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Oracle9i Warehouse Builder User's Guide
Release 2 (v9.0.2)

Part Number A95949-01
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ABAP scripts, 8-32
access level, Oracle Workflow Builder client, 10-10
add objects with Metadata Import Utility, 11-7
administration environment, 2-7
administration tree, 2-7
transparent gateways, 5-4
aggregation, mixed levels, 4-6
aggregator operator, 7-25
analyze statistics and targets, 8-21
generic file based, 5-14
archiving a project, 11-47
restoring a project, 11-50
setting up preferences, 11-45
using, 11-44
attribute sets
creating, 3-16
default, 6-4
Auto-Mapping dialog
copy, 6-20
Match by Name, 6-20
Match by Position, 6-20


binding operators, 6-4
bound name, 8-11
business areas, 4-39
versions, 11-36
bridge-type attribute set, 3-16
bulk processing, 8-21
business area, 4-38
bridges, 4-39
Business Tree tab, 4-39
creating a, 4-39
business tree
business area, 4-38


character set
flat file, 5-31
check constraint, 3-14
cleansing data, 7-34
clipboard, 2-10
code viewer, 8-37
attribute sets, 3-16
default order, 3-11
generated, 4-9
reorder, 3-11, 3-12
commit, 2-25
commit frequency, 8-21
flat file physical properties, 8-26
flat file sources, 8-26
flat file targets, 8-26
loading properties, 8-15
mapping, 8-9
mapping operator attributes, 8-14
mapping physical properties, 8-16
mapping sources and targets, 8-21
mapping table operators, 8-9
Oracle Reports, 12-2
runtime parameters, 8-19
runtime parameters, SAP files, 8-32
SAP file physical properties, 8-32
table operator, 8-10
configuration parameters
dimension, 9-6
materialized views, 9-8
rules for export, 11-4
sequences, 9-10
warehouse module, 9-3
Workflow Queue Listener, 9-4
configuration properties
analyze statistics and targets, 8-21
attributes, 8-15
bound name, 8-11
bulk processing, 8-21
commit frequency, 8-21
conditional loading, 8-12
constraint management, 8-23
default audit level, 8-20
default operating mode, 8-19
default purge group, 8-21
delete (use for matching), 8-16
deployable, 8-19
Field Names in the First Row, 8-13
flat file operators, 8-13
hints, 8-22
insert (use for loading), 8-15
keys, 8-12
loading type, 8-11, 8-13
maximum number of errors, 8-21
partition exchange loading, 8-22
SQL*Loader parameters, 8-24
step type, 8-19
transformation operators, 8-14
update (operation), 8-16
update (use for loading), 8-16
update (use for matching), 8-16
data warehouse, 9-2
database links, 9-12
dimensions, 9-6
hash partitions, 9-21
materialized views, 9-8
new physical objects, 9-3
partitions, 9-17
physical instance, 9-2
range partitions, 9-21
range with hash subpartitions, 9-22
sequences, 9-10
views, 9-11
warehouse module, 9-3
connection information
non-Oracle database system, 5-3
Oracle Designer Repository, 3-3
remote function call (RFC), 5-16
SAP application, 5-16
source modules, 5-2
updating, 5-28
warehouse module, 3-3
connection type, 5-16
administration tree, 2-7
menu, 2-3
project tree, 2-5
toolbar, 2-3, 2-4
transformation tree, 2-6
tree view buttons, 2-3
utilities button, 2-3, 2-7
views, 2-5
wizard buttons, 2-3
constant operator, 7-9
change, 3-12
change UK to PK, 4-25
check, 3-14
fact table foreign key references, 4-3, 4-20
generated unique key constraints, 3-13
unique key constraint on levels, 4-5
view, 3-25
constraint management, 8-23
database sources, 5-5, 5-9
flat file sources, 5-13
flat files, 5-13
Oracle Designer Repository, 5-8
SAP application, 5-15
source module, 5-2
warehouse modules, 3-2
create definition
delimited flat file, 5-43
dimension, 3-7, 4-4
fact table, 4-19
flat file, 5-30
flat file sources, 5-30
hierarchy, 4-12
materialized view, 3-19
Oracle Workflow process, 10-10
transformation, 4-33
view, 3-23
database links, 5-4, 12-48
diagram of source definitions, 5-29
dimensions, 3-7, 4-7
indexes, partitions, database links, 9-3
physical objects, 9-3
source modules, 5-5, 5-9
time dimension, 4-15
warehouse module, 3-2


