Oracle9i Database Performance Guide and Reference
Release 1 (9.0.1)

Part Number A87503-02
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Gathering Optimizer Statistics

This chapter explains why statistics are important for the cost-based optimizer and how to gather and use statistics.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Understanding Statistics

It is possible for the DBA to generate statistics that quantify the data distribution and storage characteristics of tables, columns, indexes, and partitions. The cost-based optimization approach uses these statistics to calculate the selectivity of predicates and to estimate the cost of each execution plan. Selectivity is the fraction of rows in a table that the SQL statement's predicate chooses. The optimizer uses the selectivity of a predicate to estimate the cost of a particular access method and to determine the optimal join order.

The statistics are stored in the data dictionary, and they can be exported from one database and imported into another. For example, you might want to transfer your statistics to a test system to simulate your production environment.


The statistics mentioned in this section are CBO statistics, not instance performance statistics visible through V$ views. 

You should gather statistics periodically for objects where the statistics become stale over time, due to changing data volumes or changes in column values. New statistics should be gathered after a schema object's data or structure are modified in ways that make the previous statistics inaccurate. For example, after loading a significant number of rows into a table, collect new statistics on the number of rows. After updating data in a table, it is not necessary to collect new statistics on the number of rows, but you might need new statistics on the average row length.

Statistics should be generated with the DBMS_STATS package.

See Also:

Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages Reference 

The statistics generated include the following:

Generating Statistics

Because the cost-based approach relies on statistics, generate statistics for all tables and clusters and all indexes accessed by your SQL statements before using the cost-based approach. If the size and data distribution of the tables change frequently, then regenerate these statistics regularly to ensure the statistics accurately represent the data in the tables.

Oracle generates statistics using the following techniques:

To perform an exact computation, Oracle requires enough space to perform a scan and sort of the table. If there is not enough space in memory, then temporary space might be required. For estimations, Oracle requires enough space to perform a scan and sort of only the rows in the requested sample of the table. For indexes, computation does not take up as much time or space.

Some statistics are computed exactly, such as the number of data blocks currently containing data in a table or the depth of an index from its root block to its leaf blocks.

Oracle Corporation recommends setting the ESTIMATE_PERCENT parameter of the DBMS_STATS gathering procedures to DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE to maximize performance gains while achieving necessary statistical accuracy. For example, to collect table and column statistics for all tables in OE schema with auto-sampling:


To estimate statistics, Oracle selects a random sample of data. You can specify the sampling percentage (Oracle Corporation recommends using DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE) and whether sampling should be based on rows or blocks. When in doubt, use row sampling.

When you generate statistics for a table, column, or index, if the data dictionary already contains statistics for the object, then Oracle updates the existing statistics. Oracle also invalidates any currently parsed SQL statements that access the object.

The next time such a statement executes, the optimizer automatically chooses a new execution plan based on the new statistics. Distributed statements issued on remote databases that access the analyzed objects use the new statistics the next time Oracle parses them.

When you associate a statistics type with a column or domain index, Oracle calls the statistics collection method in the statistics type if you analyze the column or domain index.

Getting Statistics for Partitioned Schema Objects

Partitioned schema objects can contain multiple sets of statistics. They can have statistics that refer to the entire schema object as a whole (global statistics), they can have statistics that refer to an individual partition, and they can have statistics that refer to an individual subpartition of a composite partitioned object.

Unless the query predicate narrows the query to a single partition, the optimizer uses the global statistics. Because most queries are not likely to be this restrictive, it is most important to have accurate global statistics. Intuitively, it can seem that generating global statistics from partition-level statistics is straightforward; however, this is true only for some of the statistics. For example, it is very difficult to figure out the number of distinct values for a column from the number of distinct values found in each partition because of the possible overlap in values. Therefore, actually gathering global statistics with the DBMS_STATS package is highly recommended, rather than calculating them with the ANALYZE statement.

