Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide
Release 1.0.2 for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A86239-01




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Configuration Tools

This appendix guides you through the steps required to run component-specific configuration assistants to configure Oracle9i Application Server. It contains instructions on manually launching, and running the configuration assistants to configure the components you chose not to configure during installation.


Component-specific Configuration Assistants

This section contains instructions on manually launching, and running configuration assistants for the following components:

Oracle Database Cache

Before you can run the Oracle Database Cache Configuration Assistant, you need to configure the ora_icache_origin service manually.

The tnsnames.ora in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory has the following entry after installation:

ora_icache_origin =

   (HOST = <ORIGINHostName>) 
   (PORT = originPortNumber>))
(SERVICE_NAME = <originServiceName>)

Fill in the origin host name, port and service name in tnsnames.ora file as per the above example before running the following command to launch the Oracle Database Cache Configuration Assistant:

prompt> <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/wtacca -create -custom

The following steps guide you through the Oracle Database Cache Configuration Assistant:

  1. Review the Oracle Database Cache Configuration Assistant welcome screen and click Next.

    Figure A-1 Welcome Screen

    Text description of icach1.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration icach1.gif

    The Welcome screen introduces you to the Oracle Database Cache Wizard.

  2. Enter the privileged account information and click Next.

    Figure A-2 Origin Database Credentials Screen

    Text description of icach2.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration icach2.gif

    The Oracle Database Credentials screen specifies the database that is the original and primary storage for the data that you cache on the middle-tier node.

    • User Name: The name of a user on the origin database who has the SYSDBA role. This field defaults to the information you entered in the Origin Database User Information screen during installation.

    • Password: The password of the specified user. This field defaults to the information you entered in the Origin Database User Information screen during installation.

  3. Review the summary screen and click Finish to configure the cache.

    Figure A-3 Summary Screen

    Text description of icach3.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration icach3.gif

    The Summary screen provides information about the origin database, cache node, port number, cache name, memory and disk space allocated.

  4. Monitor the Configuration Assistant as it configures your cache.

    Figure A-4 Cache Configuration Assistant Progress Screen

    Text description of icach4.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration icach4.gif

    The Cache Configuration Assistant Progress screen informs you of the results of the configuration.

    • Show Details: To display detailed result of the configuration.

Oracle Internet File System

The following command launches the Oracle Internet File System Configuration Assistant:

prompt> <ORACLE_HOME>/ifs1.1/bin/ifsconfig


Be sure that the origin database is running to store the Oracle Internet File System schema. You must have a TNS name that maps to that database instance.  

The following steps guide you through the Oracle Internet File System Configuration Assistant:

  1. Review the Welcome screen and click Next.

    Figure A-5 Welcome Screen

    Text description of ifs1.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration ifs1.gif

    The Welcome screen introduces you to the Oracle Internet File System Configuration Assistant and allows you to review the licensing agreement before you can proceed to configure Oracle Internet File System.

  2. Select the database to store Oracle Internet File System, and click Next.

    Figure A-6 Select Oracle Database Screen

    Text description of ifs2.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration ifs2.gif

    Select Oracle Database screen allows you to choose where the Oracle Internet File System schema will be stored. Select whether the origin database is on the local machine or on the remote machine other than the Oracle Internet File System server machine currently being configured.


    Be sure to connect, and store objects in the origin database or any Oracle8i database that you have access to. Otherwise you will get an error stating that the sys user is locked. 

    If you select Oracle8i on THIS machine, then you will have to fill in the SYS password field.

    If you select Oracle8i on another machine, then you will have to enter the TNS service name and the SYS password in their respective fields.

    • TNS Service Name: This is used to identify the database server you want to use for Oracle Internet File System. The TNS Name specifies the hostname, port, protocol, and service name for the database. For more information, refer to Net8 Administration Guide.

    • SYS Password: This is the password for the SYS database account.

    If an error occurs, you will be required to correct the database connection information before continuing.

    1. Enter an Oracle database username and password for a new schema, and click Next.

      Figure A-7 Create New iFS Schema Screen

      Text description of ifs4.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration ifs4.gif

      Create New iFS Schema screen allows you to specify an Oracle database username and password for the new schema.

      • New Schema Name: Enter the Oracle database username for the new schema. The default username is ifssys.

      • New Password: Enter the password for the Oracle database user for the new schema.

      • Retype Password: Re-enter the new schema user password for confirmation.

      If you choose to create a new schema with the same name as an existing schema, a warning message appears. Creating a new schema with the same name as an existing schema will drop the existing schema.

