Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
Release 3.0.1

Part Number A90151-01
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389 port, 4-5, 4-7, A-37, A-39, C-5
636 port, 4-5, 4-7, A-37, A-39, C-5


abstract object class type, 2-10
abstract object classes, 2-10
superclasses of, 7-4
top, 2-9
by using command-line tools, 13-48
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-15
entry-level, by using command line tools, 13-49
entry-level, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-47
to everyone, using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-22, 13-25, 13-28, 13-29, 13-32, 13-36, 13-39, 13-42
to specific groups, using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-22, 13-25, 13-28, 13-29, 13-32, 13-36, 13-39, 13-42
to subtrees, 13-22, 13-25, 13-28, 13-29, 13-32, 13-36, 13-39, 13-42
content, 13-18
structural, 13-18
kinds, 13-8
level requirements for LDAP operations, 13-14
level, required for LDAP operations, 13-14
object, 13-6
operations, 13-8
rights, setting by using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-22, 13-36, 13-39, 13-42
selecting, by DN, 13-50
subject, 13-7
unspecified, 13-9, 13-42
violation event, 6-32
access control, 1-9, 2-13, 11-2, 11-4, 13-1, 25-4
and authorization, 2-13
directive format. See ACI directive format
for agents, 25-5
for directory integration server, 25-4
management constructs, 13-2
managing, 13-1
by using command line tools, 13-48
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-15
no authentication, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
conflicting, 13-2
inheriting, 13-2
policy administration, overview, 13-2
prescriptive, 13-3
setting, by using wildcards, 13-49
simple, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-39, 13-42
SSL no authentication, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
SSL one-way authentication, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-42
SSL two-way authentication, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-42
access control information (ACI)
attributes, 11-4
components, 13-6
format, 11-5
format, B-1
items (ACI)
syntax, B-1
object of directives, 13-6
subject of directives, 13-7
access control lists (ACLs), 2-22, 11-4
directives, within entries, 13-3
for groups, 13-14
precedence rules, 13-11
for groups, 13-14
how it works, 13-10
modification, 6-32
rules, 13-11
processing, 6-28
within subtrees, 13-3
access control policy points (ACPs), 13-2, 13-33
by using ldapmodify, 13-48
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-8
administering, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-11
configuring display of, in Oracle Directory Manager, 13-16
content access items, 13-18
creating by using ACP Creation Wizard, 13-24
Creation Wizard, 13-24
multiple, 13-2
structural access items, 13-18
viewing, 13-17
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-17, 13-18
viewing, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-17, 13-18
accessDirectiveMatch matching rule, C-10
ACI. See access control information (ACI)
ACPs. See access control policy points (ACPs)
active server instances
modifying configuration set entries in, 6-4
viewing, 6-4, 6-34
add.log, A-6
administration tools, 5-12, 8-15
bulk tools, 5-13
bulkdelete, A-27
bulkload, A-28
bulkmodify, A-29
Catalog Management, 5-14
command line, 5-11
command-line, 1-8
ldapadd, 5-12, 8-15, A-4
ldapaddmt, A-6
ldapbind, A-8
ldapcompare, A-9
ldapdelete, 5-12, 8-15, A-11
ldapmoddn, 5-12, 8-16, A-13
ldapmodify, 5-12, 8-15, A-15
ldapmodifymt, 5-12, 8-15, A-20
ldapsearch, A-22
ldifwrite, A-31
OID Database Password Utility, 5-14
Oracle Directory Manager, 5-2
agents, 23-1
configuration information, 23-12
external, 23-6
partner, 23-6
deregistering, 23-21, 23-22
registering, 23-8, 23-21
profiles, 22-8
agreements, replication, 14-2
alternate server list
from the Oracle directory server, 18-4
from user input, 18-4
AlternateServers attribute, in failover, 18-4
ANALYZE function of DBMS_STATS package, 19-3
anonymous authentication, 5-4, 11-3
in access control, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
anonymous login, 5-3
Apache Web Server
used by Delegated Administration Service, 2-29, 10-2
log file location, 10-8
starting and stopping, 10-3
verifying that it is running, 10-8
application information, in attributes, 2-5
Apply button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
architecture, of Oracle Directory Integration platform, 22-4
architecture, Oracle Internet Directory, 2-1
ASR. See Oracle9i Replication
attribute configuration information, 22-8
attribute information, kinds of, 2-5
attribute options, 2-7
by using ldapmodify, 8-17
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-13
conceptual discussion, 2-7
deleting by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-14, 8-17
language codes, 2-7
by using command-line tools, 8-17
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-13
modifying by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-14
searching for by using ldapsearch, 8-17, A-25
attribute values, replacing, A-18
attribute-level conflicts, 14-8
adding, 7-16
by using ldapadd, A-4
by using ldapmodify, 7-29
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-21, 7-24
concurrently, by using ldapaddmt, A-6
guidelines for, 7-16
to existing entries, A-4
AlternateServers, for failover, 18-4
as DNs, 8-8
as metadata in schema, 2-13
attribute options, 8-17
adding by using ldapmodify, 8-17
adding by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-13
conceptual discussion, 2-7
deleting by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-14, 8-17
managing by using command-line tools, 8-17
managing by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-13
modifying by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-14
searching for by using ldapsearch, A-25
base schema
deleting, 7-17
modifying, 7-16
commonName, 2-6
creating by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-8
deleting, 7-17
by using ldapmodify, A-18
guidelines for, 7-17
determined by object classes, 7-3
dropping indexes, 7-29
for which data exists
indexing, 7-31
for which no directory data exists
indexing, 7-30
in base schema, 7-16
in LDIF files, A-2
in top, 2-10
indexed, 7-10
viewing, 7-28
indexes, created by bulkload, 8-20
indexing, 7-28, 7-31
by using Catalog Management tool, 7-28
by using command-line tools, 7-30
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-28
when you create them, 7-28
inheritance of, 7-3, 7-10
jpegPhotos, 2-6, 8-16
kinds of information in, 2-5
making available for searches, 7-28
managing, 7-16
by using command line tools, 7-29
by using command-line tools, 7-29
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-17
overview, 7-16
managing by using command-line tools, 7-29
mandatory, 2-8, 7-3, 8-12
matching rules, 2-7
by using ldapmodify, 7-29, 8-15
by using ldapmodifymt, 8-15
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-26, 8-14
concurrently, 5-12, 8-15
guidelines for, 7-16
rules for, 7-16
multivalued, 2-6, 13-3
converting to single-valued, 7-16
null values in, 7-3
objectclass, 6-30
objects associated with an ACI, 13-6
operational, 6-13
optional, 2-8, 7-3
options, 2-7
language codes., 2-7
orclauditlevel, 6-32
orclauditmessage, 6-30
orclauditoc, 6-30
orcleventtime, 6-30
orcleventtype, 6-30
orclopresult, 6-30
orclsequence, 6-30, 6-31
orcluserdn, 6-30
organization, 2-6
organizationalUnitName, 2-6
redefining mandatory, 7-4
ref, 8-21
removing from object classes, 7-5
for adding, 7-16
for deleting, 7-17
for modifying, 7-16
searching for, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-19
single-valued, 2-6
converting to multivalued, 7-16
size of values, C-10
sn, 2-6
specifying as mandatory or optional, 7-3
surname, 2-6
syntax, 2-6
modifying, 7-16
syntax type
selecting, 7-32
cannot modify, 7-16
selecting, 7-32
system operational, 6-13
tab page in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-9
types, 2-4
values, 2-4
changing, 8-12
deleting, A-18
rules for changing, 8-12
size of, C-10
viewing, 8-8
audit level, 6-31
modifying, 6-33
setting, 6-32
by using ldapmodify, 6-33
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-32
audit log, 6-29
container object, 6-34
default configuration, 6-29
in the DIT, position of, 6-31
position in DIT, 6-31
searching, 6-29, 6-30
searching for, 6-29, 6-34
searching for by using ldapsearch, 6-34
searching for by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-34, 8-6
structure, 6-30
viewing, 6-29
access violation, 6-32
ACL modification, 6-32
add, 6-32
adding, 6-32
bind, 6-32
deleting, 6-32
DSE modification, 6-32
modify, 6-32
modifyDN, 6-32
modifying, 6-32
replication login, 6-32
schema element, add/replace, 6-31
schema element, delete, 6-31
selected, 6-32
super user login, 6-31
user password modification, 6-32
purging, 6-34
queries, 6-29
sample, 6-31
schema elements, C-5
structure of entries, 6-30
using, 6-29
auditable events, 6-31
auditing selected events, 6-32
authenticated access, by using SSL, 1-9
authentication, 1-9, 2-13, 2-22, 11-2, 11-3, 25-2
agent, 25-4
anonymous, 5-4, 11-3
in access control, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
certificate-based, 11-3
Kerberos, A-5, A-7, A-11
no SSL, 5-6
none, in access control, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
non-SSL, 25-3
options, 11-3
parameters, C-6
password-based, 5-4, 11-3
PKI, 11-2
simple, 1-9, 5-4, 11-3
for access control subjects, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-39, 13-42
for access control subjects, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-28, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
no SSL, C-6
SSL, 11-3, A-6, A-8, A-9, A-16, A-21
for Oracle Directory Manager, 5-6
one-way, C-6
server only, 5-6
SSL mode, 25-3
strong, 11-3
through a firewall, 11-3
through a middle tier, 11-3
through a RADIUS server, 11-3
two-way SSL, C-6
authorization, 2-13, 11-2, 25-4
automated resolution of conflicts, 14-8
auxiliary object classes, 2-11, 7-4
availability, high, 18-7
average latency, 19-2