Using the DBMS_STATS Package

The PL/SQL package DBMS_STATS lets you generate and manage statistics for cost-based optimization. You can use this package to gather, modify, view, export, import, and delete statistics. You can also use this package to identify or name statistics gathered.

The DBMS_STATS package can gather statistics on indexes, tables, columns, and partitions, as well as statistics on all schema objects in a schema or database. It does not gather cluster statistics--you can use DBMS_STATS to gather statistics on the individual tables instead of the whole cluster.

The statistics-gathering operations can run either serially or in parallel. Index statistics are not gathered in parallel.

For partitioned tables and indexes, DBMS_STATS can gather separate statistics for each partition as well as global statistics for the entire table or index. Similarly, for composite partitioning DBMS_STATS can gather separate statistics for subpartitions, partitions, and the entire table or index. Depending on the SQL statement being optimized, the optimizer can choose to use either the partition (or subpartition) statistics or the global statistics.

DBMS_STATS gathers statistics only for cost-based optimization; it does not gather other statistics. For example, the table statistics gathered by DBMS_STATS include the number of rows, number of blocks currently containing data, and average row length but not the number of chained rows, average free space, or number of unused data blocks.

See Also:


Gathering Statistics with the DBMS_STATS Package

Table 3-1 lists the procedures in the DBMS_STATS package for gathering statistics:

Table 3-1 Statistics Gathering Procedures in the DBMS_STATS Package
Procedure  Description 

Collects index statistics. 


Collects table, column, and index statistics. 


Collects statistics for all objects in a schema.  


Collects statistics for all objects in a database. 


Collects CPU and I/O statistics for the system. 

See Also:

Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages Reference for syntax and examples of all DBMS_STATS procedures 

Gathering System Statistics

System statistics allow the optimizer to consider a system's I/O and CPU performance and utilization. For each plan candidate, the optimizer computes estimates for I/O and CPU costs. It is important to know the system characteristics to pick the most efficient plan with optimal proportion between I/O and CPU cost.

System I/O characteristics depends on many factors and do not stay constant all the time. Using system statistics management routines, database administrators can capture statistics in the interval of time when the system has the most common workload. For example, database applications can process OLTP transactions during the day and run OLAP reports at night. Administrators can gather statistics for both states and activate appropriate OLTP or OLAP statistics when needed. This allows the optimizer to generate relevant costs with respect to available system resource plans.

When Oracle generates system statistics, it analyzes system activity in a specified period of time. Unlike table, index, or column statistics, Oracle does not invalidate already parsed SQL statements when system statistics get updated. All new SQL statements are parsed using new statistics. Oracle Corporation highly recommends that you gather system statistics.

The DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SYSTEM_STATS routine collects system statistics in a user-defined timeframe. You can also set system statistics values explicitly using DBMS_STATS.SET_SYSTEM_STATS. Use DBMS_STATS.GET_SYSTEM_STATS to verify system statistics.


You must have DBA privileges to update dictionary system statistics. 

Generating System Statistics Example

The following example shows database applications processing OLTP transactions during the day and running reports at night. First, system statistics must be collected.


The values in this example are user-defined. In other words, you must determine an appropriate time interval and name for your environment. 

Gather statistics during the day. Gathering ends after 720 minutes and is stored in the mystats table:

                               stattab => 'mystats',
                               statid => 'OLTP');

Gather statistics during the night. Gathering ends after 720 minutes and is stored in the mystats table:

                               stattab => 'mystats',
                               statid => 'OLAP');

If appropriate, you can switch between the statistics gathered. It is possible to automate this process by submitting a job to update the dictionary with appropriate statistics.

During the day, the following jobs import the OLTP statistics for the daytime run:

VARIABLE jobno number;
      SYSDATE, 'SYSDATE + 1');

During the night, the following jobs import the OLTP statistics for the nighttime run:

      SYSDATE + 0.5, 'SYSDATE + 1');

See Also:

Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages Reference for detailed information on the procedures in the DBMS_STATS package for implementing system statistics 

Gathering Index Statistics

Oracle can gather some statistics automatically while creating or rebuilding a B-tree or bitmap index. The COMPUTE STATISTICS option of CREATE INDEX or ALTER INDEX ... REBUILD enables this gathering of statistics.