data generator operator, 7-6
data source, 5-1
data transformation, 4-27, 7-1
data type
flat file fields, 5-32
portable, 5-32
data warehouse
configuration parameters, 9-2
database links
configuring, 9-12
creating, 5-4, 9-3
New Database Link dialog, 5-3
Oracle database system, 5-4
SAP, 5-16
source module, 5-2
warehouse module, 3-4
deduplicator operator, 7-24
default audit level, 8-20
default operating mode, 8-19
row based, 8-20
row based (target only), 8-20
set based, 8-19
set based fail over to row based, 8-20
set based fail over to row based (target only), 8-20
default purge group, 8-21
attribute, 4-10
business area, 4-38
delimited file, 5-42
delimited flat file, 5-43
fixed-length file, 5-33
flat file, 5-30
materialized view, 3-19
transformation, 4-33
valid and invalid, 9-25
validate a set of definitions, 9-23
warehouse key column, 4-12
DELETE, 8-11
delete (use for matching), 8-16
delimited file
definition, 5-42
deployable, 8-19
PL/SQL mappings, 9-29
scripts, 9-33
tables, 9-30
Designer Repository
import definitions into Warehouse Builder repository, 3-18, 4-26
desktop view, 3-23
diagram source definitions, 5-29
attribute definition, 4-10
basic definition, 4-3
create definition, 3-7, 4-4
define a level of aggregation, 4-9
denormalized dimension table, 4-6
dimension object, 4-3
generated scripts, 9-28
hierarchies, 4-11, 4-12
levels, 4-5
mapping, 6-5
New Dimension Wizard, 3-7, 4-4
create, 3-7, 4-7
property sheet, 3-10, 4-14
table property sheet, 3-10, 4-15
time dimension, 3-10, 4-15
update, 3-9, 4-12
validate example, 9-23, 9-24
dimension table
default column order, 3-11
physical aspects, 4-3
reordering the columns, 3-11
creating, 3-7, 4-7
Metadata Export Utility, 11-16
Metadata Import Utility, 11-18
Discoverer bridge
business areas, 4-39
display sets
default attribute sets, 6-4
display welcome page, 2-20
drawer, utilities, 2-7


dimensions, 3-9, 4-12
invalid objects, 9-25
dimension, 3-9, 4-12
materialized view, 3-23
object, 2-23
source module
generate diagram, 5-29
warehouse module, 3-6
administration, 2-7
project, 2-5
log file, 11-39, 11-43
metadata export file, 11-3
metadata with Metadata Export Utility, 11-3
subset of objects, 11-3
exporting metadata, 11-39
Express bridge
business areas, 4-39
expression operator, 7-57
external process operator, 7-52
extract transformation, 8-2


fact table
create definition, 4-19
default column order, 3-11
define foreign key reference, 4-20
physical aspects, 4-3
property sheet, 4-23
reordering the columns, 3-12
update definition, 4-22
filter data with a transform, 4-33
Filter operator, 7-28
Find, 2-24
fixed-length file
definition, 5-33
flat file
character set, 5-31
configuration, 8-26
create definition, 5-30
data sample, 5-34
definition, 5-30
create format, 5-43
update format, 5-47
delimited format, 5-42
field constraint, 5-32
field mask, 5-32
field type, 5-32
fixed-length, 5-33
create format, 5-34
format, 5-38
generic file based application, 5-14
mapping sources, 8-26
mapping target, 8-26
multiple physical records per logical record, 5-31, 5-42
physical record length, 5-31
source module, 5-13
update format definition, 5-47
Flat File Sample Wizard, 5-30, 5-33
folder-in-use lock, 2-17


transparent, 5-4
column name, 4-9
unique key constraints, 3-13
generated scripts
dimension, 9-28
general description, 9-23
mapping, 9-29
materialized view, 9-29
sequences, 9-30
tables, 9-30
types, 9-40
generating upgrade scripts, 9-40
generic file based application, 5-14
GROUP BY, 7-25
group by operation, 7-25


hash partitions, 9-17, 9-21
HAVING, 7-25
heterogeneous source, 5-2
create definition, 4-12
dimension, 4-11
hints, 8-22


