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Oracle9i Warehouse Builder Configuration Guide
Release 9.0.2

Part Number A95950-01
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Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Workflow

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) is a scheduling tool included in the Oracle 8.1.7 or 9i database CD pack. You can configure Enterprise Manager with Warehouse Builder to manually schedule jobs that load or refresh data in your data warehouse. You can manage dependencies for jobs that reside in the Enterprise Manager Job Library using Oracle Workflow.

This chapter provides instructions for enabling Enterprise Manager and Workflow on your server and client systems.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Configuring Oracle Enterprise Manager

Configure the Enterprise Manager client and server software, installed with Oracle 8.1.7 or 9i, using the following guidelines:

Step 1: Create the Enterprise Manager Repository

  1. From your Enterprise Manager Console host system, start the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant. This wizard helps you create the Enterprise Manager repository in the Warehouse Builder repository instance.

  2. From the Configuration Operation page, select Create a New Repository.

  3. On the Select Database for Repository page, provide the following information:

    • User Name: system

    • Password: manager <or appropriate system password>

    • Service: owbrepos

  4. On the Repository Login Information page, provide the following information:

    • User Name: Schema where the Enterprise Manager Repository will be installed.

    • Password: Password of the schema where the Enterprise Manager Repository will be installed.

  5. From the Select Repository User Tablespace page, you can choose to create a new tablespace or accept the default. Click Next.

  6. Click Finish to complete this process.

  7. After the installation is complete, on NT, start the OMS by going to control services. On UNIX, start the OMS by accessing the Oracle/home/bin directory and typing the command:

    oemctrl start oms
  8. On the database where you installed the Warehouse Builder runtime, start the Oracle Agent service.

  9. On the computer where you installed the Warehouse Builder Client, start the Enterprise Manager Console.

To store generated scripts in the Job Library, Warehouse Builder must log on to the Oracle Management Server (OMS). This server manages the job library.

  • After configuring Enterprise Manager, you must establish a new Enterprise Management Server by clicking Add Management Server.

  • If you are newly configuring the service, the Add Management Server dialog box appears. Type the host name of the Warehouse Builder repository server.

  • On the Management Servers page, click OK.

  • On the Oracle Enterprise Manager Login page, provide the following information:

  • On the Security Warning screen, provide the following information:

  • Select Nodes from the navigation tree. Right-click and select Discover Nodes from the pop-up menu.

    The Discover Wizard Specify Nodes page displays.

  • Type the name of the computer on which the Warehouse Builder target warehouse resides.

  • Click Next to view the results.

    Step 2: Create a Windows NT User

    To create a Windows NT user with the permissions Enterprise Manager requires, run the NT User Manager on the Warehouse Builder runtime database instance host.

    1. From the Start menu, select Administrative Tools, and then User Manager.

      The User Manager window displays.

    2. From the User menu, select New User.

      The New User window displays.

    3. Provide the following information:

      • User Name: OEM

      • Full Name: OEM Administrator

      • Description: Run as batch job...

      • Password: Enter a password.

      • Confirm Password: Enter the password again.

      • Select: Password never expires.

    4. Click OK.

      Windows inserts the new user name into the list of user names.

    5. From the User Manager Console, select the new user name, then Policies, and then User Rights.

      The User Rights panel displays.

    6. In the User Rights Policy panel, check the Show Advanced User Rights box and then select the Logon as a Batch Job option from the drop-down list in the Right field.

    7. Click Add.

      Windows NT displays the Add Users and Groups panel.

    8. Select the domain for the user from the List Names From drop-down list.

    9. Click Show Users and select the name of the new Enterprise Manager user you just created.

    10. Click Add and select OK to add rights.

    Step 3: Configure Preferred Credentials

    Enterprise Manager schedules jobs on the system that hosts the Warehouse Builder runtime schema. For Enterprise Manager to schedule jobs, you must configure two sets of user names and passwords:

    To initialize these credentials:

    1. Start the Enterprise Manager Console.

    2. From the System menu, select Preferences.

      Enterprise Manager displays the Edit Administrator Preferences window.

    3. Select the Preferred Credentials tab.

      Enterprise Manager displays a panel that lists Service Names and Types. Each resource node has three service types: Node, Database, and Listener.

