Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
Release 3.0.1

Part Number A90151-01
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Upgrading from Oracle Internet Directory Release 2.1.1

This chapter tells you how to upgrade to Oracle Internet Directory release 3.0.1 from Oracle Internet Directory release 2.1.1.

This appendix contains these topics:

You can upgrade one node at a time until you have upgraded all of the nodes in the replication group. In a replicated environment, a node running release 3.0.1 can co-exist with nodes running previous releases of Oracle Internet Directory. Moreover, in a replicated environment, upgrade of one node to release 3.0.1 requires no network downtime. The other nodes can remain available while the upgrade progresses.

Tasks Before Upgrading

Before you upgrade, perform the following tasks:

Upgrading in a Single Node Environment

To upgrade on a single node, follow the instructions in the installation documentation for your operating system.

Upgrading in a Multi-Node Environment

Upgrading a multi-node Oracle Internet Directory system to release 3.0.1 requires special attention. This section discusses the two ways to upgrade a multi-node Oracle Internet Directory system. It contains these topics:

Upgrading One Node at a Time

Use this method if you do not want any system downtime. While the upgrade on one node is in progress, it allows all the other nodes to remain available. However, using this method requires that you clearly understand and strictly follow these guidelines:

Perform the following tasks, first on the MDS, then on the master sites.

Task 1: Verify that You Have Stopped the Oracle Internet Directory Processes

See Also:

"Tasks Before Upgrading" 

Task 2: Delete Jobs on Other Nodes

Before shutting down the database at the MDS, run the script delasrjobs.sql located in $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin on the installation CD. This script deletes Oracle9i Replication jobs on other master sites that push changes to the MDS. Deleting these jobs temporarily removes the MDS from the replication environment so that no changes can be applied to it. Other nodes, however, remain operational and continue replicating changes.

Task 3: Shutdown Database and Listener on the Node to be Upgraded

If you do not shutdown the database and listener, then Oracle Universal Installer prompts you to do it.

See Also:


Task 4: Upgrade the Node to Oracle Internet Directory Release 3.0.1

Run Oracle Universal Installer to upgrade to Oracle Internet Directory release 3.0.1, which uses Oracle9i release 9.0.1. The installer both migrates the database and upgrades Oracle Internet Directory.

Task 5: Verify that the Database and Listener Are Running

After the upgrade is completed, the database and listener are started automatically. Verify that they are running.

See Also:


Test the connectivity to other nodes. If connectivity is broken, then use the backup copies of listener.ora, sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora and restart the listener. The backup files are named listenerdate.bak, sqlnetdate.bak and tnsnamesdate.bak.

Task 6: Create Push Jobs on Other Nodes

After you have upgraded the node, create jobs on other nodes. You do this by executing $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/creasrjobs.sql on the upgraded node. This script creates on the other nodes the jobs that were deleted in "Task 2: Delete Jobs on Other Nodes". These jobs now start pushing the existing changes and new changes on other nodes to the node you have just upgraded.

Task 7: Verify that the Oracle Internet Directory Processes Are Running

The upgrade process automatically starts the OID Monitor, the directory server, and the directory replication server. Be sure that these processes are running.

See Also:


Task 8: Upgrade Other Master Sites

After upgrading the MDS, upgrade other master sites one at a time. Perform tasks 1 through 12 on each master site until all the nodes are upgraded.

See Also:

Chapter 15, "Managing Directory Replication" for information about the MDS 

Upgrading All the Nodes at the Same Time

Use this method to upgrade all the nodes at the same time. If you use this method, then the system is unavailable during the upgrade process.

Task 1: Set All the Nodes in the Network to Read-Only Mode

  1. Edit the input file as follows:

  2. Run the following command against all the nodes in the replication network:

    ldapmodify -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome -h host_name -p port_number -f 

Task 2: Wait Until All the Changes in the Change Log Queue Have Been Applied

Before moving to next step, wait for the change log queue to empty. If you skip this step, then changes in the change log queue will be applied once the nodes are upgraded.

Task 3: Verify that You Have Stopped the Oracle Internet Directory Processes

See Also:

"Tasks Before Upgrading" 

Task 4: Shutdown the Database and the Listener on All Nodes

If you do not shutdown the database and listener, then Oracle Universal Installer prompts you to do it.

See Also:


Task 5: Upgrade All the Nodes to Oracle Internet Directory Release 3.0.1

Run Oracle Universal Installer to upgrade to Oracle Internet Directory release 3.0.1, which uses Oracle9i release 9.0.1. The installer both migrates the database and upgrades Oracle Internet Directory.

Task 6: Start the Database and Listener on All Nodes

After the upgrade is completed, the database and listener are started automatically. Verify that they are running.

See Also:


Test the connectivity to other nodes. If connectivity is broken, then use the backup copies of listener.ora, sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora and restart the listener. The backup files are named listenerdate.bak, sqlnetdate.bak and tnsnamesdate.bak.

Task 7: Verify that the Oracle Internet Directory Processes Are Running

The upgrade process automatically starts the OID Monitor, the directory server, and the directory replication server. Be sure that these processes are running.

See Also:


LDIF-Based Upgrading

Normally, you do not need to perform LDIF-based upgrading. Use this method when you cannot successfully run the database-based upgrade process.

Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the LDIF-based backup procedure to backup your existing release of Oracle Internet Directory. This is explained in this section.

The LDIF-based upgrade process requires the following procedures on a node being upgraded:

Task 1: Backup the Older Version of Oracle Internet Directory

Be sure that the directory server is not running, then run the script located in the $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/install directory on the CD.

The syntax to run is: -connect net_service_name -pass password_for_DB_account_`ods'

The script does the following:

If you plan to install Oracle Internet Directory release 3.0.1 in the same ORACLE_HOME, then save these generated files in some other location.

Task 2: Perform a Fresh Installation of Oracle Internet Directory Release 3.0.1

See Also:

Installation documentation for your operating system 

Task 3: Restore the User-Defined Schema and Data from the Previous Version of Oracle Internet Directory

To do this:

  1. Make sure that the directory server is not running.

  2. Copy the following files to $ORACLE_HOME/1dap/load:

    • Backed up Oracle Internet Directory schema dump files--that is, files with the extension.dmp

    • The file OID_userdata.ldif

  3. Run the script located in $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/install.

    The syntax for is: -connect net_service_name -pass password_for_DB_account_`ods'

The script does the following:

Task 4: Start Oracle Internet Directory Processes

Start OID Monitor and the directory server.

See Also:


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