backup and recovery strategies, 3-7, E-7
balancing tablespaces, 19-9
base schema
attributes, 7-16
deleting, 7-17
modifying, 7-16
object classes
modifying, 7-5
base search, 8-3
batching line-mode commands, 7-14
Begins With filter,in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-7
bind event, 6-32
bind mode, 13-7
specifying for access control subjects, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-28, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
binding, 2-22
bitStringMatch matching rule, C-10
Oracle Internet Directory from Oracle HR, 27-18
bootstrapping, 26-1
a connected directory from Oracle Internet Directory, 26-4
Oracle Internet Directory from a connected directory, 26-2
BSTAT/ESTAT scripts, 19-8
buffer caches, size, 19-8
bulk loading failure, 8-20
bulk tools, 5-13
syntax, A-27
bulkdelete, 5-13, 8-20, A-27
and Globalization Support, 9-10
syntax, A-27
bulkload, 5-13, 8-19, 8-20, A-28
and Globalization Support, 9-8
check mode, performing on LDIF files, F-4
creating indexes, 8-20
.dat files, 8-20
generating input files, 8-20
-load option, 8-20
syntax, A-28
bulkmodify, 5-13
and Globalization Support, 9-10
LDIF file-based modification, A-30
syntax, A-29


C API, 2-21
C:\ORANT, defined, xliii
C:\ORAWIN95, defined, xliii
Cancel button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
capacity planning, 3-8, 17-1
I/O subsystem, 17-6
network requirements, 17-14
overview, 17-2
caseExactIA5Match matching rule, C-10
caseExactMatch matching rule, C-10, C-11
caseIgnoreIA5Match matching rule, C-10
caseIgnoreListMatch matching rule, C-10
caseIgnoreMatch matching rule, C-10, C-11
caseIgnoreOrderingMatch matching rule, C-10
Catalog Management tool, 5-14, 7-28, 7-31
syntax, A-32
cataloged attributes
orcleventtype, 6-30
orcluserdn, 6-30 See Catalog Management tool.
certificate authorities, 11-3
certificate-based authentication, 11-3
certificates, 11-3, C-6
managing, D-9
user, D-9
change log interface, 23-7
IETF, 22-7
Oracle proprietary, 22-7
change log life parameter, modifying, 15-14
change log purging, 14-6
change number-based, 14-6
time-based, 14-6
change logging, 4-5, A-36
change logs, 2-24, 14-2
change number-based purging, 14-6
flag, 15-19
toggling, 15-19
in replication, 1-8, 14-6
purging, 14-6
change number-based, 14-6, 15-12
methods, 14-6
time-based, 14-6, 15-12, 15-13
time-based purging, 14-6
change number-based purging, 14-6
change retry count, setting, 15-13
change types, in ldapmodify input files, A-17
changeLog attribute, C-4
changeLogEntry attribute, C-4
changeNumber attribute, C-4
moving from the human intervention queue into the purge queue, A-42
moving from the human intervention queue into the retry queue, A-42
changeStatus attribute, C-4
changeStatusEntry attribute, C-4
changetype attribute, C-4
add, A-17
delete, A-18
modify, A-17
modrdn, A-18
cipher suites
SSL, 12-2
SSL, supported, 12-2
clients, failover options on, 18-4
cluster manager, 21-2
configuring failover in, 20-4
definition, 21-2
directory and, 13
hardware, 20-3
cn attribute, 2-6
cold backups, 16-1
command-line tools, 1-8
adding configuration set entries, 2-21, 8-15
Catalog Management Tool, 7-28
comparing attribute values, 8-15
for managing entries, 8-15
indexing, 7-28, 7-31
ldapadd, 5-12, 8-15, A-4
ldapaddmt, 5-12, 8-15, A-6
ldapbind, A-8
ldapcompare, A-9
ldapdelete, 5-12, 8-15, A-11
ldapmoddn, 5-12, 8-16, A-13
ldapmodify, 5-12, 8-15, A-15
ldapmodifymt, 5-12, 8-15, A-20
ldapsearch, A-22
attributes, 7-29
entries, 8-15
modifying configuration set entries, 8-15
overview, 5-11
setting Globalization Support, 9-5
syntax, A-4
commonName attribute, 2-6
attribute values, 8-15
entries, 5-12, 8-15
two objects, 5-8
of a directory server, 2-16
of Oracle Directory Integration platform, 22-4
concurrent database connections, 19-11, C-5
configNLDAP.ora, 16-8
configuration data refresh, 24-3
configuration parameters
modifying, 2-21
Oracle directory replication server
location, 15-11
configuration set entries, 2-21
adding, 2-21, 6-2, 6-11
by using command-line tools, 2-21, 8-15
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-4
changing, 6-12
database connections, C-5
debug level, C-5
deleting, 6-2
by using ldapmodify, 6-12
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-4, 6-10
directory server processes, C-5
disabling SSL, C-5
for replication server, 15-11
LDIF files, 6-11
managing, 5-17, 6-2
by using command line tools, 6-10
by using command-line tools, 6-10
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-4
in Oracle Directory Integration platform, 24-6
preliminary considerations, 6-2
modifying, 2-21, 4-8, 6-2, A-40
by using command line tools, 8-15
by using command-line tools, 8-15
by using ldapmodify, 6-12
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-4, 6-8
in an active server instance, 6-4
multiple, 12-2
orcldebuglevel, C-5
orclmaxcc, C-5
orclserverprocs, C-5
orclssl authentication, C-6
orclsslenable, C-5
orclsslport, C-5
orclsslwalletpasswd, C-6
orclsslwalleturl, C-6
overriding user-specified, 4-8, A-40
SSL parameters in, 12-2
starting directory servers without using, 4-9
using different, 6-2
viewing, 6-4
configuration set location, 6-14
configuration sets. See configuration set entries
conflict resolution, in replication, 14-7
conflicting access control policies, 13-2
rules for resolving, 13-2
conflicts, replication
attribute-level, 14-8
automated resolution of, 14-8
entry-level, 14-7
manual resolution of, 15-30
resolution, 13-11, 14-7
resolving manually, 15-30
typical causes of, 14-8
Connect/Disconnect button in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
connected directories, 22-5
exporting from, 22-6, 23-4
importing into, 22-6, 23-3
to a directory server, 2-22, 5-3, 5-4, 5-17
to additional directory servers, 5-10
to multiple directory servers, 5-10
management, 6-28
pooling, 1-8
redirection, 18-9
hardware-based, 18-7
network-level, 18-6
software-based, 18-7
connect-time failover, 21-2
constraints, object classes, 2-11
consumer servers, 2-23, 14-3
content access items, 13-18, 13-45
access control points, 13-18
of an existing ACP, 13-43
specifying for a specific entry, 13-30
control, access, 1-9, 13-1
auxiliary object classes, 7-4
directory data to LDIF, 8-20
structural object classes, 7-5
configuration, 17-15
in capacity planning, 17-2
power required for various deployment scenarios, 3-9
processing power, 17-15
requirements, 17-15, 17-16
detailed calculations, 17-16
in capacity planning, 17-15
tuning, 19-3
tuning for Oracle foreground processes, 19-6
usage, 3-11
usage tuning, 19-3
when to tune, 19-3
Create button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
Create Entry menu item, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-8
Create Like
adding entries using templates, 8-9
button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9, 8-9
operation, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
createTimestamp attribute, 2-5, F-4
optional in top, 2-10
creatorsName attribute, 2-5, F-4
optional attribute in top, 2-10


