Legato Storage Manager Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.1 for Windows NT and Windows 2000

Part Number A90174-01


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You can use the scanner program to re-create the LSM client index entries or re-create media database entries, if no entries for the volume exist in the media database. The scanner program can read a storage volume directly, without assistance from LSM.

To find the volume that contains a specific file, use the mminfo program if the volume is still in the media database or the scanner program if the volume is no longer in the media database. The mminfo and scanner programs provide detailed information on the contents of the volume. This information includes:

Using the Scanner Program

The scanner program reads a storage volume directly, without accessing information that may be available in the LSM media database. If no entries exist in the media database, you must make an educated guess as to which volume contains the specific data.

Mount the volume and run the scanner command with any of its options. The most commonly used scanner options are as follows:

Detailed information about scanner program syntax and examples of how scanner options can be customized to meet the needs of a particular recovery situation are available in the scanner entry in the Legato Storage Manager Command Reference Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT. For details on how to access the Legato Storage Manager Command Reference Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT, see "Legato Command Reference Guide".

The entries placed in the client index receive a status of "scanned-in" to protect them from being automatically deleted the next time the index management service checks the index for entries that have surpassed their browse policy. The entries placed in the media database also receive a status of "scanned-in" and the volume mode is listed as "read-only." These entries will need to be manually deleted.

Scanner Program Options

The scanner program directly reads LSM media (backup tapes) to confirm the contents of a volume or to rebuild the LSM online indexes. You can only run this command as Administrator or equivalent. You must specify a device, which is usually one of the device names used by the LSM Server. If the device is a tape drive, it must be a non-rewinding type.

If the scanner program is invoked without options (or with only the -v option), the volume on the specified device is scanned and a table of contents is generated. The table of contents contains information about each save set found on the volume. By default, one line of information is produced for each save set found on the volume. The information provides the client name, save set name, save time, level, size, files, save set ID, and a flag.

The following example describes the format and options available for the scanner program:

scanner [ -Bimnpqv ] [ -s server ] [ -S ssid ] 
[ -c client ] [ -N name ] [ -f file ] [ -r record ]
[ -t type ] [ -b pool ] device [ -x command argument-list ]

Refer to the scanner entry in the Legato Storage Manager Command Reference Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT for examples of scanner command usage and a list of common error messages.

Rebuilding Save Set Entries in LSM Online Indexes

If a file is not browsable (which means that the save set's browse policy has expired), but its save set is still tracked by LSM in the media database (which means that the save set's retention policy has not expired), follow these steps to recover the save set's entry back into the client index:

  1. Run the mminfo program:

    mminfo -a -v volume-name
  2. From the information generated by mminfo, find the save set ID that you believe contains the file you want. Make sure it is not the bootstrap save set ID.

  3. Once you have the proper save set ID, replace the save set entry in the file index with the scanner program:

    scanner -i -S save-set-id device-name


    If the save set spans volume boundaries, use the scanner program to read from all the volumes. Otherwise, the client index will not be fully rebuilt, making it impossible to perform an online recovery of the files in this save set. 

If the save set that contains the file is not browsable, and the save set is not represented in the media database, both the browse and retention policies have expired. Follow these steps to rebuild the save set's entry in both the client index and the media database:

  1. Run the scanner program on the backup volume that you believe contains the file you want (make a guess based on the adhesive label on the volume).

    scanner device-name
  2. Use the information from the scanner program to decide whether to reintroduce the contents of this volume into the client index and whether the save set you want to rebuild is on this volume. You must locate all of the volumes that contain this save set ID.

  3. Once you have determined which volumes to reintroduce into the online indexes, run the following scanner command:

    scanner -i device-name

    The scanner command asks for a new volume until you terminate it. To rebuild the indexes completely, you must scan in all of the volumes that contain the save set ID.

Scanner Requests an Entry for Record Size

If you use the scanner program with the -s option but without an -i or -m option, and you receive the following message:

please enter record size for this volume ('q' to quit) [xx] 

the number in the bracket [xx] is the entry from the last query.

The scanner command always rewinds the tape and reads the volume label to determine the block size. If the volume label is corrupted or unreadable, you will see a message asking you to enter the block size (in kilobytes).

Type in the block size; it must be an integer equal to or greater than 32. If you enter an integer that is less than 32, you receive the following message:

illegal record size (must be an integer >=32) 

Scanner Marks a Volume Read-Only

When you use the scanner program to rebuild the index of a backup volume, the scanner program marks the volume read-only. This is a safety feature that prevents the last save set on the backup volume from being overwritten. To write to the media without marking it read-only, use the nsrmm -o command:

# nsrmm -o notreadonly volume-name

For more information on the nsrmm command, refer to the nsrmm entry in the Legato Storage Manager Command Reference Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT. For details on how to access the Legato Storage Manager Command Reference Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows NT, see "Legato Command Reference Guide".

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