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Oracle9i Warehouse Builder User's Guide
Release 2 (v9.0.2)

Part Number A95949-01
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Keyboard Shortcuts

This appendix lists the keyboard options for accessing Warehouse Builder commands.

Keyboard Command Access

The following tables list Warehouse Builder keystroke commands. For conventions that are supported by most applications designed for Windows 95 and Windows NT, refer to the Microsoft Windows Keyboard Guide.

General Windows Keys

Table A-1 General Windows Keys
Keyboard Sequence Description


Launches the Help facility.


Close current window or menu and move Focus to parent (to whatever it was set before activating current window or menu). Currently Cancel command button enabled.


Deletes the selected items.


Moves Focus to next control.

Shift + Tab

Moves Focus to previous control.


Activates current push button when Focus is on Button; toggles checkbox to yes/no state.


Activates current push button when Focus is on Button.

Tree View Control Keys

Table A-2 Tree View Control Keys
Keyboard Sequence Description

Right arrow

Expands tree on window canvas, when Focus set on objects with hierarchical relationships.

Left arrow

Collapse tree on window canvas, when Focus set on objects with hierarchical relationships.

Up/Down arrows

Selects the next object above or below.


Moves Focus to the first control on window canvas.


Moves Focus to the last control on window canvas.

Accelerator Keys Set for Warehouse Builder

Accelerator keys are keyboard shortcuts for actions that are frequently performed. Accelerator keys enable you to bypass the menu by using a specific combination of keystrokes that perform the same function as a corresponding menu item.

Table A-3 Accelerator Keys Set for Warehouse Builder
Keyboard Sequence Description

Ctrl + N

Creates an object by invoking the New Wizards.

Ctrl + X

Cut text.

Ctrl + O

Invokes Object Editor.

Ctrl + C

Copy text.

Ctrl + R

Invokes Object properties.

Ctrl + V

Paste text.

Ctrl + F

Opens Object Find dialog.

Shift + Right Arrow

Highlight text.

Ctrl + S

Opens Commit Confirmation dialog.

Ctrl + P

Opens Print dialog.

Ctrl +Tab

Moves from grid to the next available control, chooses the shortcut page tab where available.

Menu Commands and Access Keys

Menu titles and menu items have underlined access keys. Press Alt with the access key to activate the control or menu anywhere within the active window. If an item does not have an underlined character, use up or down arrows to move the focus to the menu item and press Enter. Access keys can sometimes be used without the Alt key for choosing controls or menu items. Use access keys without Alt to select items from an open menu.

Table A-4 Menu Commands and Access Keys  
Keyboard Sequence Description


Activates the menu bar of the active window. The leftmost menu name is selected.

Alt + any printing character

Activates the menu with the underlined character (access key) on the main menu bar.

Any printing character

Activates the menu with the underlined character (access key) on an open menu.

Left/Right arrows

Move the Focus between menus on the menu bar in the direction of the arrow. If the original menu was open, the target menu will be opened and the focus on the first item.

Up/Down arrows

Open the selected menu. Select previous and next command on the open menu.


Opens the selected menu when focus is on the menu title, activates a menu item when focus is on a menu item.

Alt + F4

Closes active window, returns Focus to the setting before activating current window or menu.

Shift + F10

Opens the shortcut menu for the active object (Focus is on object, item).

Auto-Mapping Mnemonic Key Assignments

To provide easy access to the elements of the Auto-Mapping Dialog, the following mnemonic keys have been assigned.

Table A-5 Auto-Mapping Mnemonic Key Assignments  
Keyboard Sequence Description

Alt + o


Alt + c


Alt + y

Copy source attributes to target group and match.

Alt + p

Match by position of source and target attributes.

Alt + n

Match by name.

Alt + i

Ignore case differences.

Alt + s

Ignore special characters.

Alt + e

Ignore source prefix.

Alt + u

Ignore source suffix.

Alt + t

Ignore target prefix.

Alt + a

Ignore target suffix.

Alt + g


Alt + d

Displayed mappings.

Alt + h


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