daemons, 4-2
.dat files, generated by bulkload, 8-20
data integrity, 2-13, 2-14, 11-2, 25-6
data migration process, F-2
data privacy, 2-13, 11-2, 25-6
by using SSL, 1-9
data, updating by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
block buffers parameter, 19-10
block size parameter, 19-10
cache size, 3-10
connections, 2-20
concurrent, 19-11, C-5
pooling, 1-8
dedicated for directory, 2-18
password, changing, 6-35
server, 1-6
server error, G-2
tuning, 19-10
DBMS_STATS package, 19-3
debug logging levels, 6-28, C-5
setting, 6-27
by using OID Control Utility, 6-27
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-27
by using the OID Control Utility, 6-27
setting for directory integration server, 24-14
enabling all, 6-28
packet handling, 6-28
default knowledge references (referrals), 2-28
configuring, 8-22
default port, 5-3
number, 4-5, 4-7, A-37, A-39
Delegated Administration Service, 2-29
and Single Sign-On, 10-3
Apache Web server, 10-2
log file location, 10-8
starting and stopping, 10-3
architecture, 10-2
components, 10-2
corproot parameter, 10-4
emailport parameter, 10-6
emailserver parameter, 10-6
employeeobjectclass parameter, 10-4
general parameters, 10-4
initializing and resetting passwords, 10-4
installing and configuring, 10-3
Java servlets, 10-2
log file location, 10-8
log file location, 10-8
loginnameattr parameter, 10-4
Mailinglistobjectclass parameter, 10-4
oidacct parameter, 10-5
oidhost parameter, 10-4
oidpwd parameter, 10-5
parameters for integrating with Single Sign-On, 10-6
parameters for registering and resetting passwords, 10-6
passwordpolicyrule parameter, 10-5
proxydn parameter, 10-5
proxypwd parameter, 10-5
resetpasswordurl parameter, 10-6
serverloc parameter, 10-5
setting parameters for, 10-3
ssadebug parameter, 10-4
ssahostport parameter, 10-4
ssocancelurl parameter, 10-7
ssodbhost parameter, 10-7
ssodbport parameter, 10-7
ssodbpwd parameter, 10-7
ssodbsid parameter, 10-7
ssodbuser parameter, 10-7
ssoenabled parameter, 10-6
ssookurl parameter, 10-7
ssopwdchange parameter, 10-6
ssourl parameter, 10-7
tokenurl parameter, 10-7
verifying that it is running, 10-8
Delete button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
considerations, 3-1
CPU power, 3-9
failover, 3-7
replication, 3-6
tuning, 3-11
examples, 18-9
partitioning, 3-5
DES40 encryption, 11-2
descriptions of object classes, 7-7
access control, 1-9, 13-1
application-specific, 2-29, 22-2
as read-focused, 1-3
connected, 22-5
contrasted to relational databases, 1-2
database listener, 15-6
distributed, 2-22
entry naming, 3-3
expanding role of, 1-2, 3-2
location-independent, 1-3
NOS, 3-2, 3-3
partitioned, 2-25
password, changing, 6-22
read-focused, 1-3
replication groups (DRGs), 14-2, 15-2
and replication agreements, 14-2
configuring, 15-2
establishing, 15-2
installing, 15-2
schema, 2-13
managing, 7-1
overview, 7-2
special purpose, 1-4
directory information tree (DIT), 2-2
audit log entries in, 6-31
browsing, 8-3
hierarchy and structure, 3-3
organizing, 3-3
organizing to reflect data ownership boundaries, 3-3
directory integration agents, 23-1
directory integration profiles, 22-6, 22-8, 23-8
directory integration server
and configuration set entries, 24-3
LDAP connections, 24-4
registering, 24-4
registration tool, 24-4
restarting, 24-10
runtime information, 24-15
services of, 22-6
starting, 24-7
in SSL Mode, 24-11
stopping, 24-9
viewing information, 24-15
directory integration toolkit, 22-7
directory replication groups (DRGs), 14-2
directory replication servers, 1-7, 2-18, 2-19
configuration set entries, 15-11
in a Real Application Clusters environment, 21-13
starting, 4-6, A-38, A-39
stopping, 4-7, A-39
directory schema, 2-13
managing, 7-1
directory servers, 1-7, 2-20
as both suppliers and consumers, 14-6
changing parameters in an active instance, 6-4
configuration set entries, 6-2
by using input files, 8-15
connecting to, 2-22, 5-3, 5-4, 5-10, 5-17
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
connecting to additional, 5-10
connecting to, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
debug level, C-5
disconnecting, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7, 5-10
in multi-master replication, 14-6
in normal mode, C-5
in replicated environment, 14-6
in secure mode, C-5
modifying configuration set entries, 6-12
multimaster replication between, 1-8
multithreaded, 1-8
configuring, 5-17
configuring by using command-line tools, 5-17
processes, 2-20, C-5
multiple, 2-20
restarting, 4-7, 6-4, A-39
running, 4-3
start failure, 4-9
starting, 4-4, 4-5, 5-17, A-36, A-37
with default configuration, 4-9, A-40
without configuration sets, 4-9
stopping, 4-5, A-37
terminating, 5-17
using different configuration set entries, 6-2
directory usage patterns, learning, 17-3
DirectoryReplicationGroupDSAs, 15-15
button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
menu item, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
disconnecting from directory servers, 5-10
disk space requirements, 17-7
detailed calculations of, 17-8
estimating, 17-7
disk tuning, 19-9
disk usage, 3-12
a directory entry, 8-2
a subtree, 8-2
distinguished names, 2-2
as attributes, 8-8
components of, 2-3
format, 2-3
in LDIF files, A-2
modifying, 5-12, 8-16
by using command line tools, 8-15
by using command-line tools, 8-15
by using ldapmoddn, 5-12, 8-16
distinguishedNameMatch matching rule, C-10, C-11
distributed directories, 2-22, 2-25
partitioned, 2-22
partitions and replicas, 3-4
replicated, 2-22
DIT. See directory information tree (DIT)
DNS (Domain Name System), 3-3
DNs. See distinguished names.
Drop Index
button, 5-9
menu item, 5-8
DSA, environment setting, 16-2
DSE modification event, 6-32
duration of a search, specifying, 8-3, 8-6


-E argument in Globalization Support, 9-5
button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
menu item, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
DES40, 11-2
levels available in Oracle Internet Directory, 11-2
password, 11-2, 11-6
default, 11-6
MD4, 11-6
MD5, 11-6
SHA, 11-6
UNIX crypt, 6-21, 11-6
RC4_40, 11-3
Ends With filter, in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-7
entities, 13-8
granting access to, 13-22, 13-25, 13-28, 13-29, 13-32, 13-36, 13-39, 13-42
by copying an existing entry, 8-9
by using bulkload, A-28
by using ldapadd, 5-12, 8-15, A-4
by using ldapaddmt, 8-15, A-6
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-8
concurrently, 5-12, 8-15
from other applications, A-28
mandatory attributes, 8-8
optional attributes, 8-8
requires write access to parents, 8-8
using ldapaddmt, 5-12
assigning object classes to, 7-3
attributes, viewing, 8-8
audit log, 6-29
searching, 6-30
comparing, by using ldapcompare, 5-12, 8-15
conceptual discussion, 2-2
creating by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-8
by using ldapdelete, 5-12, 8-15, A-11
by using ldapmodify, A-18
large numbers, 8-20
displaying, 8-2
distinguished names of, 2-2
filters, 13-19, 13-34, 13-37, 13-40
group, 2-6
inheriting attributes, 7-3
loading, 7-3
locating by using distinguished names, 2-3
managing, 8-1
by using bulk tools, 8-18
by using command line tools, 8-15
by using command-line tools, 8-15
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-11, 8-2
many, modifying, 8-20
by using ldapmodify, A-15
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-12
concurrently, by using ldapmodifymt, A-20
large numbers, A-29
LDAP conventions, 8-12
rules, 8-12
naming, 2-2, 3-3
objects associated with an ACI, 13-6
parent, 7-3
root of search, 8-2
rules for changing, 8-12
base level, 8-3
by using ldapsearch, A-22
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-2
one-level, 8-3
specifying search depth, 8-3
subtree level, 8-3
selecting by DN, 13-50
selecting superclass, 8-8
specific, granting access to, 13-22, 13-25, 13-28, 13-29, 13-32, 13-36, 13-39, 13-42
superclasses, selecting, 8-8
adding, by using ldapadd, 8-16
adding, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-10
modifying, by using ldapmodify, 8-16
modifying, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-12
with attribute options
adding by using ldapmodify, 8-17
adding by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-13
deleting by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-14, 8-17
managing by using command line tools, 8-17
managing by using command-line tools, 8-17
managing by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-13
modifying by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-14
searching for by using ldapsearch, 8-17
entry-level access, granting by using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-47
entry-level conflicts, replication, 14-7
environment variables, NLS_LANG, 9-2
error messages, G-6
additional, G-6
administration, G-2
database server, G-2
directory server, due to schema modifications, G-2
installation, G-2
returned from Oracle directory server, G-2
standard, G-2
events, auditable, 6-31
everyone, granting access to, 13-22, 13-25, 13-28, 13-29, 13-32, 13-36, 13-39, 13-42
Exact Match filter, in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-8, 8-4, 8-6, 13-20, 13-26, 13-30, 13-34, 13-38, 13-41
exclusionary access to objects, granting, 13-13
existing ACPs and their ACI directives, modifying, 13-33
Exit menu item, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
export files, 22-7
export operations, 22-11
extensibility, in LDAP Version 3, 1-5
extensibleObject object class, 8-21
external agents, 23-6