    2. Set the necessary Oracle Internet File System options, and click Next.

      Figure A-8 Set iFS Options Screen

      Text description of ifs6.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration ifs6.gif

      Set iFS Options screen allows you to set certain schema options and to select a service size for your Oracle Internet File System server. There are two choices for the Oracle Internet File System server size:

      • Minimum requirements

      • Recommended settings

      If you are creating a new Oracle Internet File System schema, then you can choose whether to use standard tablespace parameters, or to specify custom tablespace parameters.

      • Standard Tablespaces: By default, the Oracle Internet File System configuration creates six tablespaces used to store the data in the Oracle Internet File System schema. The database files for these tablespaces are placed in the same location (on the database machine) as the SYSTEM tablespace, which is usually found under ORACLE_HOME/oradata/<global_dbname>). Oracle recommends storing each of these tablespaces on separate disks for best performance.

        - Primary: Stores metadata for documents. information about users and groups, and other Oracle Internet File System data.

        - Non-Indexed Medias: Stores the LOB data for documents that are not indexed by interMedia, such as image, audio, and video files.

        - Indexed Media: Stores the LOB data documents that are indexed by interMedia, such as text and word processing files.

        - interMedia Index: Stores the Oracle indexed on interMedia data.

        - interMedia Keymap: Stores the mapping between interMedia Text information and Oracle Internet File System information.

        - interMedia Data: Stores the interMedia data about Oracle Internet File System documents.

      • Custom Tablespaces: Choosing the custom tablespaces option displays six additional pages where the custom tablespace information can be entered. These pages allow experienced database administrators to create customized tablespaces for Oracle Internet File System or to select existing tablespaces.

        - Partioning Option: Improves performance. Available only with Oracle8i Enterprise Edition.

        - interMedia Option: If you have installed interMedia Text, then select this option to use interMedia Text for searching document contents.

        - CTXSYS: If you choose the interMedia Text option, then enter the password for the interMedia CTXSYS account. The default password is CTXSYS.

      If you have chosen to use interMedia Text, the Configuration Assistant will verify the interMedia configuration when you click the Next button. If an error occurs. then you will not be able to choose the interMedia Text option unless you rectify the error.

    3. Enter the Protocol Instance Name, and click Next.

      Figure A-9 Server Manager Options Screen

      Text description of ifs7.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration ifs7.gif

      Server Manager Options screen allows you to enter a name for the Protocols Server Manager Instance that will run on this Oracle Internet File System server.

      • Protocol Instance Name: Enter the Protocols Server Manager Instance name that will run on this Oracle Internet File System server. The Protocols Instance will manage the Oracle Internet File System protocol servers. If you are configuring an Oracle Internet File System system with multiple middle-tier machines, then it is recommended that each middle-tier have a uniquely names Protocols Instance.

      • Run Agents on This iFS Server: Choose whether to run the Oracle Internet File System Agents on this server. Only one server for each Oracle Internet File System schema should run the Oracle Internet File System Agents.

    4. Select the default character set and indexing language, and click Next.

      Figure A-10 Language Options Screen

      Text description of ifs8.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration ifs8.gif

      Language Options screen allows you to select the Character set and indexing language for this Oracle Internet File System server.

      • Character Set: Select the default character set (file encoding). The default character set will be used to store documents if a client does not specify an encoding.

      • Indexing Language: Select the default indexing language. The default indexing language will be used by interMedia when indexing document comment contents if a client does not specify a language.

    5. Select the required Oracle Internet File System protocol serves, and click Next.

      Figure A-11 Select iFS Protocol Servers Screen

      Text description of ifs9.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration ifs9.gif

      Select iFS Protocol Servers screen allows you to select the protocol servers to configure for this Oracle Internet File System server. The following protocol servers are available:

      • File Transfer Protocol Server (FTP)

      • Server Message Block Server (SMB)

      • Windows Client Protocol Server (WCP)

      • Simple Mail Transport Protocol Listener (SMTP)

      • Internet Mail Access Protocol Server (IMAP)

      • Command Line Utility Protocol Server (CUP)

      For more information on configuration of these protocols, refer to Oracle Internet File System Setup and Administration Guide.

    6. Select the port numbers for the Oracle Internet File System protocol servers, and click Next.

      Figure A-12 Set iFS Protocol Server Ports Screen

      Text description of ifs10.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration ifs10.gif

      Set iFS Protocol Server Ports screen allows you to set port numbers for the protocol servers you selected in the previous screen. The following is a list of protocol servers and their default port numbers:

      • FTP Server: Port 21

      • SMB Server: Port 139 (not configurable)

      • iFS SMTP Listener: Port 2500

      • IMAP Server: Port: 143

      • CUP Server: Port 4180

      When you click the Next button, the port availability on your computer is tested. If a port is already in use, a warning screen appears. A common port conflict can arise because the standard Solaris installation includes a FTP server on port 21, which conflicts with the Oracle Internet File System FTP server. You must resolve such conflicts before starting the Oracle Internet File System protocol servers.

