Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A88769-01
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Beginning with Release 9.0 when you launch the Enterprise Manager Console or various other Enterprise Manager applications, you are prompted to choose between launching the product standalone (i.e. not connecting to the middle tier Management Server) or logging into a Management Server.

Launching the Console standalone allows a single administrator to perform simple database schema, instance, storage, security, and other database tasks by connecting directly to the target database(s).

Launching standalone does not require a middle tier Management Server or Intelligent Agents on target machines.

This chapter will describe configuration requirements for running the Console standalone.

Choosing to Launch the Console Standalone

When you launch the Enterprise Manager Console, you are prompted to choose between launching the product standalone or logging into a Management Server.

Figure 2-1 Oracle Enterprise Manager Login

Text description of login_st.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration login_st.gif

Choose to launch the Console standalone when you want to connect directly to your managed target(s) to perform administration tasks. With Enterprise Manager Release 9.0 the standalone Console only supports connecting directly to database targets, no other target types are currently supported.

Figure 2-2 Standalone Configuration

Text description of two_tier.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration two_tier.gif

Launching standalone does not require a Management Server as a middle tier or Intelligent Agents on managed targets. Consequently, when you launch the Console standalone, you do not have access to functionality typically available through the Management Server and Intelligent Agent, such as:

Figure 2-3 Standalone Console

Text description of standalo.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration standalo.gif

Starting the Standalone Console

On Windows-based platforms, you start the Console from the Windows Start Menu.

On any supported platform, you can launch the Console from the command line by using the command:

oemapp console

On UNIX platforms, the oemapp part of the command line is case-sensitive and must be entered with lowercase characters.

Regardless of how you started the Console, you will be presented with the Console login dialog.

Figure 2-4 Enterprise Manager Login

Text description of login_st.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration login_st.gif

When the dialog appears, choose "Launch standalone" and press OK.


The login choice is remembered for the next time you log in whether the last login was Launch standalone or Login to the Oracle Management Server. If you had selected Login to the Oracle Management Server, the Management Server is remembered.  

To bypass the Console login, you can enter the following command at any supported operating system command line:

oemapp console oem.loginmode=standalone

By entering the command, you will immediately see the standalone Console.

If you are starting the standalone Console for the first time, the left panel of standalone Console is empty because you have not yet added the databases you want to manage. The Add Database To Tree dialog appears automatically so that you can add them to the navigator tree.

Adding Databases to the Tree in the Standalone Console

The Add Database To Tree dialog is also available from the Navigator menu.

Figure 2-5 Add Database to Tree

Text description of add_db_t.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration add_db_t.gif

The Add Database To Tree dialog allows you to manually enter the Net service names or add them from the local tnsnames.ora file.

Add a database manually

You can add databases to the standalone Console navigator tree by manually filling in the following fields:



Adding a database manually automatically updates the local tnsnames.ora file located in your <Oracle_Enterprise_Manager_Home>/network/admin directory. 

Add selected databases from your local tnsnames.ora file

You can populate the standalone Console navigator tree by reading the database service names from the local tnsnames.ora file located in your Oracle Enterprise Manager home. The Add Database To Tree dialog displays a list of databases identified in your tnsnames.ora file from which you can select or deselect. Click the column header to the left of Service Name to either select or deselect all the databases. If you have deselected all the databases, you can choose specific databases by selecting their checkboxes.


Currently only TCP/IP service names can be added manually for the standalone Console. If other network protocols are required, add them by entering them in the tnsnames.ora file using the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant. All protocols are supported when you import selected services from your tnsnames.ora file. 

After adding databases to the tree, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for details on how to use the standalone Console to perform administration tasks.

Standalone Repository

The standalone Console includes several integrated applications. Some of these integrated applications require a standalone repository in which to save information; they include:


The standalone repository is different from the repository used by the Management Server since it is used for a single user while the Management repository is used for multiple users. 

The first time one of the above standalone applications is accessed, you will be prompted to create a database user who will own the standalone repository schema or if you have already created the user to specify its username and password.

Figure 2-6 Prompt to Create Database User

Text description of prompt.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration prompt.gif

Figure 2-7 Repository Login

Text description of replogin.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration replogin.gif

Because this database user must have certain roles and privileges, Oracle recommends creating a new database user to own the standalone repository schema. In addition, because certain tablespace attributes are required for the standalone repository, you should also create a new tablespace. Once the user and tablespace have been created, you can supply the user's username and password, and the standalone application will automatically create the standalone repository for you.

