Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 9.0.1

Part Number A88769-01
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1 Introduction

Product Architecture
First Tier: Centralized Consoles
Second Tier: Central, Scalable and Reliable Oracle Management Servers
Third Tier: Managed Targets and Autonomous Intelligent Agents
Architectural Extensibility
Deployment Options
Client/Server Deployment
Three Tier Deployment
System and Hardware Requirements

2 Standalone

Choosing to Launch the Console Standalone
Starting the Standalone Console
Adding Databases to the Tree in the Standalone Console
Standalone Repository
Database Requirements for Standalone Repository
Create a Tablespace for Standalone Repository
Create a Database User for Standalone Repository

3 Configuring and Controlling the Management Server

Starting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant
Configuring a Local Management Server To Use a New Release 9i Repository
Configuration Operation
Configure Oracle Management Server
Create New Repository Options
Select Database Location
Change Database SID
Select Database for Repository
Repository Login Information
Select Repository User Tablespaces
Create Repository Summary
Configuration Assistant Progress Window
Configuring a Local Management Server To Use An Existing Repository
Configuration Operation
Configure Management Server
Edit Configuration Parameters
Select Management Region
Configuration Parameters Summary
Upgrading a Release 2.x Repository to a Release 9i Repository
Stopping Management Servers and Enterprise Manager Applications
Backing Up the Repository
Coordinating the Upgrade of Oracle Enterprise Manager Products
Configuration Assistant Steps to Upgrading the Repository
Configuration Operation
Select Database for Repository
Select Repository for Upgrade
Repository Login Information
Upgrade Repository Summary
Upgrade Repository Configuration Assistant Progress
Dropping an Existing Repository
Stop the Management Servers and Enterprise Manager Applications
Start the Configuration Assistant
Drop Repository Configuration Operation
Select the Database of the Repository You Want to Drop
Select Repository to Drop
Select Drop Repository Options
Drop Repository Summary
Drop Repository Configuration Assistant Progress
Controlling the Management Server After Configuration
Starting a Local Management Server
Starting a Local Management Server On Windows
Starting a Local Management Server On UNIX
Checking the Status of the Management Server
Stopping a Local Management Server

4 Configuring the Console when Connected to a Management Server

Choosing to Launch the Console by Logging into a Management Server
Starting the Console with a Management Server Connection
Discovering Nodes in Your Environment
Creating Administrator Accounts
Granting OEM_MONITOR Role to Database Preferred Credentials
Enabling the Job System
Creating a New Windows NT User Account
Assigning Privileges to an Existing Windows NT User Account
Configuring a Windows NT Domain User as Your Intelligent Agent User
Configuring and Starting the Paging Server
Configuring the Paging Server
Adding a Paging Server
Adding Paging Carrier
Specifying Paging Notification Preferences
Configuring the E-mail Server
Configuring Enterprise Manager Reporting
Starting and Stopping the Oracle HTTP Server
Change the REPORTS_USER Administrator Password
Run the oemctl configure rws Script
Configuring the Console If Using a Dialup Line

5 Running Enterprise Manager from a Web Browser

Running Oracle Enterprise Manager from a Web Browser
Client Install
Server-Side Install
Run the Browser-Based Oracle Enterprise Manager on the Client
Configuring the Web Server and Directory Mapping for OEM_Webstage
Apache 1.3.9 or Higher
Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0

6 Tuning the Oracle Management Server

Setting the Ping Interval
Setting the Maximum Connections Out
Setting the Maximum Connections In
Setting the Management Server Retry Interval
Smoothing Over Temporary Network Failures

A Directory Structure

$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/ Directory
$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/ Directory

B Activating Logging and Tracing

Intelligent Agent Tracing/Logging
Management Server Tracing/Logging
Tracing of the Management Server
Logging of the Management Server
Enterprise Manager Client Application Tracing
Browser-Based Enterprise Manager Tracing
Paging Server Tracing
SQL Engine Tracing
Tracing and Logging of Management Pack Applications

C General Repository Guidelines

Repository Sizing

D Globalization Support

Accessing Browser-Based Enterprise Manager in a Language Other Than English
Setting the Language for the Console

E Using Enterprise Manager on Windows 2000

Differences between using Enterprise Manager on Windows NT and Windows 2000
Manipulating Windows 2000 Services
Creating a New Windows 2000 User
Assigning Privileges to a Windows 2000 User

F Troubleshooting

Reporting Problems to Oracle Support
Oracle Technical Support
Troubleshooting the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant
Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant Errors
Repository Database Default Tablespace Does Not Contain Enough Free Space
Creating an OEM_REPOSITORY Tablespace if One Does Not Exist
Creating Another Tablespace
Increasing the Size of an Existing Tablespace
Database Parameters Not Large Enough for Repository Operation
Changing the Permissions on the File
Troubleshooting the Management Server
Management Server May Not Run Correctly from a Non-Default Oracle Home
Management Server Does Not Start
oms.log File
oms.nohup File
Windows NT Event Log
oemctl Batch File
Error Messages When Starting the Management Server
Changing Your Management Server for Client Access
Running the Management Server on a Multiple NIC Machine
Troubleshooting the Paging Server
Troubleshooting the Web Browser
Console Hangs
Console Does Not Launch Web Browser
Changing the Repository User Password
Resetting the Password
Setting the Format of Dates

G Keyboard Navigation


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