    4. Select the Service Name that hosts the runtime schema (Service Type is Node).

      Enterprise Manager displays a User Name and Password panel.

    5. Provide a user name and password that provides access to the Enterprise Manager host.

      This is the user name you created for the Windows NT host in the previous section.

    6. Select the Service Name of the runtime schema (Service Type is Database). This is the service name Enterprise Manager assigned to the database.

    7. Provide a user name and password that provides access to that database.

    8. Click OK to commit the information.

    Enterprise Manager is now configured to run Warehouse Builder. Before you register the load jobs (Tcl scripts) or schedule jobs with Enterprise Manager, you must start all necessary services on the machine that hosts Enterprise Manager and the system that hosts the target warehouse.

    On the host for Enterprise Manager, you must start:

    On the host for your target warehouse, you must start:

    Continue the installation with the next section, Installing Oracle Workflow.

    Step 4: Configure Enterprise Manager Preferences within Warehouse Builder

    To set Enterprise Manager preferences within Warehouse Builder:

    1. Login to the Warehouse Builder client.

    2. From the Project menu, select Preferences.

      The Preferences property sheet displays.

    3. Select the OEM tab.

    4. Provide the following information:

      • Domain: Name of the machine where the OMS service is running.

      • Console User: Administrator of the Enterprise Manager Console (default: Sysman).

      • Console Password: Password of the Administrator of the Enterprise Manager Console.

    5. Click OK to save this information.


      If you are accessing Oracle9i OMS, then the job registration code works with these settings. If you are accessing Oracle8i OMS, then the OEM Directory setting must point to a valid Oracle8i OEM Oracle Home.

    Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent Database Compatibility Matrix

    Table 4-1 lists the Oracle Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent compatibility matrix.

    Table 4-1 Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent compatibility matrix
    Enterprise Manager Release Supports Creation of Repository in Database Releases Supported by Intelligent Agent Releases Manages Database Releases





















    The following notes apply to Table 4-1:

    Installing Oracle Workflow

    To ensure the integration of Oracle Workflow with Warehouse Builder, follow these installation steps:

    Install the Oracle Workflow Server

    This section outlines the Oracle Workflow installation procedure using Oracle Portal. For details, see the Oracle Workflow Option Server Installation Notes for Windows NT.

    Step 1: Edit the database init.ora parameter file

    Before you install Oracle Workflow, you must set the following parameters in the database init.ora file.

    Step 2: Create a Database Access Descriptor (DAD) for the Oracle Workflow Schema

    1. Using your web browser, access the Oracle Portal PL/SQL Gateway Settings page:

      http://<server_name>:<portID>/pls/<your Workflow DAD>/


      For example, http://myserver:80/Portal/admin_/gateway.htm


      Make sure your Portal Listener is running.

    2. Create a DAD for Oracle Workflow by entering the information shown in Table 4-2. You must create a new DAD.

      Table 4-2 Information for Creating a Workflow DAD

      Field Name Entry

      Database Access Descriptor Name

      <your Workflow DAD>

      Schema Name

      <Leave Blank>

      Oracle User Name

      <Leave Blank>

      Oracle Password

      <Leave Blank>

      Oracle Connect String


      Authentication Mode


      Session Cookie Name

      <Leave Blank>

      Create a Stateful Session?


      Keep Database Connection Open Between Requests?


      Default (Home) Page



      You must leave the Oracle User Name and Oracle Password null to enable mod_plsql database authentication.

      Step 3: Install Workflow Server

      On the computer where you installed the Warehouse Builder runtime objects, install Oracle Workflow Server from the CD for Oracle Workflow 2.6 for Microsoft Windows NT and Sun SPARC Solaris. Follow the installation steps in the Oracle Workflow Installation Guide.

      Step 4: Verify Your Base URL

      To invoke the Oracle Workflow web services, append the appropriate procedure and arguments to your base URL. Once you define your web security and web users, you can verify your base URL by connecting as a valid user to the Oracle Workflow home page:

      http://<server_name>:portID>]/pls/<your Workflow DAD>/wfa_html.home

      where server_name is the name of the server where you installed Oracle Portal. For example:


      You can authenticate yourself with a database user name and password. When you install Oracle Workflow and its demonstration workflow processes, you also install a demonstration data model that seeds a set of demonstration users in the directory service and creates the same users as database accounts. The users are: sysadmin, wfadmin, blewis, cdouglas, kwalker, and spierson. Their passwords are the same as their user names.