ID column
rename as warehouse key column, 4-12
database source, 5-19
database systems, 5-19
Import Metadata Wizard, 5-23
re-import, 5-23
definitions into a warehouse module, 3-18, 4-26
Metadata Import Utility, 11-7
selected modules, 11-19
validation rules, 11-20
Import Metadata Wizard, 5-33
invoking from navigation tree, 5-50
invoking from New Module Wizard, 5-18
importing metadata, 11-7, 11-9, 11-35
inbound reconcile, 8-2
creating, 9-3
INI file for SAP Integrator, 5-17
init.ora, 5-5
input roles, 7-36
INSERT, 8-11
insert (use for loading), 8-15
integrators, 5-2
intermediate results, 8-37
intersect, 7-14


job dependencies, 10-12
job scripts, 10-15
joiner operator, 7-16


key lookup operator, 7-10
keys, 8-12


transformation, 4-28
loading properties, 8-15
loading type, 8-11, 8-13
check/insert, 8-11
delete, 8-11
delete/insert, 8-11
insert, 8-11
insert/update, 8-11
merge, 8-12
none, 8-11
truncate/insert, 8-11
update, 8-11
update/insert, 8-11
log file
export to OMG CWM, 11-39, 11-43
logical constraints
view, 3-25
logical name
creating, 2-20
maximum length, 2-21
requirements, 2-21
logon to a repository, 2-2


mapping, 6-1
adding or removing operator groups, 6-22
Auto-Mapping dialog, 6-19
binding operators, 6-4
code viewer, 8-37
connecting attribute groups, 6-19
create, 6-7
data flow operators, 6-16
definitions, 6-2
dimension, 6-5
edit DML Type, 8-10
extract transformation, 8-2
flat file sources, 8-26
flat file targets, 8-26
generate, 8-35
generated scripts, 9-29
intermediate results, 8-37
operator attribute groups, 6-3
operator attributes, 6-3
operator display set, 6-3
operator properties, 6-3
operator property inspector, 6-6
SAP source, 6-14
selecting flat file operators, 6-13
selecting operators, 6-10
transformations, 7-1
triggers, 8-2
validation, 8-33
Mapping Editor
about, 6-5
keyboard operations, C-10
menu bar, C-2
mouse operations, C-7
toolbar, C-5
Toolbox, C-5
mapping flat file operators
sources, 8-26
mapping input parameter operator, 7-46
mapping output parameter operator, 7-49
mapping sequence operator, 7-5
materialized view, 4-4
configuring, 9-8
create definition, 3-19
default column order, 3-11
generated scripts, 9-29
performance, 4-4
refreshing, 9-10
reordering the columns, 3-12
update definition, 3-23
materialized view editor, 3-23
maximum number of errors, 8-21
menu, 2-3
MERGE, 8-12
detailed reports, 12-17
implementation reports, 12-19
lineage and impact analysis diagrams, 12-21
lineage and impact analysis reports, 12-20
summary reports, 12-16
Metadata Export Utility
directives, 11-16
Metadata Import Utility
directives, 11-18
Metadata Loader
Export Utility, 11-3
Import Utility, 11-7
Loader Utilities in MS-DOS window, 11-15
metadata loader (MDL), 11-2
command line utility, 11-15
exporting metadata, 11-5
import options, 11-10
import searching, 11-7
importing, 11-7, 11-9
large files, 11-2
multiple user considerations, 11-2
migrating a repository, 11-2
minus, 7-14
mixed levels of aggregation, 4-6
New Module Wizard, 5-16
source module, 2-17, 5-2
database definitions, 5-5, 5-9
flat files, 5-13
unique names in project, 2-20
warehouse module, 3-2
creating a business area, 4-39
module editor
source module
generate diagram, 5-29
warehouse, 3-6
multi-user access, 2-17
read-only mode, 2-18
read/write mode, 2-18
synchronization, 2-18


creating, 2-20, 2-21
default naming mode, 2-22
policies, 2-20
renaming an object, 2-21
name and address operator, 7-34
named attribute sets, 3-16
naming mode
default naming mode, 2-22
preferences, 2-22
naming policies, 2-20
search tree, 2-24
warehouse module navigation tree, 3-6
wizards, 2-19
navigation tree, 2-3
New Database Link dialog, 5-3
New Fact Table Wizard, 4-19
New Materialized View Wizard, 3-19
New Module Wizard, 5-14, 5-16
New Time Dimension Wizard, 4-15
New Transform Wizard, 4-33
New View Wizard, 3-23
NONE, 8-11
non-Oracle database systems, 5-3