failover, 1-9, 18-1, 18-2
AlternateServers attribute, 18-4
basic high availability configuration, 21-3
capabilities in Oracle Internet Directory, 18-7
connect-time, 21-2
considerations in deployment, 3-7
default n-node configuration, 21-7
in cluster configurations, 20-1
in clustered environment, how it works, 20-7
in Real Application Clusters environment, 21-1
network-level, 18-6
options in private network infrastructure, 18-8
options in public network infrastructure, 18-5
options on clients, 18-4
failure recognition and recovery. See failover.
failure to apply changes, 2-24
failure tolerance, and replication, 3-7
fault tolerance mechanisms, 18-3
features, new
in Oracle Internet Directory, Release 2.1.1, xlvii
in Oracle Internet Directory, Release 3.0.1, xlvi
File menu, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
file naming conventions, 23-16
files, 22-8
location, 23-16
Begins With, 7-7
Ends With, 7-7
Exact Match, 7-8, 8-4, 8-6, 13-20, 13-26, 13-30, 13-34, 13-38, 13-41
Greater or Equal, 7-8, 8-4, 8-6, 13-20, 13-26, 13-31, 13-34, 13-38, 13-41
IETF-compliant, A-22
in attribute searches, 7-20
in searches, 2-21, 7-7
in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-7
ldapsearch, A-24
Less or Equal, 7-8, 8-4, 8-6, 13-20, 13-26, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
not null, 7-8
Present, Oracle Directory Manager, 8-4, 8-7
Find Attributes button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-19
Find Objects button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9, 7-6
formats, of distinguished names, 2-3
function calls, tracing, 6-28


garbage collection
in replication, 14-6, 15-12
interval, modifying, 15-13
generalizedTimeMatch matching rule, C-10
generalizedTimeOrderingMatch matching rule, C-10
Globalization Support, 2-14
bulkdelete, 9-10
bulkload, 9-8
bulkmodify, 9-10
command-line tools, 9-5
Java clients, 2-15
ldapadd, 9-6
ldapaddmt, 9-6
ldapbind, 9-6
ldapcompare, 9-7
ldapdelete, 9-7
ldapmoddn, 9-7
ldapmodify, 9-7
ldapmodifymt, 9-7
ldapsearch, 9-6
ldifwrite, 9-9
managing, 9-1
settings for Oracle Internet Directory, 9-2
using with Bulk Tools, 9-8
with bulkdelete, 9-10
with bulkload, 9-8
with bulkmodify, 9-10
with command-line tools, 9-5
with LDIF Files, 9-3
with ldifwrite, 9-9
Greater or Equal filter, in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-8, 8-4, 8-6, 13-20, 13-26, 13-31, 13-34, 13-38, 13-41
group entries, 2-6
adding, 8-10
by using ldapmodify, A-17
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-10
groupOfNames object class, 8-10, 8-11
groupOfUniqueNames object class, 8-10
granting access to by using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-22, 13-25, 13-28, 13-29, 13-32, 13-36, 13-39, 13-42
privilege, 13-3
guest users
definition, 6-23
managing, 6-22
by using ldapmodify, 6-24
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-23
user name and password, 6-22
for adding attributes, 7-16
for deleting attributes, 7-17
for modifying attributes, 7-16


hardware-based connection redirection, 18-7
passwords, 6-21
MD4, 6-21
heavy trace debugging, 6-28
button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-10
menu item, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-8
high availability, 1-8, 3-7, 18-2
and multimaster replication, 18-7
capabilities in Oracle Internet Directory, 18-7
deployment, examples, 18-9
of Oracle Internet Directory, 18-1
Human Intervention Queue Manipulation Tool, 5-15, 15-31
syntax, A-41


drafts, enforced by Oracle Internet Directory, C-3
LDAP approval
RFCs enforced by Oracle Internet Directory, C-2
standard change log interface, 22-7
import files, 22-7
import operations, 22-11
indexed attributes
displayed in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-10
locations, 6-14
orcleventtype, 6-30
orcluserdn, 6-30
viewing, 7-28
created by bulkload, 8-20
dropping from attributes, 6-30, 7-29
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-29
inheritance, 2-9
and access control policies, 13-2
from superclasses, 7-3, 7-10
of attributes, 7-10
initNLDAP.ora, 16-8
input file, creating, 6-11
installation errors, G-2
insufficient memory, 19-8
IntegerMatch matching rule, C-10, C-11
intelligent client failover, 3-7
intelligent network level failover, 3-7
internationalization, and LDAP, 9-1
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). See IETF.
I/O subsystem, 17-6
in capacity planning, 17-2, 17-6
requirements, 17-6
sizing, 17-6
I/O throughput, maximizing, 17-7
iostat utility, 19-2
IP address takeover (IPAT), 18-8


Java clients, Globalization Support and, 2-15
Java Native Interface, 2-21
Java servlets, used by Delegated Administration Service, 10-2
log file location, 10-8
JPEG images, adding with ldapadd, A-6
jpegPhoto attribute, 2-6, 8-16


Kerberos authentication, A-5, A-7, A-11
knowledge references (referrals), 2-26, 3-4, 3-5
configuring, 8-21
default, 2-28
configuring, 8-22
kinds, 2-28
managing, 8-21
overview, 2-26
restricting permissions for managing, 2-27
smart, 2-28
configuring, 8-21
superior, 2-26


language codes, as attribute options, 2-7
latency, average, 19-2
add or modify performance, 19-12
and internationalization, 2-14
and simplified directory management, 1-4
attributes, common, 2-6
conventions, for modifying entries, 8-12
extensibility, 1-5
IETF approval, 1-5
search filters, IETF-compliant, A-22
search performance, 19-12
security, 1-5
server instances, 2-18, 2-19, 2-20
starting, 4-4, A-36
managing, 6-1
multithreaded, 1-8
syntax, C-7
enforced by Oracle Internet Directory, C-7
recognized by Oracle Internet Directory, C-8, C-9
Transport Layer Security, 1-5
Version 3, 1-5
LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF), 5-11, A-2
syntax, A-2
when using bulkload, A-28
ldapadd, 5-12, 8-15, A-4
adding entries, A-4
adding JPEG images, A-6
and Globalization Support, 9-6
syntax, A-4
ldapaddmt, 5-12, 8-15, A-6
adding entries concurrently, A-6
and Globalization Support, 9-6
log, A-6
syntax, A-6
ldapbind, A-8
and Globalization Support, 9-6
syntax, A-8
ldapbind operation, 11-3
ldapcompare, 5-12, 8-15, A-9
and Globalization Support, 9-7
syntax, A-9
ldapdelete, 5-12, 8-15, A-11
and Globalization Support, 9-7
deleting entries, A-11
syntax, A-11
ldapmoddn, 5-12, 8-16, A-13
and Globalization Support, 9-7
syntax, A-13
ldapmodify, 5-12, 8-15, A-15
adding ACPs, 13-48
adding attributes, 7-29
adding entry-level ACIs, 13-49
adding object classes, 7-14
adding values to multivalued attributes, A-17
and Globalization Support, 9-7
change types, A-17
changing audit level, 6-33
creating group entries, A-17
deleting entries, A-18
LDIF files in, A-4, A-6, A-15, A-20
modifying attributes, 7-29
modifying object classes, 7-14
replacing attribute values, A-18
syntax, A-15
ldapmodifymt, 5-12, 8-15, A-20
and Globalization Support, 9-7
by using, A-20
multithreaded processing, A-21
syntax, A-20, 15-7
ldapsearch, A-22
and Globalization Support, 9-6
filters, A-24
querying audit log, 6-29
syntax, A-22
converting directory data to, 8-20
file-based modification, not supported by bulkmodify, A-30
creating, 6-11
for adding configuration set entries, 6-11
importing, by using bulkload, 8-18
in ldapmodify commands, A-4, A-6, A-15, A-20
referencing in commands, 6-12
removing proprietary data from in migration, F-3
formatting notes, A-3
formatting rules, A-3
syntax, A-2
using, 5-11, A-2
ldifwrite, 5-13, A-31
and Globalization Support, 9-9
syntax, A-31
Less or Equal filter, 7-8, 8-4, 8-6, 13-20, 13-26, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
line-mode commands, batching, 7-14
listener, for directory database, 2-18, 2-20
restarting, 15-6
stopping, 15-6
listener.ora, 15-6, 16-7
load balancing
and replication, 3-6
network level, 18-5
-load option, in bulkload, 8-20
LOAD_BALANCE parameter, Oracle Net Services, 21-7
location-independence, of directories, 1-3
log files
Delegated Administration Service, 10-8
logical disks, 19-9
logical hosts, in clustered environments, 20-2
anonymous, 5-3
superuser, 5-3
user, 5-3
loose consistency model of replication, 3-6
LSNRCTL utility, 15-6