The statistics that Oracle gathers for the COMPUTE STATISTICS option depend on whether the index is partitioned or nonpartitioned.

To ensure correctness of the statistics, Oracle always uses base tables when creating an index with the COMPUTE STATISTICS option, even if another index is available that could be used to create the index.

If you do not use the COMPUTE STATISTICS clause, or if you have made significant changes to the data, then use the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_INDEX_STATS procedure to collect index statistics. The GATHER_INDEX_STATS procedure does not run in parallel.

See Also:

Oracle9i SQL Reference for more information about the COMPUTE STATISTICS clause 

Gathering New Optimizer Statistics

Before gathering new statistics for a particular schema, use the DBMS_STATS.EXPORT_SCHEMA_STATS procedure to extract and save existing statistics. Then use DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS to gather new statistics. You can implement both of these with a single call to the GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS procedure (by specifying additional parameters).

See Also:

"Preserving Versions of Statistics" 

If key SQL statements experience significant performance degradation, then either gather statistics again using a larger sample size, or perform the following steps:

  1. Use DBMS_STATS.EXPORT_SCHEMA_STATS to save the new statistics in a different statistics table or a statistics table with a different statistics identifier.

  2. Use DBMS_STATS.IMPORT_SCHEMA_STATS to restore the old statistics. The application is now ready to run again.

You might want to use the new statistics if they result in improved performance for the majority of SQL statements and if the number of problem SQL statements is small. In this case, do the following:

  1. Create a stored outline for each problematic SQL statement using the old statistics. Stored outlines are precompiled execution plans that Oracle can use to mimic proven application performance characteristics.

    See Also:

    Chapter 7, "Using Plan Stability" 

  2. Use DBMS_STATS.IMPORT_SCHEMA_STATS to restore the new statistics. The application is now ready to run with the new statistics. However, you will continue to achieve the previous performance levels for the problem SQL statements.

Gathering Automated Statistics

You can automatically gather statistics or create lists of tables that have stale or no statistics.

To automatically gather statistics, run the DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS and DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS procedures with the OPTIONS and objlist parameters. Use the following values for the options parameter:


Gathers statistics on tables with stale statistics.


Gathers statistics on all tables. (default)


Gathers statistics only on tables without statistics.


Creates a list of tables with stale statistics.


Creates a list of tables that do not have statistics.


Gathers all the statistics for the objects of a specific schema (or database with DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS()) that are not up-to-date.

The objlist parameter identifies an output parameter for the LIST STALE and LIST EMPTY options. The objlist parameter is of type DBMS_STATS.OBJECTTAB.

Designating Tables for Monitoring and Automated Statistics Gathering

Before you can utilize automated statistics gathering for a particular table, you must bring either the tables of a specific schema or a complete database into the monitoring mode. Do this with the DBMS_STATS.ALTER_SCHEMA_TABLE_MONITORING or DBMS_STATS.ALTER_DATABASE_TABLE_MONITORING procedures. Or, you can enable the monitoring attribute using the MONITORING keyword. This keyword is part of the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statement syntax. Monitoring tracks the approximate number of INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs for that table since the last time statistics were gathered. Oracle uses this data to identify tables with stale statistics. Then, you can enable automated statistics gathering by setting up a recurring job (perhaps by using job queues) that invokes DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS with the GATHER STALE option at an appropriate interval for your application.

Objects are considered stale when 10% of the total rows have been changed. When you issue GATHER_TABLE_STATS with GATHER STALE, the procedure checks the USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS view. If a monitored table has been modified more than 10%, then statistics are gathered again. The information about changes of tables, as shown in the USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS view, can be flushed from the SGA into the data dictionary with the DBMS_STATS.FLUSH_DATABASE_MONITORING_INFO procedure.