      With Oracle Portal, you can authenticate your connection to an Oracle Workflow web page with any of these database user names and passwords. Public grants and synonyms are created so that these database accounts have full access to the Oracle Workflow web-based user interface.

      Step 5: Set Up the Workflow Monitor

      The Oracle Workflow Monitor is a Java applet that enables users and workflow administrators to view and optionally manipulate workflow process instances. The Workflow Monitor can be accessed by a web browser that supports Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1.4 and AWT, such as Netscape Communicator 4.04 or higher.

      Add a virtual directory mapping called /OA_JAVA/ to your web listener that points to the Workflow java area on your file system. The java area is <ORACLE_HOME>/wf/java. The Oracle Universal Installer automatically installs the Java code in a directory tree in the Workflow java area when you install or upgrade the Oracle Workflow Server.

      Add a virtual directory mapping called /OA_MEDIA/ that points to the Workflow icon area on your file system. The icon area is <ORACLE_HOME>/wf/java/oracle/apps/fnd/wf/icons/. All icons and .gif files that are requested by the Workflow web interface must be stored in the /OA_MEDIA/ virtual directory.

      1. To add the required virtual directory mappings in iAS, add aliases for the Workflow java area and the Workflow icon area to the <ORACLE_HOME>/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf or httpds.conf file. This configuration file defines the behavior of Oracle HTTP Server. Add the aliases using the following format:

        On Unix:

        Alias /OA_JAVA/ "<$ORACLE_HOME>/wf/java/"
        Alias /OA_MEDIA/ "<$ORACLE_HOME>/wf/java/oracle/apps/fnd/wf/icons/"

        For example:

        # Aliases: Add here as many aliases as you need (with no limit). The format 
        # Alias fakename realname
        Alias /OA_JAVA/ " /oracle8i/wf/java/ "
        Alias /OA_MEDIA/ " /oracle8i/wf/java/oracle/apps/fnd/wf/icons/"

        On Windows NT:

        Alias /OA_JAVA/ " <ORACLE_HOME>\wf\java/ "
        Alias /OA_MEDIA/ " <ORACLE_HOME>\wf\java\oracle\apps\fnd\wf\icons/"
        For example:
        # Aliases: Add here as many aliases as you need (with no limit). The format 
        # Alias fakename realname
        Alias /OA_JAVA/ "C:\oracle8i\wf\java/"
        Alias /OA_MEDIA/ "C:\oracle8i\wf\java\oracle\apps\fnd\wf\icons/"


        You must add a trailing slash to each alias name and physical directory path.

        1. Restart Oracle HTTP Server.

        Step 6: Set Up HTML Help

        Oracle Workflow provides access to HTML help from the Help button located on each of its web pages. The HTML help is context-sensitive and provides links to the contents of the Oracle Workflow Guide, the Oracle Workflow 2.6 Release Notes, and the Oracle Workflow Documentation Updates.

        To set up HTML help:

        1. Create a directory for the HTML files on your file system.

        2. Transfer the Workflow doc zip file \Doc\ from the CD to the directory you just created.

        3. Use an unzip utility, such as WINZIP from NicoMak, to extract the doc directory tree from the zip file.

          This creates the following subdirectories:

          • <doc>\wf\doc\<lang>\wf

          • <doc>\wf\doc\<lang>\wfnew

          • <doc>\wf\doc\<lang>\wfcust

        4. Add a virtual directory mapping to your web listener that points to the doc directory tree you just installed on your file system.

        5. Using your Web browser, navigate to the Oracle Portal Listener Settings page:

        6. Add a virtual directory mapping called /OA_DOC/ to your web listener that points to the new Workflow documentation area on your file system.

