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Oracle9i Warehouse Builder User's Guide
Release 2 (v9.0.2)

Part Number A95949-01
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Mapping User Interface

Mapping Editor

The following sections provide detailed descriptions of the user interface for the Mapping Editor

Mapping Menu Bar

The menu provides access to all features of the mapping editor, including those commonly done by using the mouse.

Table C-1 lists the menus and menu items that appear on the menu bar of the editor.

Table C-1 Mapping Editor Menu Bar  
Menu Menu Item Description



This item launches the general OWB selection dialog and allows you to open another Mapping Editor.


    Mapping Table, Mapping View, Mapping Materialized View, Mapping Flat File, Mapping Fact, Mapping Dimension, Mapping Sequence


    Mapping Transformation, Expression, Aggregator, Filter, Sorter, Joiner, Splitter, Deduplicator


Constant, Data Generator, External Process, Mapping Input Parameter, Mapping Output Parameter, Pre-Mapping Process, Post-Mapping Process

Create a new operator.


Validates the Mapping and all operator expressions. Launches Validation Results Dialog.


    Mapping..., Intermediate Result...

Generates the code for the mapping and launches a read-only code-editor to view the results.


Prints the contents of the Mapping Canvas.

Mapping Properties...

Launches the Mapping Property Sheet.

Close Window

Closes the Mapping Editor.



Launches the Property Inspector for the currently selected operator, Attribute Group, or Attribute. If no operator is selected, the menu item is disabled.

Display Set...

Launches the Display Set dialog for the currently selected Attribute Group. If no Attribute Group is selected, the menu is disabled.

Reconcile Inbound...

Launches the inbound reconciliation dialog for the currently selected operator.

Reconcile Outbound...

Launches the Reconcile Outbound dialog for the currently selected operator (if applicable). This can be used on operators containing attribute groups to copy operators.


Launches the Add/Remove Attribute Group dialog if an operator is selected. Launches the Add Attribute dialog if an attribute group is selected. If no operator or attribute group is selected, the menu item is disabled.


Launches the Rename Dialog. If no operator, Attribute Group or Attribute is selected, the menu item is disabled.


Deletes the selected operator and mapping lines. If no operators or mapping lines are selected, the menu item is disabled.


Synchronizes mapping operator attributes with the corresponding repository object attributes. Useful in multiple user situations.



Expands the currently selected operator. If no operator is selected, the menu item is disabled.

Expand All

Expands all operators on the canvas.


Collapses the currently selected operator. If no operator is selected, the menu item is disabled.

Collapse All

Collapses all operators on the canvas.

Select Display Set

    All ...

Opens a list of available display sets from which to choose. Only enabled when an Attribute Group of an operator is currently selected.

Validation Messages...

Launches the Validation Messages Screen.


Launches the Warehouse Builder Browser and provides a report on the current Mapping.


    400% 200% 100% 75% 50% 25%

Zooms the Canvas to the selected level.


Opens the Warehouse Builder Browser Lineage report.

Impact Analysis

Opens the Warehouse Builder Impact Analysis report.


Arrange All

Arranges all Warehouse Builder editors on your desktop.

Dynamic Window List

List of currently opened Warehouse Builder windows.



Launches the online help viewer with the Contents tab selected.


Launches the online help viewer with the Index tab selected.


Launches the online help viewer with the Search tab selected.


Launches the online help viewer with the Mapping Editor topic showing.


Launches the Warehouse Builder About dialog.

Mapping Editor Toolbar

You can execute certain commands using the Mapping Toolbar rather than the main menu.

The toolbar on the Mapping Editor contains the buttons listed in Table C-2.

Table C-2 Mapping Editor Toolbar  
Button Help Text Description


Tool Palette

Toggles between hiding and showing the Tool Palette.


Print Mapping Diagram

Prints a diagram of the Mapping Canvas.


Validate Mapping

Validates the Mapping and launches the Validation Results Dialog.


Generates Code

Generates code for the whole Mapping and launches the Code Editor.

Reconcile Inbound

Reconcile an Operator

Invokes the reconciliation inbound dialog for the current selected operator. Only enabled for operators that can be derived from repository objects.

Reconcile Outbound

Reconcile outbound or Create a new repository object

Launches the Reconcile Outbound dialog for the currently selected operator (if applicable). This can be used on operators containing attribute groups to copy operators.