    7. Enter your Oracle Internet File System Email Domain, and click Next.

      Figure A-13 Configure iFS Email Screen

      Text description of ifs12.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration ifs12.gif

      Configure iFS Email screen allows you to enter the iFS Email domain.

      • Use NIS for iFS Email: Click on the check box to use NIS (Network Information System) for your Oracle Internet File System email package.

      • iFS Email Domain: Enter the default email domain for the users you will create on your Oracle Internet File System server. This option is available only if you are creating a new Oracle Internet File System schema.

    8. Review the screen and click Configure to begin the Oracle Internet File System configuration process.

      Figure A-14 Begin iFS Configuration Screen

      Text description of ifs13.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration ifs13.gif

      Begin iFS Configuration screen informs the users of the configuration process, and displays the location for the log files.

      Once you have started the configuration process, a progress window appears. indicating the progress of the Oracle Internet File System configuration. If an error occurs, check the log files that are displayed on the Begin iFS Configuration screen.

      A dialog box appears noting that the configuration was successfully completed. You are then prompted to run the ifssetup script as a root user. The script is located in the ORACLE_HOME/ifs/bin directory. This script will configure your system for Oracle Internet File System email, if this option was selected.

    Oracle Portal

    The following command launches the Oracle Portal Configuration Assistant:

    prompt> <ORACLE_HOME>/assistants/opca/

    The following steps guide you through the Oracle Portal Configuration Assistant:

    1. Choose the first installation option to install Oracle Portal and the Login Server and click Next.

      Figure A-15 Installation Options Screen

      Text description of portca1.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration portca1.gif

      The Installation Options screen allows you to install and deinstall Oracle Portal. Selecting "Install Oracle Portal and the Login Server" installs the Oracle Portal schema and the Login Server onto your database.

    2. Enter the database connection information and click Next.

      Figure A-16 Database Authentication Screen

      Text description of portca2.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration portca2.gif

      The Database Authentication screen allows you to specify the database connection information granting the Configuration Assistant database access to install the Oracle Portal database objects.


      Be sure to connect, and store objects in the origin database or any Oracle8i database that you have access to. Otherwise you will get an error stating that the sys user is locked. 

      • SYS Password: Enter the SYS password for the database on which you want to install Oracle Portal database objects. When an Oracle database is created, the user SYS, identified by the password CHANGE_ON_INSTALL, is automatically created and granted the DBA role.

      • Connection Information: Enter the connect information in the following format: HOSTNAME:PORT:SID

        Example: oasdocs:1521:orcl

        where hostname is the domain name and machine where you want to install Oracle Portal, port is the port number on which the Oracle8i database is running, and SID is the database name which uniquely identifies a node's instance. The default SID name is orcl.

    3. Enter the Oracle Portal Schema and Oracle Portal DAD names, and click Next.

      Figure A-17 Oracle Portal Schema Screen

      Text description of portca3.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration portca3.gif

      Oracle Portal Schema screen allows you to enter the Schema and DAD name. These must match the Oracle Portal Schema and DAD name you entered during the installation process on the Apache Listener Configuration for Oracle Portal (DAD and Schema name) screen. The default is portal30.

    4. Enter the SSO Schema and SSO DAD names for the Login Server, and click Next.

      Figure A-18 Single SIgn-On Schema Screen

      Text description of portca4.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration portca4.gif

      Single Sign-On Schema screen allows you to enter the SSO Schema and DAD name. These must match the SSO Schema and DAD name you entered during the installation process on the Apache Listener Configuration for Oracle Portal (Login Server) screen. The default is portal30_sso.

    5. Enter the tablespace names for Oracle Portal installation. Click Next.

      Figure A-19 Tablespace Options Screen

      Text description of portca5.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration portca5.gif

      Tablespace Options screen allows you to enter the tablespace names for Oracle Portal. Choose from the list of tablespaces. For more information, refer to Table A-1.

      Table A-1 Tablespace Options
      Field  Description 

      Default Tablespace 

      Used to store any database objects or components created by the Oracle Portal user.
      Required minimum: 100 MB 

      Temporary Tablespace 

      Improves the concurrence of multiple sort operations, reduce their overhead, or avoid Oracle space management operations altogether. Used for the creation of temporary table segments for operations performed by the Oracle Portal user such as sorting table rows. 

      Document Tablespaces 

      Used to store any items uploaded onto an Oracle Portal content area. These item types can include files, images, folders, and stored procedures.