        • Add an alias for the Workflow documentation area to the <ORACLE_HOME>/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf or httpds.conf file. The configuration file defines the behavior of Oracle HTTP Server. Add the alias using the following format:

          On Unix:

          Alias /OA_DOC/ <$ORACLE_HOME>/wf/doc/

          For example:

          # Aliases: Add as many aliases as you need(with no limit). The format is
          # Alias fakename realname
          Alias /OA_DOC/ " /oracle8i/wf/doc/"

          On Windows NT:

          Alias /OA_DOC/ <$ORACLE_HOME>\wf\doc/

          For Example:

          # Aliases: Add as many aliases as you need(with no limit). The format is
          # Alias fakename realname
          Alias /OA_DOC/ C:\oracle8i\wf\doc/


          You must add a trailing slash to each alias name and physical directory path.

        Install the Workflow Client

        On the computer where you installed Warehouse Builder client, install the Oracle Workflow Client from the CD for Oracle Workflow Client Release 2.6 for Microsoft Windows NT. Follow the installation steps in the Oracle Workflow Installation Guide.

        Apply a Patch to Enterprise Manager 2.2

        This step is critical for the integration of Oracle Workflow with Warehouse Builder. You can find the Enterprise Manager patch information at

        To download this patch from MetaLink:

        1. Login to MetaLink.

        2. Click on the link labeled Patches in the left-hand navigation bar.

        3. On the new page, click the link labeled Click here for Patches released after February 19, 2001 and for all Application Patches.

        4. On the new page, enter 1799032 in the patch number field.

        5. Select the platform for which you require the patch: MS Windows NT/2000 Server or Sun SPARC Solaris.

        6. Click Submit.

        7. On the new page, click Download.

        Apply a Patch to Oracle Workflow

        This step is critical for the integration of Oracle Workflow with Warehouse Builder. This patch can be applied by all Workflow Server 2.6.0 and Workflow Server 2.6.1 users on 8i or 9i, including US and JA languages. You can find the patch information at

        To download this patch from MetaLink:

        1. Login to MetaLink.

        2. Click on the link labeled Patches in the left-hand navigation bar.

        3. On the new page, click the link labeled Click here for Patches released after February 19, 2001 and for all Application Patches.

        4. On the new page, enter 1784138 in the patch number field.

        5. Select the platform for which you require the patch: MS Windows NT/2000 Server or Sun SPARC Solaris.

        6. Click Submit.

        7. On the new page, click Download.

        Installing Warehouse Builder Workflow Queue Listener

        The Warehouse Builder Queue Listener enables communication between Enterprise Manager and Workflow when you schedule Warehouse Builder jobs and dependencies with these tools. You must install the Queue Listener to ensure that all Warehouse Builder job dependencies are managed when jobs are run by Enterprise Manager.

        On Windows NT

        To install Warehouse Builder Queue Listener on a Windows NT host:

        1. On your Windows NT host, copy the wfql_nt/owb directory from the \extras\owb directory on CD 2 to your Runtime Oracle Home on Windows NT.

          The owb directory resides directly under your Oracle Home. It contains lib and bin sub-directories, with the following structure:










          The batch scripts use the 1.1 JVM held in your Oracle Home JRE sub-directory.

        2. You are now ready to execute the scripts. The following is a summary of the scripts supplied:

          • workflowqlsnr.bat: Warehouse Builder workflow queue listener.

          • workflowqlsnr1.bat: Warehouse Builder workflow queue listener.

          • workflowqclr.bat: Warehouse Builder workflow script for clearing contents of workflow queues for an item type.

          On UNIX

          To install Warehouse Builder Queue Listener on a UNIX host:

          1. On your UNIX host, copy the wfql_unix/owb directory from the \extras\owb directory on CD 2 to your Runtime Oracle Home on UNIX.

            The owb directory now resides directly under your Oracle Home. The owb directory contains lib and bin sub-directories, containing the following structure:










            The shell scripts use the 1.1 JVM held in your Oracle Home JRE sub-directory.

          2. To provide the scripts with execute permissions:

            cd $ORACLE_HOME/owb/bin/solaris 
            chmod a+x 
            chmod a+x 
            chmod a+x 
          3. You are now ready to execute the scripts. The following is a summary of the scripts supplied:

          • workflowqlsnr.bat: Warehouse Builder workflow queue listener.

          • workflowqlsnr1.bat: Warehouse Builder workflow queue listener (silent).

          • workflowqclr.bat: Warehouse Builder workflow script for clearing contents of workflow queues for an item type.

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