Synchronize this view with a repository

Synchronizes mapping operator attributes with the corresponding repository object attributes. Useful in a multiple user situation.


Mapping Properties

Launches the Mapping Properties sheet.



Launches the online help viewer, with the Contents tab selected.


You can add an operator to a mapping by dragging its corresponding icon from the Toolbox and dropping it onto the Mapping Editor canvas.

Table C-3 describes the mapping objects available in the Toolbox. The table groups the objects according to their object type.

Table C-3 Toolbox Icons  
Group Icon/Tool Tip Description

Relational Objects

Mapping Table, Mapping View, Mapping Materialized View, Mapping Sequence, Mapping Flat File

The operator objects that can be associated with entities in the repository.


Dimension, Fact

The operator objects that can be associated with dimensional objects in the repository.


Transformation, Expression, External Process, Pre-Mapping, Post-Mapping

The operator objects that transform data.


Filter, Joiner, Constant, Deduplicator, Splitter, Order, Key Lookup, Aggregator, Set Operation, Name and Address, Mapping Input, Mapping Output

Other operators.

Operator Property Inspector

You edit the properties of a mapping operator, attribute, or attribute group using the Operator Property inspector. The content and organization of properties in the Operator Property inspector is different for each operator, attribute, or attribute group.

Table C-4 describes the Operator Property Inspector.

Table C-4 Operator Property Inspector  
Category Name Description



Click the flashlight icon to start a search. Enter a search string into the Find field. Use an asterisk (*) as a wild card.



This field appears after clicking Find. Enter a search string for attributes or properties in the name/value grid.


Find Next

Click this icon to locate the next property matching the search string, going down.


Find Previous

Click this icon to locate the previous property matching the search string, going up.



Each property consists of a name and value pair. The value cell has a value editor which can include a text field, numeric spin box, or drop-down list. A property can require Expression Builder to define it. A [...] button is located to the right of the value cell when you click it. Clicking this button launches a custom editor or Expression Builder, depending upon the property. An attribute or property may have a read-only value. An attribute or property with child objects can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the + or - next to its name.


The description area shows relevant information for the currently selected name/value pair.

Using the Mouse in the Mapping Editor

This section describes mouse actions in the Mapping Editor canvas.

Left Mouse Click Operations

The following actions can be performed using the left mouse button:

Tool Tips

Rolling the mouse pointer over a node, an attribute, or an attribute group on the canvas shows a tool tip with information. Rolling over a node, an attribute group, or an attribute while working on the Mapping Editor canvas causes the object under the pointer to be highlighted if the object is a valid target.

Right Mouse Click Operations

Clicking the right mouse button anywhere on the canvas and immediately releasing the mouse button without moving the pointer displays a pop-up menu.

Table C-5 lists the pop-up menus that are available from the Mapping Editor canvas.

Table C-5 Mouse Right Click Menus  
From Where Menu Item Description



Generates the code for the mapping and launches the Generation Results dialog. Where applicable, the system may generate code for multiple strategies. For example, if a step can be implemented in set-based and row-based operating mode, the code viewer includes both modes.

Mapping Properties...

Launches the Mapping Property Sheet.

Operator Header

Operator Properties...

Launches the Property inspector for the currently selected operator.

Reconcile Inbound...

Launches the Inbound Reconcile dialog for the currently selected operator.

Reconcile Outbound...

Launches the Outbound Reconcile dialog for the currently selected operator (if applicable).

Edit Name and Description

Launches the Edit Name and Description dialog.

Add/Remove Groups

Launches the Add/Remove Groups dialog.


Deletes the currently selected operator.


Opens Warehouse Builder Browser reports.


Opens the Warehouse Builder Browser Lineage report.

Impact Analysis

Opens the Warehouse Builder Impact Analysis report.


Expands the currently selected operator.


Collapses the currently selected operator.

Attribute Group

Group Properties...

Launches the Property Inspector for the currently selected attribute group.

Display Set...

Launches the Display Set dialog for the currently selected Attribute Group.

Expand Group

Expands the currently selected operator.

Collapse Group

Collapses the currently selected operator.

Use Display Set

Opens a list of available display sets from which to choose.

Generate Intermediate Result

Generates the code for the mapping up to the current operator and opens a read-only code viewer displaying the results.

Add/Remove Attributes

Launches the Add or Remove Attribute dialog.


Launches the Rename dialog.


Attribute Properties...

Launches the Property Inspector for the currently selected attribute.