directory schema, 7-1
mandatory attributes, 2-8, 7-3
adding to existing object classes, 7-5
adding to object classes in use, 8-12
entering values for, 8-8
in object classes, 7-7
redefining, 7-4
manual resolution of conflicts, 15-30
mapping rules, 23-12
about, 22-9
master definition site (MDS), 15-3
designating, 15-3
matching rules, C-10
accessDirectiveMatch, C-10
as metadata in schema, 2-13
attribute, 2-7
bitStringMatch, C-10
cannot add to subSchemaSubentry, 2-13
caseExactIA5Match, C-10
caseExactMatch, C-10, C-11
caseIgnoreIA5Match, C-10
caseIgnoreListMatch, C-10
caseIgnoreMatch, C-10, C-11
caseIgnoreOrderingMatch, C-10
distinguishedNameMatch, C-10, C-11
generalizedTimeMatch, C-10
generalizedTimeOrderingMatch, C-10
IntegerMatch, C-10, C-11
numericStringMatch, C-10, C-11
objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch, C-10
ObjectIdentifierMatch, C-10
OctetStringMatch, C-10
presentationAddressMatch, C-10
protocolInformationMatch, C-10
recognized by Oracle Internet Directory, C-10
stored in schema, 2-13
tab in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-9
telephoneNumberMatch, C-10, C-11
uniqueMemberMatch, C-10
maxextents, 15-5
maximum amount of time for searches, setting, 6-26
maximum number of entries returned in searches, setting, 6-25
MD4, 6-14, 6-15, 6-22
for password encryption, 11-6
MD5, 6-14, 6-15, 6-22, F-4
for password encryption, 6-21, 11-6
member attribute, 8-10
in capacity planning, 17-2
insufficient, 19-8
physical, 17-12
required, 3-10
requirements in capacity planning, 17-12
tuning, 19-7
usage, 3-11
virtual, 17-12
menu bar, Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
metadata, stored in schema, 2-13
metadirectories, 2-29, 22-2
Microsoft Active Directory, 3-2
middle tier
authentication through, 11-3
using proxy user with, 6-23
migrating data, F-2
from other LDAP directories, F-2
from other LDAP-compliant directories, F-1, F-2
modifiersName attribute, 2-5, F-4
optional in top, 2-10
modifyDN, audit log event, 6-32
modifyTimestamp attribute, 2-5, F-4
optional in top, 2-10
mpstat utility, 19-2
multimaster flag, 15-19
toggling, 15-19
multimaster replication, 1-8, 3-4, 3-6, 14-2
and high availability, 18-7
multiple configuration set entries, 12-2
multiple instances on different nodes, 21-7
multiple server processes, 2-20
multiple threads, A-21
in ldapaddmt, A-6
increasing the number of, A-7
multithreaded command-line tools
ldapaddmt, 5-12, 8-15, A-6
ldapmodifymt, 5-12, 8-15, A-21
multithreaded LDAP servers, 1-8
multivalued attributes, 2-6
adding values to, by using ldapmodify, A-17
converting to single-valued, 7-16
member, 8-10
orclEntryLevelACI, 13-3


names, of object classes, 7-7
naming contexts, 2-11
definition, 2-11
in partitioned directories, 2-25
in replication, 2-24, 15-2
managing, 6-16
publishing, 2-12, 6-16
by using ldapmodify, 6-17
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-14, 6-17
searching for, 2-12
searching for published, 6-16
subordinate, 2-26
namingContexts attribute, 6-15, 6-16
multivalued, 6-16
navigator pane, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
net service name, 4-2, 4-3, A-34, A-35
bandwidth, 17-14
capacity planning, 17-14
connectivity, in capacity planning, 17-2
requirements, 17-14
Network Interface Cards (NICs), failures of, 18-8
connection redirection, 18-6
failover, 18-6
new features
in Oracle Internet Directory, Release 2.1.1, xlvii
in Oracle Internet Directory, Release 3.0.1, xlvi
new syntaxes, adding, 2-7
newdb.sql, 16-9
NLS_LANG environment variable, 9-2
setting, 9-3
in the client environment, 9-7
settings, 9-2
no authentication, in access control, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
no SSL authentication option, 5-6
nodes, Oracle Internet Directory, 2-16
non-default port, running on, 5-3
non-SSL authentication, 25-3
normal mode, running directory servers in, C-5
NOS directories, 3-2, 3-3
not null filter, in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-8
Novell's eDirectory solution, 3-2
null values, in attributes, 7-3
number of retries,modifying, 15-14
number of worker threads used in change log processing, modifying, 15-14
numericStringMatch matching rule, C-10, C-11


