifying and Deleting Configuration Set Entries by Using ldapmodify
Setting System Operational Attributes
Setting System Operational Attributes by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Setting System Operational Attributes by Using ldapmodify
Managing Super, Guest, and Proxy Users
Managing User Names and Passwords by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Managing User Names and Passwords by Using ldapmodify
Viewing Active Server Instance Information
Setting Debug Logging Levels by Using the OID Control Utility
Using Audit Log
Structure of Audit Log Entries
Position of Audit Log Entries in the DIT
Auditable Events
Auditing Events
Setting the Audit Level by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Setting the Audit Level by Using ldapmodify
Searching for Audit Log Entries
Searching for Audit Log Entries by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Searching for Audit Log Entries by Using ldapsearch
Changing the Password to an Oracle Data Server

6 Managing Directory Schema

Guidelines for Managing Object Classes
Adding Object Classes
Modifying Object Classes
Deleting Object Classes
Managing Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Searching for Object Classes
Viewing Properties of Object Classes
Viewing All Object Classes in the Schema
Viewing Properties of an Individual Object Class
Adding Object Classes
Modifying Object Classes
Deleting Object Classes
Managing Object Classes by Using Command Line Tools
Example 1: Adding a New Object Class
Example 2: Modifying an Auxiliary Object Class by Adding a New Attribute
Rules for Managing Attributes
Adding Attributes
Modifying Attributes
Deleting Attributes
Managing Attributes by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Searching for Attributes
Adding an Attribute
Adding a New Attribute
Adding an Attribute by Copying an Existing Attribute
Modifying an Attribute
Indexing an Attribute
Viewing Indexed Attributes
Indexing an Attribute When You Create It
Dropping an Index from an Attribute
Managing Attributes by Using Command Line Tools
Adding and Modifying Attributes
Finding a Syntax Object ID
Indexing an Attribute by Using Command Line Tools
Indexing an Attribute for Which No Directory Data Exists
Indexing an Attribute for Which Directory Data Exists

7 Managing Directory Entries

Managing Entries by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Searching for Entries
Searching for Audit Log Entries
Viewing Directory Entry Attributes
Adding Entries
Adding a New Entry
Adding an Entry by Copying an Existing Entry
Example: Adding a User Entry by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Adding Group Entries
Modifying Entries
Example: Modifying a User Entry by Oracle Directory Manager
Managing Entries by Using Command Line Tools
Example: Adding a User Entry by Using ldapadd
Example: Modifying a User Entry by Using ldapmodify
Managing Entries by Using Bulk Tools
Importing an LDIF File by Using bulkload
Step 1: Back up the Oracle server
Step 2: Find out the Oracle Internet Directory password
Step 3: Check input for schema and data consistency violations
Step 4: Generate the input files for SQL*Loader
Step 5: Load the input files
If Bulk Loading Fails
Converting Directory Data to LDIF
Modifying a Large Number of Entries
Deleting a Large Number of Entries

8 Managing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Supported Cipher Suites
SSL Client Scenarios
Configuring SSL Parameters
Configuring SSL Parameters by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Configuring SSL Parameters by Using Command Line Tools
Issues Specific to This Release of Oracle Internet Directory

9 Managing Directory Access Control

Overview of Access Control Policy Administration
Access Control Management Constructs
Access Control Policy Points
Privilege Groups
Access Control Information Components
Object: To What Are You Granting Access?
Subject: To Whom Are You Granting Access?
Operations: What Access Are You Granting?
ACL Evaluation
ACL Evaluation Precedence Rules
Assigning More Than One ACI to the Same Object
Granting Exclusionary Access to Objects
ACL Evaluation For Groups
Access Level Requirements for LDAP Operations
Managing Access Control by Using Oracle Directory Manager
Modifying Existing ACPs and their ACI Directives
Viewing an ACP
Adding Structural Access Items to an Existing ACP
Adding Content Access Items to an Existing ACP
Modifying Structural Access Items of an Existing ACP
Modifying Content Access Items of an Existing ACP
Adding an ACP and Creating Access Items
Managing ACPs: An Example
Create a New ACP
Create Another ACI
Create a Third ACI
Create a Fourth ACI
Granting Entry-Level Access
Managing Access Control by Using Command Line Tools
Managing Access Control: Examples
Setting Up an Inheritable ACP by Using ldapmodify
Setting Up Entry-Level ACIs by Using ldapmodify
Typical Access Control Policies

10 Managing Directory Replication

Installing and Configuring Replication
Step 1: Install Oracle Internet Directory on All Nodes in the DRG
Step 2: Configure Database Parameters for ASR on All Nodes
Step 3: Decide Which Node Will Serve as the ASR Master Definition Site (MDS)
Step 4: At the MDS, Set Up ASR for a Directory Replication Group
Prepare the Net8 Environment for Replication
Configure Oracle ASR For Directory Replication
Step 5: Start Oracle Directory Server Instances on All the Nodes
Step 6: Configure Replication
Replication Server Configuration Parameters
Replication Agreement Parameters
Step 7: Start the Replication Servers on All the Nodes
Toggling the Change-Log Flag
Toggling the Multi-Master Flag
Adding a Replication Node
Step 1: Stop the Replication Server on All Nodes
Step 2: Configure the New Node into the LDAP Replication Group on All the Existing
Step 3: Identify a Sponsor Node and Switch the Sponsor Node to Read-Only Mode
Step 4: Back Up the Sponsor Node by Using ldifwrite
Step 5: Perform ASR Add Node Setup
Step 6: Switch the Sponsor Node to Updatable Mode
Step 7: Start the Replication Server on All Nodes Except the New Node
Step 8: Load Data into the New Node by Using bulkload
Step 9: Start LDAP Server on the New Node
Step 10: Configure the LDAP Replication Agreement on the New Node
Step 11: Start the Replication Server on the New Node
Conflict Resolution
Entry-Level Conflicts
Attribute-Level Conflicts
Typical Causes of Conflicts
Automated Resolution of Conflicts
Manual Resolution of Conflicts
Sample Conflict Resolution Messages
The Replication Process
Adding a New Entry
Deleting an Entry
Modifying an Entry
Modifying a Relative Distinguished Name
Modifying a Distinguished Name