children of first-class objects, 11-9
import selected modules, 11-19
import with Metadata Import Utility, 11-7
open_links, 5-5
Operator Property Inspector, 6-6
aggregator, 7-25
constant, 7-9
data generator, 7-6
deduplicator, 7-24
definition of, 6-2
expression, 7-57
external process, 7-52
Filter, 7-28
joiner, 7-16
joiner, full outer join, 7-20
key lookup, 7-10
mapping flat files, 8-26
mapping input parameter, 7-46
mapping output parameter, 7-49
mapping sequence, 7-5
name and address, 7-34
post-mapping process, 7-44
pre-mapping, 7-42
set operation, 7-14
sorter, 7-31
splitter, 7-21
transformation, 7-54
optimizer hints as a transformation, 8-9
Oracle Designer, 9-12
import definitions into Warehouse Builder repository, 3-18, 4-26
source module, 5-8
Oracle Discoverer
business areas, 4-39
Oracle Express
business areas, 4-39
Oracle Portal, 12-15
Oracle Reports
configuration, 12-2
Oracle Transparent Gateway, 5-3
Oracle Workflow
client access level, 10-10
define process, 10-10
Deployment Wizard, 10-5
server, 10-5
ORDER BY, 7-31
outbound reconcile, 8-6
output components, 7-37


schedule job with parameters, 10-15
transformation, 4-27
partition exchange loading, 8-22, 9-22
configuring, 9-17
creating, 9-3
hash, 9-17, 9-21
range, 9-17, 9-21
range with hash subpartitions, 9-22
materialized views, 4-4
warehouse keys, 4-3
physical aspects
dimension table, 4-3
fact table, 4-3
physical name
creating, 2-20
syntax, 2-20, 2-21
uniqueness requirements, 2-20
post-mapping process operator, 7-44
predefined time dimension elements, 4-15
Clipboard/Recycle, 2-10
display welcome page on all wizards, 2-20
naming mode, 2-22
utility, 2-8
add a utility, 2-9
remove a utility, 2-10
update a utility, 2-10
Warehouse Builder Browser, 12-2
pre-mapping process operator, 7-42
print report, 12-4
Project, 2-15
unique module names, 2-20
project environment, 2-5
project tree, 2-5
property sheet, 2-23
default column order, 3-11
dimension, 4-14
object, 3-10, 4-14
table, 3-10, 4-15
fact table, 4-23
materialized view, 3-23
table, 3-10


query rewrite, 4-4


range partitions, 9-17, 9-21
with hash subpartitions, 9-22
inbound, 8-2
outbound, 8-6
recycle bin, 2-10
reference materials
distributed database systems, 5-4
non-Oracle database systems, 5-4
Oracle8i Data Warehousing Guide, 4-2, 4-4
Ralph Kimball books, 4-2, 4-4
refreshing materialized view, 9-10
REMAINING_ROWS output group, 7-21
remote function call (RFC)
RFC connection, 5-16
SAP RFC connection, 5-17
rename warehouse object
view, 3-27
renaming, 2-21
reorder columns, 3-11
warehouse objects, 3-12
creating custom, 12-38
detailed, 12-17
implementation, 12-19
lineage and impact analysis, 12-20
lineage and impact analysis diagrams, 12-21
printing, 12-4
summary, 12-16
logging on, 2-2
reserved words, B-2
row sets
definition of, 1-7
definition of, 1-7
dimension object, 4-5
running scripts, 9-32
Runtime Audit Viewer, 10-22
purging runtime entries, 10-27
refreshing the view, 10-27
viewing by date range, 10-24
viewing the job audit, 10-17
viewing the job instance audit, 10-18
viewing the task audit, 10-19
viewing the task details audit, 10-21
runtime parameters, 8-19


data sample for flat file, 5-34
SAP application
source module, 5-15
SAP file physical properties, 8-32
SAP Integrator
create definitions, 5-15
objects supported, 5-50, 5-51
required files, 5-17
SAPRFC.INI file, 5-17
search navigation tree, 2-24
secondary source
view, 3-25
semi-colon, 3-21
configuring, 9-10
generated scripts, 9-30
heterogeneous services, 5-3
set operation operator, 7-14
intersect, 7-14
minus, 7-14
union, 7-14
union all, 7-14
short name
defining, 1-8
reserved words, B-2
software integrators, 5-2
sorter operator, 7-31
data source, 5-1
source definition
update, 5-26
source module, 5-2
connection information, 5-2
SAP source, 5-16
create definition, 5-14
creating, 5-5, 5-9
database definitions, 5-5, 5-9
database links, 5-2
flat files, 5-13
import definitions, 5-19
Oracle Designer Repository, 5-8
SAP application, 5-15
Source Module Editor
generate diagram, 5-29
splitter operator, 7-21
SQL optimizer hints as a transformation, 8-9
SQL*Loader parameters, 8-24
star schema
basic example, 4-2
step type, 8-19
summarize data with a transformation, 7-25
synchronization, 2-18
syntax errors
extra semi-colon, 3-21