o attribute, 2-6
adding, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
object class
explosion, 7-3
types, 2-10
object class types
abstract, 2-10
auxiliary, 2-11
structural, 2-9, 2-10
object classes, 2-8
adding, 7-2
by using command-line tools, 7-14
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-10
concurrently, by using ldapaddmt, A-6
as metadata in schema, 2-13
assigning to entries, 7-2, 7-3
auxiliary, 2-11
converting auxiliary, 7-4
creating, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-8
defining, 2-8
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-13
from base schema, 7-5
not in base schema, 7-5
explosion, 7-3
extensibleObject, 8-21
groupOfNames, 8-10, 8-11
for adding, 7-3
for deleting, 7-5
for modifying, 7-4
in LDIF files, A-2
in the base schema, modifying, 7-5
by using command line tools, 7-14
by using command-line tools, 7-14
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-6
modifying, 7-4
by using command line tools, 7-14
by using command-line tools, 7-14
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-12
orclauditoc, 6-30
redefining mandatory attributes in, 7-4
referral, 8-21
removing attributes from, 7-5
removing superclasses from, 7-5
rules, 2-11
searching for, 7-6
searching for, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-6
structural, 2-10
structural, converting, 7-5
subclasses, 2-9
defining, 2-8
superclasses, 2-9, 7-10
tab in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-9
top, 2-9
types of, 2-10
unique name of, 7-4
unique object identifier, 7-4
viewing, 7-9
viewing properties, 7-9
object identifiers, of object classes, 7-7
objectclass attribute, 6-30
objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch matching rule, C-10
ObjectIdentifierMatch matching rule, C-10
adding, by using a template, 5-9
adding, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
comparing, 5-8
by using ldapmodify, 8-15
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7, 5-9
of ACI directives, 13-6
by using command-line tools, A-11
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7, 5-9
removing by using command-line tools, A-15
searching for
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
searching for, by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
OCI. See Oracle Call Interface.
OctetStringMatch matching rule, C-10
odisrvreg, 24-4
OFA. See Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA).
OID Control Utility, 4-2, 5-14
restart command, 6-4
run-server command, 5-14
start and stop server instances, 4-3
stop-server command, 5-14
syntax, A-35
OID Database Password Utility, 5-14, 6-35
OID Database Statistics Collection Tool, 5-15
syntax, A-47
OID Database Statistics Collection Tool Syntax, A-47
OID Monitor, 2-19, 5-14, 22-11
sleep time, 4-2, A-34
starting, 4-2, 4-3, A-34
stopping, 4-3, A-35
syntax, A-34
OID Password Utility, 4-9, 5-14
OID Reconciliation Tool, 5-15, 15-32, A-45
syntax, A-44
oidctl. See OID Control Utility
OIDLDAPD, 4-5, A-37
oidmon. See OID Monitor. file, 10-3
OIDREPLD, 4-7, A-39
OLTS_ATTRSTORE tablespace, 17-12, 19-9
OLTS_CT_CN tablespace, 17-12
OLTS_CT_DN tablespace, 17-12, 19-9
OLTS_CT_OBJCL tablespace, 17-12
OLTS_CT_STORE tablespace, 17-12
OLTS_DEFAULT tablespace, 17-12
OLTS_IND_ATTRSTORE tablespace, 17-12
OLTS_IND_CT_DN tablespace, 17-12
OLTS_IND_CT_STORE tablespace, 17-12
one-level search, 8-3
one-way authentication, SSL, 5-6, C-6
online administration tool. See Oracle Directory Manager
open cursors parameter, 19-10
OpenLDAP Community, xxxviii
operational attributes, 6-13
ACI, 11-4
Operations menu item, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-8
Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA), 16-2
optional attributes, 2-8, 7-3
adding to pre-defined object classes, 2-8
entering values for, 8-8
in object classes, 7-7
options, attribute, 2-7
Oracle background processes, 19-11
Oracle Call Interface, 2-22
Oracle data servers
changing password to, 5-14, 6-35
error messages, G-2
Oracle Directory Integration platform
and Oracle Internet Directory, 22-5
architecture and components, 22-5
how it works, 22-11
log file, 24-13
respect for data ownership policies, 2-30
what it is, 2-29, 22-2
Oracle Directory Manager, 1-8, 5-7, 8-3, 22-8, 22-10
ACPs, 13-19
attributes, 7-21
configuration set entries, 6-4
entries, 8-8
group entries, 8-10
object classes, 7-10
objects, 5-7
Apply button vs. OK button, 5-7
attributes, searching for, 7-19
Cancel button, 5-7
connecting to a directory server, 5-7, 5-9
create access control policy point menu, 5-8
Create button, 5-9
Create Entry menu item, 5-8
Create Like button, 5-9, 8-9
Create Like operation, 5-7
creating an attribute, 5-8
creating object classes, 5-8
Delete button, 5-9
configuration set entries, 6-4
objects, 5-9
disconnecting from a directory server, 5-7
displaying help navigator, 5-8
Edit button, 5-9
Edit menu, 5-7
Ends With filter, 7-7
entries management, 5-11
Exact Match filter, 7-8, 8-4, 8-6, 13-20, 13-26, 13-30, 13-34, 13-38, 13-41
Exit menu item, 5-7
File menu, 5-7
Find Attributes button, 7-19
Find Objects button, 5-9, 7-6
granting access, 13-15
Greater or Equal filter, 7-8, 8-4, 8-6, 13-20, 13-26, 13-31, 13-34, 13-38, 13-41
Help button, 5-10
Help menu item, 5-8
launching, 5-2
Less or Equal filter, 7-8, 8-4, 8-6, 13-20, 13-26, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
listing attribute types, A-3
ACPs, 5-11
configuration set entries, 6-4
entries, 5-11
object classes, 7-6
menu bar, 5-7
configuration set entries, 2-21, 6-4
entries, 8-12
object classes, 7-12
objects, 5-7, 5-9
replication agreements, 15-16
navigating, 5-7
not null filter, 7-8
on UNIX, starting, 5-2
on Windows 95, starting, 5-2
on Windows NT, starting, 5-2
Operations menu, 5-8
overview, 5-2
Present filter, 8-4, 8-7
purge schedule, setting, 15-13
Refresh button, 5-9
Refresh Entry button, 5-9
Refresh Subtree Entries button, 5-9
removing objects, 5-7
Revert button, 5-7
root of search, 8-2
running, 5-2
schema administration, 5-11
search criteria bar, 8-3, 8-6
search filters, 7-7
entries, 8-2
for an object, 5-9
for attributes, 7-19
selecting attribute syntax type, 7-32
starting, 5-2
on Sun Solaris, 5-2
tear-off menu item, 5-8
toolbar, 5-9
updating, 5-8
subtree entry data, 5-9
View menu, 5-8
viewing attributes, 8-8
Oracle directory replication server instances, 1-7, 2-18, 2-19
configuration parameters, location, 15-11
parameters, 15-11
starting, 4-6, 15-19, A-38, A-39
stopping, 4-7, A-38, A-39
Oracle directory server instances, 1-7, 2-18, 2-19, 2-20
managing, 6-1
starting, 4-4, 4-5, 15-10, A-36, A-37
stopping, 4-5, A-36, A-37
Oracle directory version field, in Oracle Directory Manager, 6-14
Oracle foreground processes
restricting, 19-7
tuning CPU for, 19-6
Oracle Globalization Support, 2-14
Oracle HR
attribute mapping rules
creating, 27-14
deleting, 27-15
modifying, 27-14
attributes to be synchronized, 27-9
importing from, 27-2
running synchronization, 27-15
synchronizing with, 27-1
Oracle HR agent, 22-12, 27-1
configuring an integration profile, 27-4
mapping rules
default, 27-13
mapping rules for, 27-12
Oracle instances, 15-6
Oracle Internet Directory
advantages of, 1-8
and Oracle Directory Integration platform, 22-5
as central directory in Oracle Directory Integration platform, 2-30
exporting from, 22-6, 23-3
importing into, 22-6, 23-4
multiple installations on same host, 3-12
Oracle Net Services, 2-19, 2-22
LOAD_BALANCE parameter, 21-7
preparing for replication, 15-4
Oracle SQL*Loader, used by bulkload, A-28
Oracle Wallet Manager, D-1
Oracle wallet parameter
modifying, 6-6, 6-8, 6-9, 12-4, A-6, A-8, A-9, A-11, A-12, A-14, A-16, A-22, A-23, C-6
Oracle wallets, C-6
changing location of, 6-6, 6-8, 6-9, 12-4, A-6, A-8, A-9, A-11, A-12, A-14, A-16, A-22, A-23, C-6
ORACLE_BASE, explained, xliii
ORACLE_HOME, explained, xliii
Oracle9i, 2-22
database, 2-18
Replication Manager, configuring, 15-3
Oracle9i Real Application Clusters, 21-1
Oracle9i Replication, 14-3, 15-7
configuring, 15-3, 15-7
by using Oracle9i Replication Manager, 15-3
for directory replication, 15-7
installed with Oracle 9i, 15-3
installing, 15-3
setting up, 15-3
orclACI, 13-3, C-3
access to, 13-3
optional attribute in top, 2-10
orclAgreementID, 15-15, 15-17
orclAgreementId, C-4
orclauditattribute, C-5
orclAuditLevel, C-5
orclauditlevel attribute, 6-32
orclauditlevel operational attribute, 6-29
orclauditmessage, C-5
orclauditmessage attribute, 6-30
OrclAuditOC, C-5
orclauditoc attributes, 6-30
orclauditoc object class, 6-30
orclCatalogEntryDN, C-4
orclChangeLogLife, 15-12
orclChangeRetryCount, 15-11, 15-14, C-4
orclConfigSet, C-4
orclconfigsetnumber, C-4
orclConsumerReference, C-4
orclcontainerOC, C-4
orclCryptoScheme attribute, 6-15
orclDBType, C-4
orcldebugflag, 6-27
orclDebugLevel, C-4
orcldebuglevel configuration set entry, C-5
orclDirReplGroupAgreement, 15-11, 15-12, C-4
orclDirReplGroupDSAs, 15-11, 15-17, 15-19, C-4
orclDITRoot, C-4
orclEntryLevelACI, 13-3, C-3
optional attribute in top, 2-10
orcleventLog, C-4
orclEvents, C-4
orcleventtime, C-5
orcleventtime attribute, 6-30
orcleventtype, C-5
orcleventtype attribute, 6-30
orclExcludedNamingcontexts, 15-17, C-4
orclGuid, C-4
optional attribute in top, 2-10
orclGuName, C-4
orclguname attribute, 6-24
orclGuPassword, C-4
orclgupassword attribute, 6-24
orclhostname, C-4
orclIndexedAttribute, C-4
orclIndexOC, C-4
orclLDAPInstance, C-4
orclLDAPSubConfig, C-4
orclMaxCC, C-4
orclmaxcc, 2-20
orclmaxcc configuration set entry, C-5
orclOpResult, C-5
orclopresult attribute, 6-30
orclParentGUID, C-4
orclPrivilegeGroup, 8-10
orclPrName, C-4
orclprname attribute, 6-24
orclPrPassword, C-4
orclprpassword attribute, 6-24
orclPurgeSchedule, 15-12, 15-13, C-4
orclReplAgreementEntry, C-4
orclReplBindDN, C-4
orclReplBindPassword, C-4
orclReplicationProtocol, 15-18, C-4
orclREPLInstance, C-4
orclREPLSubConfig, C-4
orclSequence, C-5
orclsequence attribute, 6-30, 6-31
orclServerEvent, C-5
orclServerMode, C-4
orclServerMode attribute, 6-16
orclServerProcs, C-4
orclserverprocs configuration set entry, C-5
orclSizeLimit, C-4
orclSizeLimit attribute, 6-15
orclssl authentication configuration set entry, C-6
orclsslAuthentication, C-4
orclsslEnable, C-4
orclsslenable, C-5
orclsslenable configuration set entry, C-5
orclsslPort, C-4
orclsslport configuration set entry, C-5
orclsslVersion, C-4
orclsslWalletPasswd, C-4
orclsslwalletpasswd configuration set entry, C-6
orclsslWalletURL, C-4
orclsslwalleturl configuration set entry, C-6
orclSuffix, C-4
orclSuName, C-4
orclsuname attribute, 6-24
orclSuPassword, C-4
orclsupassword attribute, 6-24
orclSupplierReference, C-4
orclThreadsPerSupplier, 15-12
orclTimeLimit, C-4
orclTimeLimit attribute, 6-16
orclUpdateSchedule, 15-17, C-4
orclUseEncrypt, C-4
orcluserdn, C-5
orcluserdn attribute, 6-30
organization attribute, 2-6
organizationalUnitName, 2-6
overall throughput, 19-2