There can be a few minutes delay while Oracle propagates information to this view.  


See Also:

Oracle9i SQL Reference for more information about the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE syntax and the MONITORING and NOMONITORING keywords 

Enabling Automated Statistics Gathering

The GATHER STALE option only gathers statistics for tables that have stale statistics and for which you have enabled monitoring, as described above.

The GATHER STALE option maintains up-to-date statistics for the cost-based optimizer. Using this option at regular intervals also avoids the overhead associated with gathering statistics on all tables at one time. The GATHER option can incur much more overhead, because this option generally gathers statistics for a greater number of tables than GATHER STALE.

Use a script or job scheduling tool for the GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS and GATHER_DATABASE_STATS procedures to establish a frequency of statistics collection that is appropriate for the application. The frequency of collection intervals should balance the task of providing accurate statistics for the optimizer against the processing overhead incurred by the statistics collection process.

Creating Lists of Tables with Stale or No Statistics

You can use the GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS and GATHER_DATABASE_STATS procedures to create a list of tables with stale statistics. Use this list to identify tables for which you want to gather manual statistics. You can also use these procedures to create a list of tables with no statistics. Use this list to identify tables for which you want to gather statistics, either automatically or manually.

Preserving Versions of Statistics

You can preserve versions of statistics for tables by specifying the stattab, statid, and statown parameters in the DBMS_STATS package. Use stattab to identify a destination table for archiving previous versions of statistics. Further identify these versions using statid to denote the date and time the version was made. Use statown to identify a destination schema if it is different from the schema(s) of the actual tables. You must first create such a table using the CREATE_STAT_TABLE procedure of the DBMS_STATS package.

See Also:

Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages Reference for more information on DBMS_STATS procedures and parameters 

Using the ANALYZE Statement

The ANALYZE statement can generate statistics for cost-based optimization. However, using ANALYZE for this purpose is not recommended because of various restrictions; for example:

ANALYZE can gather additional information that is not used by the optimizer, such as information about chained rows and the structural integrity of indexes, tables, and clusters. DBMS_STATS does not gather this information.


Currently, the DBMS_STATS package does not call statistics collection methods associated with individual columns. Use the ANALYZE statement.  

See Also:

Oracle9i SQL Reference for detailed information about the ANALYZE statement 

Finding Data Distribution

The statistics gathered help you determine how the data is distributed across the tables. The optimizer assumes that the data is uniformly distributed. The actual data distribution in the tables can be easily analyzed by viewing the appropriate dictionary table, as described in DBA_TABLES for tables and DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS for column statistics.

Histograms can be used to determine attribute skew.

See Also:


Missing Statistics

When statistics do not exist, the optimizer uses the following default values. Table 3-2 shows the defaults you can expect when statistics are missing.

Table 3-2 Default Table and Index Values When Statistics are Missing
Statistic  Default Value Used by Optimizer 


  • Cardinality

  • Average row length

  • Number of blocks

  • Remote cardinality

  • Remote average row length


100 rows

20 bytes


2000 rows

100 bytes 


  • Levels

  • Leaf blocks

  • Leaf blocks/key

  • Data blocks/key

  • Distinct keys

  • Clustering factor







800 (8 * number of blocks) 

Using Statistics

This section provides guidelines on how to use and view statistics. This includes:

Managing Statistics

This section describes statistics tables and lists the views that display information about statistics stored in the data dictionary.

Using Statistics Tables

The DBMS_STATS package lets you store statistics in a statistics table. You can transfer the statistics for a column, table, index, or schema into a statistics table and subsequently restore those statistics to the data dictionary. The optimizer does not use statistics that are stored in a statistics table.

Statistics tables enable you to experiment with different sets of statistics. For example, you can back up a set of statistics before you delete them, modify them, or generate new statistics. You can then compare the performance of SQL statements optimized with different sets of statistics, and if the statistics stored in a table give the best performance, you can restore them to the data dictionary.