11 Managing National Language Support (NLS)

The NLS_LANG Environment Variable
Using NLS with LDIF Files
An LDIF file Containing Only ASCII Strings
An LDIF file Containing UTF-8 Encoded Strings
CASE 1: Native Strings (Non-UTF8)
CASE 2: UTF-8 Strings
CASE 3: BASE64 Encoding of UTF8 Strings
CASE 4: BASE64 Encoding of Native Strings
Using NLS with Command Line Tools
Specifying the -E Argument When Using Each Tool
Examples: Using the -E Argument with Command Line Tools
Setting NLS_LANG in the Client Environment
Using NLS with Bulk Tools

Part III Deploying Oracle Internet Directory

12 Capacity Planning

About Capacity Planning
Getting to Know Directory Usage Patterns: Acme Corporation
I/O Subsystem Requirements
Rough Estimates of Disk Space Requirements
Detailed Calculations of Disk Space Requirements
Memory Requirements
Network Requirements
CPU Requirements
Rough Estimates of CPU Requirements
Detailed Calculations of CPU Requirements
Summary of Capacity Plan for Acme Corporation

13 Tuning

Tools for Performance Tuning
CPU Usage Tuning
Tuning CPU for Oracle Internet Directory Processes
Tuning Oracle Internet Directory Processes When CPU Is 100% Utilized
Tuning Oracle Internet Directory Processes When CPU Is Under-Utilized
Tuning CPU for Oracle Foreground Processes
Taking Advantage of Processor Affinity on SMP Systems
Other Alternatives for a CPU Constrained System
Memory Tuning
Tuning the System Global Area (SGA) for Oracle8i
Other Alternatives for a Memory-Constrained System
Disk Tuning
Balancing Tablespaces
Database Tuning
Required Parameters
Parameters Dependent on Oracle Internet Directory Server Configuration
Using MTS
SGA Parameters Dependent on Hardware Resources
Performance Troubleshooting
If LDAP Search Performance is Poor
If LDAP Add/Modify Performance is Poor

14 High Availability And Failover

The Oracle Internet Directory/Oracle8i Technology Stack
Failover Options on Clients
Alternate Server List from User Input
Alternate Server List from the Oracle Internet Directory Server
Failover Options in the Public Network Infrastructure
Hardware-Based Connection Redirection
Software-Based Connection Redirection
Availability and Failover Capabilities in Oracle Internet Directory
Failover Options in the Private Network Infrastructure
IP Address Takeover (IPAT)
Redundant Links
Deployment Examples

Part IV Appendixes

A Syntax for LDIF and Command Line Tools

Using LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF)
Using Command Line Tools
Examples of ldapsearch Filters
Using Bulk Tools
Using the Catalog Management Tool
Using the OID Database Password Utility

B Adding a DSA Using the Database Copy Procedure

Sponsor Directory Site Environment
New Directory Site Environment
Tasks To Be Performed on the Sponsor Node
Tasks To Be Performed on the New Node
Verification Process

C Troubleshooting

Installation Errors
Administration Error Messages and Causes
Oracle Database Server Error Due to Schema Modifications
Standard Error Messages Returned from Oracle Directory Server
Additional Error Messages

D Using Oracle Wallet Manager

Security Concepts
Starting Oracle Wallet Manager
Managing Wallets
Creating a New Wallet
Opening an Existing Wallet
Closing a Wallet
Saving Changes
Saving a Wallet to a New Location
Saving in System Default
Deleting the Wallet
Changing the Password
Managing Certificates
Managing User Certificates
Creating a Certificate Request
Exporting a User Certificate Request
Importing the User Certificate into the Wallet
Removing a User Certificate from a Wallet
Managing Trusted Certificates
Importing a Trusted Certificate
Removing a Trusted Certificate
Exporting a Trusted Certificate
Exporting All Trusted Certificates
Exporting a Wallet

E Using Access Control Directive Format

Schema for orclACI
Schema for orclEntryLevelACI

F Oracle Internet Directory Schema Elements

IETF Requests for Comments (RFCs) Enforced by Oracle Internet Directory
IETF Drafts Enforced by Oracle Internet Directory
Proprietary Oracle Internet Directory Schema Elements
LDAP Syntax
LDAP Syntax Enforced by Oracle Internet Directory
Commonly Used LDAP Syntax Recognized by Oracle Internet Directory
Additional LDAP Syntax Recognized by Oracle Internet Directory
Size of Attribute Values
Matching Rules



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