paging, 17-13
configuration, for Oracle directory replication server, 15-11
dependent on Oracle directory server configuration, 19-11
for an active instance, modifying, 12-3
in an active server instance
modifying, 6-4
OID Database Statistics Collection Tool, A-47
Oracle directory replication server, 15-11
replication agreement, 15-15
replication agreement, location, 15-15
required for tuning, 19-11
SGA, 19-12
partitioning, 2-22, 2-25
deployment considerations, 3-5
partner agents, 23-6
deregistering, 23-21, 23-22
managing, 23-17
registering, 23-8, 23-17, 23-21
password-based authentication, 5-4, 11-3
database, 6-35
expiration warning, 6-18
failure count interval, 6-18
for shell tools, 5-13, 8-19
for SSL wallets, 5-6
modifying, 6-6, 6-8, 6-10, 12-4, C-6
setting, C-6
for using bulk tools, 5-13
MD4, 6-21
lockout, 6-18
lockout duration, 6-18
managing, 6-17
maximum age, 6-18
maximum failure, 6-19
policies, 11-6, 11-7
conceptual discussion, 11-7
in Delegated Administration Service, 10-5
management, 2-13, 11-2
managing, 6-17
setting by using command line tools, 6-21
setting by using command-line tools, 6-21
setting by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-20
protecting, 2-13
protection, 11-2, 11-6
changing by using ldapmodify, 6-22
changing by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-22
changing scheme, 6-21
default, 11-6
managing by using ldapmodify, 6-22
managing by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-22
MD4, 11-6
MD5, 6-21, 11-6
setting by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-14
SHA, 6-21, 11-6
UNIX Crypt, 6-21, 11-6
registering and resetting in Delegated Administration Service, 10-6
to a directory, changing, 6-22
to Oracle data servers, changing, 5-14, 6-35
add or modify, 19-12
by using multiple threads, A-7
by using orclEntryLevelACI, 13-3
metrics, 19-2
replication and, 3-6
search, 19-12
troubleshooting, 19-12
tuning, tools for, 19-2
permissions, 2-13, 11-2, 11-4
by using command-line tools, 13-48
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-15
physical distribution, partitions and replicas, 3-4
physical memory, 17-12
PKI authentication, 11-2
policies, naming, exploiting existing, 3-3
pooling, connection, 1-8
port, 5-5
default, 4-5, 4-7, 5-3, A-37, A-39
port 389, 4-5, 4-7, A-37, A-39, C-5
port 636, 4-5, 4-7, A-37, A-39, C-5
at the attribute level, 13-12
at the entry level, 13-11
ACL evaluation, 13-11
in conflicting access policies, 13-2
prescriptive access control, 13-3
Present filter, Oracle Directory Manager, 8-4, 8-7
presentationAddressMatch matching rule, C-10
printing communication with the back-end, 6-28
printing out packets sent and received, 6-28
privacy, data, 2-13, 11-2
by using SSL, 1-9
privilege groups, 13-3
privileges, 2-13, 11-2, 11-4
process instance location, 6-14
processes, 2-19
Oracle background, 19-11
Oracle foreground
restricting, 19-7
processing power of CPU, 17-15
processor affinity on SMP systems, 19-6
profiles, directory integration, 22-6, 22-8, 23-8
protocolInformationMatch matching rule, C-10
proxy users, 11-3
definition, 6-23
managing, 6-22
by using ldapmodify, 6-24
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-23
user name and password, 6-22
public key infrastructure, 11-2
purge schedule, setting using Oracle Directory Manager, 15-13
pwdExpireWarning, 6-18
pwdFailureCountInterval, 6-18
pwdFailureCountInterval attribute, 6-19
pwdInfObject object class, 6-20
pwdLockout, 6-18
pwdLockout attribute, 6-19
pwdLockoutDuration, 6-18
pwdLockoutDuration attribute, 6-19
pwdMaxAge, 6-18, 6-19
pwdMaxFailure, 6-19
pwdMaxFailure attribute, 6-19
pwdPolicy object class, 6-19


query entry return limit, 6-14
audit log, 6-29
critical events, 6-29


RAID, 19-10
RC4_40 encryption, 11-3
RDNs. See relative distinguished names (RDNs)
Real Application Clusters, 21-7
directory failover in, 21-1
recovery features, in Oracle9i, 1-9
redefining mandatory attributes, 7-4
redo log buffers parameter, 19-12
redundancy, 18-2
and failover, 3-4
redundant links, 18-8
ref attribute, 8-21
referral object class, 8-21
Refresh button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
Refresh Entry button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
Refresh Entry menu item, 5-8
Refresh Subtree Entries button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
Refresh Subtree Entries menu item, 5-8
relational databases contrasted to directories, 1-2
relative distinguished names (RDNs), 2-3
displaying for each entry, 8-2
by using command line tools, 8-15
by using command-line tools, 8-15
by using ldapmodify, A-18
modifying, by using ldapmoddn, 5-12, 8-16
reliability, and replication, 2-22
replicas, 2-23
in deployment, 3-4
replicated directories, conceptual discussion, 2-22
replication, 2-22, 2-24
adding a new node for, 15-20, 15-25
agreement parameters, 15-15
location, 15-15
modifying, 15-16, 15-17
viewing and modifying, 15-16
agreements, 6-14, 14-2, 15-16
adding nodes to, 15-18
configuring, 15-10, 15-15
architecture, 14-3
change conflicts
monitoring, 15-30
change logs, 1-8, 14-6
cold backup, 16-1
configuration parameters
modifying, 15-13
viewing and modifying, 15-12
configuring, 15-10
Oracle9i Replication, 15-7
sqlnet.ora, 15-4
tnsnames.ora, 15-4
levels of occurrence, 14-7
resolving manually, 15-30
typical causes of, 14-8
considerations, 3-6
database copy procedure, 16-1
deleting a node, 15-26
failure tolerance, 3-7
garbage collection, 15-12
in deployment, 3-6
installing and configuring, 15-2
load balancing, 3-6
log location, 6-14
login events, 6-32
loose consistency model, 3-6
managing, 15-1
multimaster, 1-8, 3-4, 14-2
naming contexts, 15-2
adding, 15-20
deleting, 15-26
Oracle9i, 14-3
overview, 14-1
preparing the Oracle Net Services environment for, 15-4
process, 14-9, 14-10, 14-11, 14-12, 14-13
on the consumer side, 14-5
on the supplier side, 14-4
reasons to implement, 3-6
reliability and, 2-22
applying changes, 2-24
modifying number of, 15-14
stopping, A-39
specifying number of worker threads, 15-13
sponsor node, 16-3
status location, 6-14
transport mechanism, 14-3
replication server. See directory replication server
replication-specific debugging, 6-28
restart command, 24-10
Revert button, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-7
RFCs enforced by Oracle Internet Directory, C-2
rollback segments, 15-5
creating, 15-5
root of search
entering, 8-2
selecting, 8-3
rules, LDIF, A-3
run-server command, by using OID Control Utility, 5-14