A statistics table can keep multiple distinct sets of statistics, or you can create multiple statistics tables to store distinct sets of statistics separately.

Viewing Statistics

Use the DBMS_STATS package to view the statistics stored in the data dictionary or in a statistics table. For example:

  num_rows NUMBER;
  num_blocks NUMBER;
  avg_row_len NUMBER;

  -- retrieve the values of table statistics on OE.ORDERS
  -- statistics table name: OE.SAVESTATS    statistics ID: TEST1


  -- print the values




Statistics held in a statistics table are held in a form that is only understood by using DBMS_STATS package.  

Or, query the following data dictionary views for statistics in the data dictionary:


Use the appropriate USER_, ALL_, or DBA_ view. The list below shows the DBA_ views. 

Verifying Table Statistics

To verify that the table statistics are available, execute the following statement against DBA_TABLES:


This returns the following typical data:

------------------------   --------   -------  ----------- -------------
SO_HEADERS_ALL             1632264    207014            449  07/29/1999
SO_LINES_ALL              10493845   1922196            663  07/29/1999


Because the table SO_LAST_ALL has no statistics, it returns blanks for all columns. 

Verifying Index Statistics

To verify that index statistics are available and assist you in determining which are the best indexes to use in an application, execute the following statement against the dictionary DBA_INDEXES view:

  4  WHERE owner = 'SH'

NAME                             NUM_ROWS   DISTINCT LEAF_BLOCKS         CF      LEVEL   ALFBPKEY
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------
CUSTOMERS_PK                        50000      50000         454       4405          2          1
PRODUCTS_PK                         10000      10000          90       1552          1          1
PRODUCTS_PROD_CAT_IX                10000          4          99       4422          1         24
PRODUCTS_PROD_SUBCAT_IX             10000         37         170       6148          2          4
SALES_PROD_BIX                       6287        909        1480       6287          1          1
SALES_PROMO_BIX                      4727        459         570       4727          1          1

6 rows selected.

Optimizer Index Determination Criteria

The optimizer uses the following criteria when determining which index to use:

Determining if You Have Chosen the Right Index

Use the following notes to assist you in deciding whether you have chosen an appropriate index for a table, data, and query:


Consider index ap_invoices_n3, the number of distinct keys is two. The resulting selectivity based on index ap_invoices_n3 is poor, and the optimizer is not likely to use this index. Using this index fetches 50% of the data in the table. In this case, a full table scan is cheaper than using index ap_invoices_n3.

Index Cost Tie

The optimizer uses alphabetic determination: If the optimizer determines that the selectivity, cost, and cardinality of two finalist indexes is the same, then it uses the two indexes' names as the deciding factor. It chooses the index with name beginning with a lower alphabetic letter or number.

Verifying Column Statistics

To verify that column statistics are available, execute the following statement against the dictionary's DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS view:



This returns the following data:

------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ----------- ---------- 
BURDEN_COST                            4300      71957           1 .000232558 
BURDEN_COST_RATE                        675    7376401           1 .001481481 
CONVERTED_FLAG                            1   16793903           1          1 
COST_BURDEN_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG              2      15796           1         .5 
COST_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG                     2          0           1         .5 
COST_IND_COMPILED_SET_ID                 87    6153143           1 .011494253 
EXPENDITURE_ID                      1171831          0           1 8.5337E-07 
TASK_ID                                8648          0           1 .000115634 
TRANSFERRED_FROM_EXP_ITEM_ID        1233787   15568891           1 8.1051E-07 

Verifying column statistics are important for the following conditions:

In these cases, the stored column statistics can be used to get a representative cardinality estimation for the given expression.

Consider the data returned in the previous example.

NUM_DISTINCT Column Statistic


The number of distinct values for the columns CONVERTED_FLAG is one. In this case this column has only one value. If in the WHERE clause, then there is a bind variable on column CONVERTED_FLAG = :variable_y, say. If CONVERTED_FLAG is low, as the case in this example, then this leads to poor selectivity, and CONVERTED_FLAG is a poor candidate to be used as the index.