Launches the Rename dialog.

Keyboard Operations

You can navigate the Mapping Editor canvas using the Tab key and the keyboard arrow keys.

The Tab key enables you to navigate to the next object on the canvas and select it. When no objects are selected, the system selects the node that is closest to the upper-left corner of the Mapping Editor canvas. The order of navigation is determined by the position in which the objects appear on the canvas. The system follows a Z navigation path.

Within a selected attribute group, you can navigate between attributes using the up and down keys.

When positioned on an input attribute, the left arrow key enables you to navigate to the incoming mapping line. There is only one incoming mapping line per attribute. The right arrow key is not active.

When you select an object and then press the Delete key, the selected object is deleted from the canvas. You can delete the following objects:

Other Dialogs

When adding or editing operators, Warehouse Builder displays dialogs in which you enter information that defines the operator. This section describes those operators.

Add Operator Dialog

Table C-6 describes the Add Operator dialog.

Table C-6 Add Operator Dialog  
Category Name Description

Radio Button

Create an unbound operator with no attributes

This option is only enabled for the following operator types: Tables, Views, Materialized Views.

Text Field


Enter a valid name for the operator.

Radio Button

Create new operator in repository and bind

Creates an operator for the mapping using a Wizard appropriate for the operator being added to the mapping that inherits its structure from a newly created repository object.

Choice Box Parent Object


Provides a list of available modules in the same project in which a object can be created. For mapping transformation actions, this gives a list of available transformation categories qualified by its owning module. For other mapping objects such as mapping tables, this gives a list of available modules.

Radio Button

Import an operator into repository and bind

Creates an operator for the mapping using the Import Object Wizard that inherits its structure from an imported repository object.

Choice Box


Provides a list of available modules in the same project in which an object can be imported. By default, the module that the Mapping belongs to is selected.

Radio Button

Select existing object in repository and bind

Adds an operator to the mapping that matches the type and structure of the object that is currently selected in the tree list.



Enter a search string for objects in the Tree List. The search is not case-sensitive, and you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character.



The search string is used to locate the first object in the tree list that matches the string.

Tree List


Lists all objects that match the type of the operator for all Modules in the same project.

Add/Remove Attributes Dialog

Table C-7 Describes the Add/Remove Attributes dialog.

Table C-7 Add/Remove Attributes Dialog  
Category Name Mandatory Description

Text Field



Enter a name for the new attribute. By default, the old name of the object is displayed.




Adds an attribute to the current list of attributes using the name as specified in the Name text field. Names are verified for correctness and uniqueness.




Removes the selected attribute from the list box of current attributes to be added. Button is disabled if no attributes are selected.

List box

Current list of Attributes


Lists the current attribute groups to be added.

Inbound and Outbound Reconcile Dialog

Table C-8 describes the Inbound and Outbound Reconcile dialog.

Table C-8 Inbound/Outbound Reconcile Dialog  
Category Name Description

Drop-down list

Object Type

Provides a list of repository object types to reconcile: Tables, Views, Materialized Views, Files, Sequences, Transformations.



Enter a search string for objects in the tree list. By default, the field contains the bound name of the object if the object is bound.



Locates the first object in the tree that matches the string when the Find button is clicked; use asterisks (*) as wildcards.

Tree List


Lists all objects that match the object type of the operator for all Modules in the same project. By default, the original module and object that the operator was derived from are selected if available.

Check box

Match by Object Identifier

Matches mapping operators to repository objects by their Object Identifier.

Check box

Match by physical (bound) Name

Matches mapping operators to repository objects by attribute physical (bound) names.

Check box

Match by Position

Matches mapping operators to repository objects by the attribute position; line by line matching.

Physical Properties Inspector

Table C-9 describes the Physical Properties inspector.
Table C-9 Physical Properties Inspector  
Configuration group Description

General (Map Name)

This group includes properties that apply to all steps, for example, the auditing level property.

Runtime Parameters

This group has sub-nodes for each operator that was defined in the mapping. Each operator contains a set of physical properties unique to the type of the operator. For example, a table operator has a database link node and a schema node, and a file operator has a file name node.

Sources and Targets

This group has sub-nodes for each Mapping Step that the Analyze operation has created. Each step has a set of physical properties that are determined by the type of the step. For example, a PL/SQL step has different properties than a SQL*Loader step. Steps are automatically created and maintained; you cannot add, delete, or rename them.

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