SASL. See Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL).
scalability, of Oracle Internet Directory, 1-8
adding and changing object classes (online), 7-2
administration, 7-1
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-11
definition location, 6-14
definitions in subSchemaSubentry, 2-13
distributed among several tablespaces, 19-9
elements, C-1
add/replace event, 6-31
delete event, 6-31
for specific Oracle products, C-3
Oracle proprietary, C-3
for orclACI, B-2
for orclEntryLevelACI, B-3
objects, administering by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-11
Schema Management pane, in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-9
schema-related debugging, 6-28
scripts, batched line-mode commands, 7-14
and compare operations, 2-7
criteria bar, in Oracle Directory Manager, 8-3, 8-6
depth, specifying, 8-3
filter processing, 6-28
IETF-compliant, A-22
ldapsearch, A-24
results, specifying maximum number of entries returned, 8-3, 8-6
Search ACPs
button, 5-9
menu item, 5-8
configuring, 6-25
by using ldapmodify, 6-26
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-25
byusing Oracle Directory Manager, 6-25
for ACPs when using Oracle Directory Manager, 13-16
duration, 8-6
setting maximum amount of time
by using ldapmodify, 6-26
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-26
setting maximum number of entries returned
by using ldapmodify, 6-26
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-25
specifying maximum number of entries returned, 8-3, 8-6
using filters, 7-7
port 636, 12-2
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), 6-14, 6-15, 6-22
secure mode
running directory servers in, C-5
running server instances in, 12-2
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 25-2
configuring, 5-3
enabling Oracle Directory Manager, 5-5
managing, 12-1
security, 1-9, 2-13
for different clients, 12-2
in LDAP Version 3, 1-5
in the Oracle Directory Integration Platform, 25-1
SSL parameters for different clients, 12-2
tools, 25-6
within Oracle Internet Directory environment, 2-13, 11-2
selected audit log events, 6-32
server instances
running, 5-2
running in secure mode, 12-2
server mode, 6-15
server operation time limit, 6-15
server processes
number of, C-5
too many, 19-5
servers. See directory servers, directory replication servers, or directory integration servers
used by Delegated Administration Service, 2-29
SESSIONS parameter, 19-10
SGA. See System Global Area (SGA).
SHA, 6-14, 6-15, 6-22, F-4
for password encryption, 6-21, 11-6
shared pool size, 19-8
parameter, 19-10
shared server, 19-11
simple authentication, 1-9, 11-3
for access control subjects, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-39, 13-42
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), in LDAP Version 3, 1-5
Single Sign-On, integrating with Delegated Administration Service, 10-3, 10-4, 10-6
single-valued attributes, 2-6
converting to multivalued, 7-16
attribute values, C-10
size, C-10
of database cache, 3-10
sizing, 3-8, 3-9
considerations in deployment, 3-9
I/O subsystem, 17-6
tablespaces, 17-9
sleep time, OID Monitor, 4-2, A-34
smart knowledge references (referrals), 2-28
configuring, 8-21
sn attribute, 2-6
software-based connection redirection, 18-7
sort area parameter, 19-12
special purpose directories, 1-4
SPECint_rate95 baseline, 17-15
sponsor node, 15-22
cold backup procedures, 16-3
sqlnet.ora, configuring for replication, 15-4
SSL, 5-5, 12-2, 12-3, 12-5
attribute values, C-4
authenticated access, 1-9
authentication, 13-7
for Oracle Directory Manager, 5-6
one-way, 5-6
server only, 5-6
cipher suites, 12-2
supported in Oracle Internet Directory, 12-2
client scenarios, 12-2
configuration parameters, 12-2
modifying, 12-3
configuring, 5-3, 12-2
data privacy, 1-9
default port, C-5
disabling, C-5
enabling, 12-2, A-6, A-8, A-9, A-16, A-21, C-5
handshake, 12-2
modifying orclsslwalleturl parameter, 6-6, 6-8, 6-9, 12-4, A-6, A-8, A-9, A-11, A-12, A-14, A-16, A-22, A-23, C-6
no authentication, 5-6, C-6
for access control subject, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-41
one-way authentication
for access control subjects, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-42
parameters, 12-2
configuring, 12-2
configuring by using command-line tools, 12-5
configuring by using Oracle Directory Manager, 12-3
password to user wallet, 5-6
port 636, 12-2
strong authentication, 11-2
toggling on and off, C-5
two-way authentication, C-6
for access control subjects, 13-21, 13-25, 13-27, 13-29, 13-31, 13-35, 13-38, 13-42
Version 2, 12-2
Version 3, 12-2
wallets, C-6
changing location of, 6-6, 6-8, 6-9, 12-4, A-6, A-8, A-9, A-11, A-12, A-14, A-16, A-22, A-23, C-6
changing passwords, 6-6, 6-8, 6-10, 12-4, C-6
SSL mode
using directory integration server in, 24-10
stack, technology, 18-2
start-server commands, 6-2
stats log
connections, 6-28
entries sent, 6-28
operations, 6-28
results, 6-28
stop-server command, 5-14
store-and-forward transport, in Oracle9i, 14-3
striping, 19-9, 19-10
strong authentication, 11-3
structural access items, 13-18, 13-44
access control points, 13-18
of an existing ACP
modifying, 13-40
specifying for a specific entry, 13-26
structural object class type, 2-9, 2-10
structural object classes, 2-10
converting, 7-5
structure rules, not enforced by Oracle Internet Directory, 2-11
structure, audit log entries, 6-30
subclasses, 2-9
subconfig, C-4
subentries, definition, 2-13
subordinate naming contexts, 2-26
subregistry, C-4
adding object classes to, 2-13
holding schema definitions, 2-13
modifying, 2-13
subtree entry data, updating by using Oracle Directory Manager, 5-9
subtree level search, 8-3
displaying, 8-2
granting access to, 13-22, 13-25, 13-28, 13-29, 13-32, 13-36, 13-39, 13-42
Sun Solaris, starting Oracle Directory Manager on, 5-2
super users
definition, 6-22
logging in as, 5-3
login events, 6-31
managing, 6-22
by using ldapmodify, 6-24
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-23
user name and password, 6-22
superclass selector, 8-8
superclasses, 2-9
and inheritance, 7-3
attributes in, 7-10
attributes of, 7-10
of object classes, 7-7
superior knowledge references (referrals), 2-26
suppliers, 2-23
surname attribute, 2-6
Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) systems, 19-6
from a connected directory to Oracle Internet Directory, 23-4
from Oracle Internet Directory to a connected directory, 23-5
scenarios, 23-4
status attribute, 24-15
attribute, 2-6
bulk tools, A-27
bulkdelete, A-27
bulkload, A-28
bulkmodify, A-29
catalog management tool, A-33
command-line tools, A-4
ldapadd, A-4
ldapaddmt, A-6
ldapbind, A-8
ldapcompare, A-9
ldapdelete, A-11
ldapmoddn, A-13
ldapmodify, A-15
ldapmodifymt, A-20
ldapsearch, A-22
LDIF and command-line tools, A-1
ldifwrite, A-31
OID Control Utility, A-35
OID Database Statistics Collection Tool, A-47
OID Monitor, A-34
oidctl, A-35
stored in schema, 2-13
cannot add to subSchemaSubentry, 2-13
new, adding, 2-7
tab in Oracle Directory Manager, 7-9
by using by using ldapsearch, 7-32
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 7-32
System Global Area (SGA), 15-6, 17-13, 19-7
parameters, 19-12
sizing, 19-8
tuning for Oracle9i, 19-8
tuning parameters, 19-12
system operational attributes, 6-13
setting, 6-13
by using ldapmodify, 6-15
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-13
viewing, 6-13
SYSTEM tablespace, 17-12


tablespaces, 17-8
balancing, 19-9
creating, 15-5
in replication, 15-5
OLTS_CT_CN, 17-12
OLTS_CT_DN, 17-12
sizing, 17-9
SYSTEM, 17-12
targetDN, C-4
TCP/IP connections, 18-5, 18-8, C-5
tear-off, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-8
technology stack, 18-2
telephoneNumberMatch matching rule, C-10, C-11
templates, creating entries from, 8-9
throughput, 17-6
overall, 19-2
time-based change log purging, 14-6
configuring for replication, 15-4
in cold backup, 16-7
for tuning, 19-2
security of, 25-6
top object class, 2-9, 2-10
optional attributes in, 2-10
top utility, 19-2
trace function calls, 6-28
tracing function calls, 6-28
Transparent Application Failover (TAF), 21-2
Transport Layer Security (TLS), and LDAP Version 3, 1-5
tree view
browsing, 8-3
selecting root of search, 8-3
troubleshooting, G-1
directory server instance startup, 4-8, A-40
directory servers, 4-9
performance, 19-12
tunables, database, 19-10
tuning, 3-8, 19-1
considerations, 3-11
CPU for Oracle foreground processes, 19-6
CPU for Oracle Internet Directory processes, 19-4
CPU usage, 19-3
deployment considerations, 3-11
disk, 19-9
memory, 19-7
Oracle Internet Directory processes, 19-5
overview, 19-2
SGA parameters, 19-12
System Global Area (SGA) for Oracle9i, 19-8
tools, 19-2
two-way authentication, SSL, C-6
of attributes, 2-4
of object classes, 7-7


Unicode Transformation Format 8-bit (UTF-8), 2-14
uniqueMemberMatch matching rule, C-10
UNIX crypt, for password encryption, 6-14, 6-15, 6-21, 11-6, F-4
UNIX crypt, for password hashing, 6-22
UNIX, starting Oracle Directory Manager on, 5-2
unspecified access, 13-9, 13-42
upgrading from an earlier release, E-1
all nodes at same time, E-5
in a multi-node environment, E-2
in a single node environment, E-2
LDIF-based, E-7
one node at a time, E-3
tasks before, E-2
user entries
by using ldapadd, 8-16
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-10
by using ldapmodify, 8-16
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 8-12
User field, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-3
user login, 5-3
user names and passwords, managing
by using ldapmodify, 6-24
by using Oracle Directory Manager, 6-23
user password modification event, 6-32
User Preferences
button, 5-10
menu item, 5-8
user, proxy, 11-3
userPassword attribute, hash values, F-4
UTF-8. See Unicode Transformation Format 8-bit


values, deleting attribute, A-18
View menu, in Oracle Directory Manager, 5-8
virtual memory, 17-12
vmstat utility, 19-2


auto login, D-8
changing a password, D-7
changing location of, 6-6, 6-8, 6-9, 12-4, A-6, A-8, A-9, A-11, A-12, A-14, A-16, A-22, A-23, C-6
closing, D-6
creating, 6-6, 6-8, 6-10, 12-4, C-6, D-4
deleting, D-7
location, C-6
managing, D-4
managing certificates, D-9
managing trusted certificates, D-12
opening, D-5
passwords, 5-6
changing, 6-6, 6-8, 6-10, 12-4, C-6
saving, D-6
SSL, C-6
wildcards, in setting access control policies, 13-49
Windows NT
Performance Monitor, 19-2
starting Oracle Directory Manager on, 5-2
Task Manager, 19-2
worker threads, 2-20, 19-11
specifying in replication, 15-13

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