attribute sets, 3-16
default column order, 3-11
generate and deploy, 9-30
generated scripts, 9-30
reordering the columns, 3-12
table properties
dimension table, 3-10, 4-14
fact table, 4-24
tablespace, 9-8
testing deployed scripts, 9-32
time dimension
create, 3-10, 4-15
toolbar, 2-3, 2-4
commit, 2-25
property icon, 2-23
Transfer Wizard
log file
export, 11-39, 11-43
version, 11-36
transformation, 7-1
create definition, 4-33
custom example, 4-33
extract, 8-2
filter data, 4-33
group by operation, 7-25
library, 4-28
overview, 4-27
parameters, 4-27
unique names, 2-20
transformation operator, 7-54
transformation tree, 2-6
agents, 5-4
transportable tablespace, 9-17
tree view buttons, 2-3
general discussion, 8-2


union, 7-14
union all, 7-14
unique key
constraint on levels, 4-5
Universal Identifiers (Universal IDs), 11-7
UPDATE, 8-11
data source, 5-28
flat file
format, 5-47
operations on specific columns, 8-16
source definitions, 5-26
fixed format file, 5-47
update (operation), 8-16
update (use for loading), 8-16
update (use for matching), 8-16
update definition
view, 3-26
user-defined attribute set, 3-16
Properties inspector, 9-3
Workflow, 10-5
utilities button, 2-3, 2-7
utilities drawer, 2-7
add a utility, 2-9
configuration, 2-8
remove a utility, 2-10


validating, 9-23
editing invalid objects, 9-25
validation codes, 9-25
validation messages, 9-25
mappings, 8-33
rationale and general discussion, 9-23
rules for imported definitions, 11-20
bridges, 11-36
Transfer Wizard, 11-36
configuring, 9-11
conventional, 4-4
create definition, 3-23
default column order, 3-11
logical constraints, 3-25
reordering the columns, 3-12
validation details, 9-25


Warehouse Builder Browser
administration, 12-45
browsing the favorites, 12-33
contents tab, 12-26
creating custom reports, 12-38
creating database links, 12-48
customizing the favorites pages, 12-36
detailed reports, 12-17
dropping database links, 12-51
editing database links, 12-50
implementation reports, 12-19
lineage and impact analysis diagrams, 12-21
lineage and impact analysis reports, 12-20
properties tab, 12-25
purging stale user information, 12-53
QA user role, 12-57
registering a custom report, 12-46, 12-52
registering a repository, 12-46
related tab, 12-27
reports tab, 12-28
roles, 12-55, 12-56
setting up preferences, 12-2
summary reports, 12-16
unregistering a repository, 12-52
viewing database links, 12-49
warehouse developer role, 12-57
warehouse user role, 12-57
Warehouse Builder MDL File Upgrade Utility, 11-1
Warehouse Builder Repository Assistant, 11-1
Warehouse Builder Runtime Assistant, 11-1
Warehouse Builder Transfer Wizard, 11-34
warehouse keys
column, 4-12
performance, 4-3
warehouse module, 3-2
connection information, 3-3
contents, 2-17
creating, 3-2
creating a business area, 4-39
database links, 3-4
displaying, 3-6
import definitions, 3-18, 4-26
navigation tree, 3-6
rename objects
materialized view, 3-23, 3-27
unique object names, 2-20
warehouse module editor, 3-6
warehouse object, 3-2
rename objects, 3-23
materialized view, 3-23
view, 3-27
welcome page, display, 2-20
WHERE, 7-28
display welcome page, 2-20
Flat File Sample Wizard, 5-30
Import Metadata Wizard
invoking from navigation tree, 5-50
invoking from New Module Wizard, 5-18
New Dimension Wizard, 3-7, 4-4
New Fact Table Wizard, 4-19
New Materialized View, 3-19
New Module Wizard, 3-2, 5-14, 5-16
New Time Dimension Wizard, 4-15
New Transform Wizard, 4-33
New View Wizard, 3-23
Oracle Workflow Deployment Wizard, 10-5
wizard buttons, 2-3
wizard navigation, 2-19
defining the process, 10-10
deploying mappings, 10-5
process example, 10-12
Workflow Queue Listener
configuration parameters, 9-4
write lock, 2-17

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