Column COST_BURDEN_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG: NUM_DISTINCT = 2. Likewise, this is low. COST_BURDEN_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG is not a good candidate for an index unless there is much skew or there are a lot of nulls. If there is data skew of, say, 90%, then 90% of the data has one particular value and 10% of the data has another value. If the query only needs to access the 10%, then a histogram is needed on that column in order for the optimizer to recognize the skew and use an index on this column.


NUM_DISTINCT is more than 1 million for column EXPEDITURE_ID. If there is a bind variable on column EXPENDITURE_ID, then this leads to high selectivity (implying high density of data on this column). In other words, EXPENDITURE_ID is a good candidate to be used as the index.

NUM_NULL Column Statistic

NUM_NULLS indicates the number of null statistics.


For example, if a single column index has few nulls, such as the COST_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG column, and if this column is used as the index, then the resulting data set is large.


If there are many nulls on a particular column, such as the CONVERTED_FLAG column, and if this column is used as the index, then the resulting data set is small. This means that COST_DISTRIBUTED_FLAG is a more appropriate column to index.

DENSITY Column Statistic

This indicates the density of the values of that column. This is calculated by 1 over NUM_DISTINCT.

Column Statistics and Join Methods

Column statistics are useful to help determine the most efficient join method, which, in turn, is also based on the number of rows returned.

Using Histograms

The cost-based optimizer can use data value histograms to get accurate estimates of the distribution of column data. A histogram partitions the values in the column into bands, so that all column values in a band fall within the same range. Histograms provide improved selectivity estimates in the presence of data skew, resulting in optimal execution plans with nonuniform data distributions.

One of the fundamental tasks of the cost-based optimizer is determining the selectivity of predicates that appear in queries. Selectivity estimates are used to decide when to use an index and the order in which to join tables. Some attribute domains (a table's columns) are not uniformly distributed.

The cost-based optimizer uses height-based histograms on specified attributes to describe the distributions of nonuniform domains. In a height-based histogram, the column values are divided into bands so that each band contains approximately the same number of values. The useful information that the histogram provides, then, is where in the range of values the endpoints fall.

See Also:

"Types of Histograms" 

Consider a column C with values between 1 and 100 and a histogram with 10 buckets. If the data in C is uniformly distributed, then the histogram looks like this, where the numbers are the endpoint values:

Text description of scn81062.gif follows
Text description of the illustration scn81062.gif

The number of rows in each bucket is one tenth the total number of rows in the table. Four-tenths of the rows have values between 60 and 100 in this example of uniform distribution.

If the data is not uniformly distributed, then the histogram might look like this:

Text description of scn81063.gif follows
Text description of the illustration scn81063.gif

In this case, most of the rows have the value 5 for the column. In this example, only 1/10 of the rows have values between 60 and 100.

When to Use Histograms

Histograms can affect performance and should be used only when they substantially improve query plans. Histogram statistics data is persistent, so the space required to save the data depends on the sample size. In general, create histograms on columns that are used frequently in WHERE clauses of queries and have a highly skewed data distribution. For uniformly distributed data, the cost-based optimizer can make fairly accurate guesses about the cost of executing a particular statement without the use of histograms.

Histograms, like all other optimizer statistics, are static. They are useful only when they reflect the current data distribution of a given column. (The data in the column can change as long as the distribution remains constant.) If the data distribution of a column changes frequently, you must recompute its histogram frequently.

Histograms are not useful for columns with the following characteristics:

Creating Histograms

You generate histograms by using the DBMS_STATS package. You can generate histograms for columns of a table or partition. For example, to create a 10-bucket histogram on the SAL column of the emp table, issue the following statement:

('scott','emp', METHOD_OPT => 'FOR COLUMNS SIZE 10 sal');

The SIZE keyword declares the maximum number of buckets for the histogram. You would create a histogram on the SAL column if there was an unusually high number of employees with the same salary and few employees with other salaries. You can also collect histograms for a single partition of a table.