      Note: The Document Tablespace will gradually fill as users add items to Oracle Portal content area. You should choose a tablespace large enough to accommodate these additions or a tablespace that automatically extends itself. Size the document tablespaces according to the planned size of your content areas. 

      Logging Tablespace 

      Name of the tablespace where the logs are stored. These contain logging information such as end user requests for components and information about the time of the request, the end user who made the request, the machine and browser that was used, and when an Oracle Portal developer created or last edited the component. Additional logging information includes database storage allocated to users, objects, and tablespaces, memory allocation, object creation dates, objects created during a given time span, rollback segment attributes, session locks, redo logs, and DBMS jobs. 

    6. Determine if you want to overwrite or keep the existing PL/SQL Web Toolkit packages. Click Yes or No accordingly.

      Figure A-20 PL/SQL Web Toolkit Screen

      Text description of portca6.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration portca6.gif

      PL/SQL Web Toolkit screen appears only if the configuration assistant detects that PL/SQL Web Toolkit packages already exist on your machine. Click Yes to overwrite the existing packages, or click No to keep the existing PL/SQL Web Toolkit packages.


      Oracle Portal requires the latest version of PL/SQL Web Toolkit packages. If you are unsure if your existing packages are compatible with PL/SQL Gateway, click Yes to install the correct version. 

    7. Monitor the progress of the configuration assistant as the database objects are installed.

      Figure A-21 Installing Oracle Portal Screen

      Text description of portca7.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration portca7.gif

      Installing Oracle Portal screen displays a database objects installation progress bar. Please be patient and refrain from using your machine while this is underway. This process may a long time to complete.

    8. Make note of the information, and click OK.

      Figure A-22 Summary Screen

      Text description of portca8.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration portca8.gif

      Summary screen appears at the end of installation. It reveals information about accessing the Oracle Portal Home page, Login Server page and the gateway settings page. For your convenience, make note of this information before clicking OK.

    9. An installation session log that describes the actions performed and the components installed is creates. You can check the log fine for ORA and PLS errors that may have occurred during installation. The log file is located in the following locations:


    Oracle Management Server

    The following command launches the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant:

    prompt> <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emca

    The following steps guide you through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant:

    1. Select "Create a new repository" and click Next.

      Figure A-23 Configuration Operation

      Text description of oem1.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration oem1.gif

      Configuration Operation Screen allows you to create, drop, or upgrade a repository. It also enables you to edit your configuration parameters.

    2. Enter the host name, password, and service information, and click Next.

      Figure A-24 Select Database for Repository Screen

      Text description of oem2.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration oem2.gif

      Select Database for Repository screen allows you to enter database information for the management server's repository. Be sure to log in as a user with DBA privileges.

      • User name: Enter a user name, with DBA privileges.

      • Password: Enter the password for the username.

      • Service: Enter the <host>:<port>:<SID> for the database.

    3. Enter the repository login information, and click Next.

      Figure A-25 Repository Login Information Screen

      Text description of oem3.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration oem3.gif

      Repository Login Information screen allows you to enter the login username and password for the database user.

      • Username: Enter the database user name who will own the repository.

      • Password: Enter the password for the username.

      • Confirm Password: Re-enter the user password for verification.

    4. Select the default and temporary tablespace for the new repository user, and click Next.

      Figure A-26 Select Repository User Tablespaces Screen

      Text description of oem4.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration oem4.gif

      Select Repository User Tablespaces screen allows you to select the default and temporary tablespace for the new repository user. Use the drop-down button to select the default and temporary tablespace.

    5. Review the repository summary, and click Finish.

      Figure A-27 Create Repository Summary

      Text description of oem5.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration oem5.gif

      Create Repository Summary screen displays all your repository settings. Be sure to verify them for accuracy.

    6. Monitor the repository creation process, and click Close when it finishes.

      Figure A-28 Configuration Screen

      Text description of oem6.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration oem6.gif

      Configuration screen indicates the progress the configuration assistant has made as it creates the repository. Click on Show Details if you get an error.

    Oracle Database

    The following command launches the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant:

    prompt> <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbassist

    The Oracle Database Configuration Assistant creates a database that is used as a container for Oracle 8i JVM. The following screen appears as the configuration assistant creates the database:

    Figure A-29 Oracle Database Configuration Assistant Screen

    Text description of dbca.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration dbca.gif

      Oracle Database Configuration Assistant does not require any user input. Once the database creation process ends, the following screen appears.

      Figure A-30 Database Information Screen

      Text description of dbconf.gif follows.
      Text description of the illustration dbconf.gif

      The Database Information screen displays database information such as global database name, database SID, SYS account password, and SYSTEM account password. Make a note of this information and click OK. You have completed the database creation process.

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