When subsequent standalone applications which require a standalone repository are accessed, they will all use the same standalone repository.


You do not have to be prompted with the standalone repository dialog every time you start your standalone application. You can click the "Save password and automatically log into repository next time" checkbox to save the credentials for future use. 

Database Requirements for Standalone Repository

The following database releases are supported for the standalone repository:

You must ensure that the database in which the repository will be placed has object support. If it does not, repository creation will fail. Either choose another database that has object support, or install and enable object support on the chosen database.


Object support is installed and enabled by default for database releases 9.0, 8.1.7, and 8.1.6, but is not installed and enabled by default for the enterprise edition database release 8.0.6. 

Create a Tablespace for Standalone Repository

Create a tablespace with the following attributes:

To create a tablespace for the standalone repository, first select the database in which you want to place the standalone repository, ensuring it meets the requirements outlined. Then, follow the procedure described in this section:

  1. Start the standalone Console.

    • On Windows:

      You can start the standalone Console from the Windows Start Menu.

    • On UNIX:

      You can start the standalone Console from the command line using the command:

      oemapp console

    When the login dialog appears, choose "Launch standalone" to connect directly to databases and press OK.

  2. Double-click the database node in the navigator tree and connect to the database as a user with the NORMAL privilege.

  3. Select Create from the Object menu. The Create window appears.

  4. Expand the database node in the Create window and select Tablespace. Then click the Create button. The Create Tablespace property sheet appears.

  5. In the Create Tablespace Property Sheet's General page,

    1. Enter the name of the new tablespace, OEM_REPOSITORY.

    2. Specify that the tablespace will be used to hold permanent database objects.

  6. In the Datafile section, enter the size of the new datafile. The File Name and File Directory columns should already contain default entries. The datafile is called OEM_REPOSITORY.dbf or OEM_REPOSITORY.ora depending on the version of the database.

  7. Right-click the "+" sign which appears next to OEM_REPOSITORY.dbf and choose Edit. The Create Datafile property sheet appears.

  8. In the Create Datafile's General page, select the Reuse Existing File box.

  9. In the Create Datafile's Storage page, fill the appropriate attributes

    1. Select the "Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND)" box so that the datafile will automatically increase in size when more space is needed in the database.

    2. Specify 5 MB as the Increment.

    3. Specify 2000 MB as the Maximum Size.

  10. Click the OK button in the Create Datafile property sheet.

  11. In the Create Tablespace Property Sheet's Storage page, fill in the proper attributes according to the database version

    for 9.0, 8.1.7, and 8.1.6 databases, choose Locally Managed as the method of space management.

    for an 8.0.6 database:

    • Initial Size 16K

    • Next Size 128K

    • Minimum Size 16 K

    • Increment Size by 0 %

    • Minimum Number 1

    • Maximum Number UNLIMITED

  12. Click the Create button in the Create Tablespace Property Sheet.

Create a Database User for Standalone Repository

A standalone repository is owned by a database user. A database user (repository schema user) who will own the repository must be created before the standalone repository can be created by Enterprise Manager.

To create a database user who will own the standalone repository, follow the procedure described in this section:

  1. Start the standalone Console.

  2. Double-click the database node in the navigator tree and connect to the database as a user with the NORMAL role.

  3. Select Create from the Object menu. The Create window appears.

  4. Expand the database node in the Create window and select User. Then click the Create button. The Create User property sheet appears.

  5. In the General page, provide the name of the user and its password and select OEM_REPOSITORY as the default tablespace and TEMP as the temporary tablespace.

  6. In the Role page, grant the CONNECT and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE roles to the repository user.

  7. In the System Privileges page grant the CREATE TRIGGER, CREATE PROCEDURE, EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE, CREATE TYPE, EXECUTE ANY TYPE, SELECT ANY TABLE, and (for 9i) SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privileges to the repository user.

  8. In the Quota page, specify unlimited for OEM_REPOSITORY and TEMP.

  9. Click the Create button in the Create User property sheet.

Once you have a tablespace and a repository user, launch a standalone application which requires a standalone repository.

When the dialog appears informing you that certain features of Enterprise Manager require a standalone repository and you must create a new database user to own the standalone repository schema, click OK to dismiss the dialog since you have already created the user.

Supply the user's username and password for the repository login and press OK. The standalone application will automatically create the standalone repository for you.


If you use the Console standalone but later want to deploy the entire framework, you will not be able to migrate the standalone repository to the full framework/Management Server repository. This type of migration is not supported. Exporting the data of the standalone repository and importing it into another schema and having that schema work with the Management Server repository is also not supported. 

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