Oracle Corporation recommends using the DBMS_STATS package to have the database automatically decide which columns need histograms. This is done by specifying size "auto".

See Also:

Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages Reference for more information on the DBMS_STATS package 

Choosing the Number of Buckets for a Histogram

If the number of frequently occurring distinct values in a column is relatively small, then set the number of buckets to be greater than that number. The default number of buckets for a histogram is 75. This value provides an appropriate level of detail for most data distributions. However, because the number of buckets in the histogram, and the data distribution both affect a histogram's usefulness, you might need to experiment with different numbers of buckets to obtain optimal results.

Types of Histograms

There are two types of histograms:

Understanding Height-Based Histograms

Height-based histograms place approximately the same number of values into each range, so that the endpoints of the range are determined by how many values are in that range. Only the last (largest) values in each bucket appear as bucket (end point) values.

Consider that a table's query results in the following four sample values: 4, 18, 30, and 35.

For a height-based histogram, each of these values occupies a portion of one bucket, in proportion to their size. The resulting selectivity is computed with the following formula:

S = Height(35)/ Height(4 + 18 + 30 + 35)

Understanding Value-Based Histograms

Value-based histograms are created when the number of distinct values is less than or equal to the number of histogram buckets specified. In value-based histograms, all the values in the column have corresponding buckets, and the bucket number reflects the repetition count of each value. These can also be known as frequency histograms.

Consider the same four sample values in the previous example. In a value-based histogram, a bucket is used to represent each of the four distinct values. In other words, one bucket represents 4, one bucket represents 18, another represents 30, and another represents 35. The resulting selectivity is computed with the following formula:

S = [#rows (35)/(#rows(4) + #rows(18) + #rows(30) + #rows(35))]/ #buckets

If there are many different values anticipated for a particular column of table, it is preferable to use the value-based histogram rather than the height-based histogram. This is because if there is much data skew in the height, then the skew can offset the selectivity calculation and give a nonrepresentative selectivity value.

Example Using Histograms

The following example illustrates the use of a histogram in order to improve the execution plan and demonstrate the skewed behavior of the s6 indexed column.

UPDATE so_lines l 
SET open_flag=null, 
WHERE l.line_type_code in ('REGULAR','DETAIL','RETURN') AND 
      l.open_flag = 'Y' AND NVL(l.shipped_quantity, 0)=0 OR 
      NVL(l.shipped_quantity, 0) != 0 AND 
      l.shipped_quantity +NVL(l.cancelled_quantity, 0)= l.ordered_quantity)) AND 

This query shows the skewed distribution of data values for s6. In this case, there are two distinct nonnull values: 10 and 18. The majority of the rows consists of s6 = 10 (1,589,464), while a small amount of rows consist of s6 = 18 (13,091).

S6:      COUNT(*)
10        1,589,464
18           13,091
NULL         21,889 

The selectivity of column s6, where s6 = 18:

S = 13,091 / (13,091 + 1,589,464) = 0.008

Viewing Histograms

You can view histogram information with the following data dictionary views:


Use the appropriate USER_, ALL_, or DBA_ view. The list below shows the DBA_ views. 

Number of Rows

View the DBA_HISTOGRAMS dictionary table for the number of buckets (in other words, the number of rows) for each column:

Verifying Histogram Statistics

To verify that histogram statistics are available, execute the following statement against the dictionary's DBA_HISTOGRAMS table:


This returns the following typical data:

---------------  ---------------
          1365                 4
          1370                 5
          2124                 8
          2228                18

Consider the difference between two ENDPOINT_NUMBER values, such as 1370 - 1365 = 5. This indicates that five values are represented in the bucket containing the endpoint 1370. If endpoint numbers are very different, then this implies the use of more buckets, where one row corresponds to one bucket.

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