Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide
Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A90215-01




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Deinstallation and Reinstallation

This chapter guides you through the deinstallation and reinstallation process for Oracle9i Application Server. They are described in the following topics:


The following steps guide you through the deinstallation process of Oracle9i Application Server. This process is divided into three parts:

Deinstalling Using Oracle Installer

Follow the instructions below to deinstall Oracle Forms Services, Oracle Reports Services, and Oracle9iAS Discoverer. Perform these steps only if you have installed Oracle9i Application Server Enterprise Edition. If you have installed Minimal or Standard Edition, proceed directly to "Deinstalling using Oracle Universal Installer".

  1. Launch Oracle Installer from the following command:

    prompt> cd ORACLE_HOME/6iserver/orainst
    prompt> ./orainst /m
  2. Enter the Oracle home location and click OK.

    Figure 7-1 Oracle Home Location Screen

    Text description of orca1.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration orca1.gif

    Oracle Home Location screen allows you to enter the Oracle home location. Be sure to enter ORACLE_HOME/6iserver in the field.

  3. Select Custom or Remove, and click OK.

    Figure 7-2 Installation Options Screen

    Text description of orca2.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration orca2.gif

    Installation Options screen provides you with installation and deinstallation options.

  4. Select all the components, and click Remove.

    Figure 7-3 Software Asset Manager Screen

    Text description of orca3.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration orca3.gif

    Software Asset Manager screen allows you to select the components you wish to deinstall. Scroll down the list and click on all the components to deinstall. Do not select Oracle UNIX Installer. When you click on Remove, you will get a confirmation screen asking if you wish to remove the selected components. Click Yes.

  5. Monitor the deinstallation process.

    Figure 7-4 Deinstallation Progress Bar Screen

    Text description of orca4.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration orca4.gif

  6. Once the deinstallation process concludes, quit the installer by clicking Exit.

You have successfully deinstalled Oracle9iAS Forms Services, Oracle9iAS Reports Services, and Oracle9iAS Discoverer. Continue the deinstallation process:

Deinstalling Oracle9iAS Database Cache

If you have installed the Enterprise Edition of Oracle9i Application Server, then you must perform the additional steps. If you have installed Standard or Minimal edition of Oracle9i Application Server, then proceed directly to "Deinstalling using Oracle Universal Installer".

  1. Make sure the cache is started. If it is not, then start the cache using the Cache Manager or the cachstrt script which is located in ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

  2. Run the Configuration Assistant, specifying the -deinstall option:

    prompt> wtacca -deinstall

Deinstalling Oracle Management Server

Perform the following steps to deinstall Oracle Management Server. If you have installed Standard or Minimal edition of Oracle9i Application Server, then proceed directly to "Deinstalling using Oracle Universal Installer".

  1. Launch the Oracle Management Server Configuration Assistant using the following command:

    prompt> ORACLE_HOME/bin/emca
  2. The Configuration Operations screen appears. Click on Drop an existing repository, and click Next.

    Figure 7-5 Configuration Operation Screen

    Text description of doms1.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration doms1.gif

    Configuration Operation Screen allows you to create, drop, or upgrade a repository. It also enables you to edit your configuration parameters.

  3. Enter the username, password, and service name of your existing repository, and click Next.

    Figure 7-6 Select Database for Repository

    Text description of doms2.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration doms2.gif

    Select Database for Repository screen allows you to enter database information for the management server's repository. Be sure to log in as a user with DBA privileges.

    • User name: Enter a user name, with DBA privileges.

    • Password: Enter the password for the username.

    • Service: Enter the host:port:SID for the database.

  4. Select the appropriate user who owns the repository you wish to drop, and click Next.

    Figure 7-7 Select Repository

    Text description of doms3.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration doms3.gif

    The Select Repository screen displays the users own repositories in the database you selected.

  5. Choose to drop the repository user, and all its schema objects, or the repository only, and click Next.

    Figure 7-8 Select Drop Repository Options

    Text description of doms4.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration doms4.gif

    The Select Drop Repository Options gives you the following options:

    • Drop the repository user, and all its schema objects: You do not require a password to perform this action.

    • Drop the repository only: You must supply the repository user password so that the configuration assistant can connect to the repository in order to invoke the drop scripts. Only the repository objects are dropped. Other schema objects in the repository remain.

  6. Verify the information, and click Finish.

    Figure 7-9 Drop Repository Summary

    Text description of doms5.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration doms5.gif

    The Drop Repository Summary displays the options you have selected in the previous screens. Verify the information. If you wish to make changes, click the Back button. Once you click Finish, the following warning screen appears.

    Text description of doms6.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration doms6.gif

    Be sure that the management server is not using the selected repository, and click Yes.

  7. The screen indicates the progress of the deinstallation process.

    Text description of doms7.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration doms7.gif

    Click on Cancel to cancel the deinstallation process, and Show Details to display details of the process.

    You have successfully deinstalled Oracle Management Server.

Proceed to "Deinstalling using Oracle Universal Installer".

Deinstalling using Oracle Universal Installer

  1. Start the Oracle Universal Installer. For information on starting the installer, refer to "Starting Oracle Universal Installer".

    Once Oracle Universal Installer is launched, Welcome screen appears. Click on Deinstall Products.

    Figure 7-10 Welcome Screen

    Text description of wel.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration wel.gif

    The Welcome screen provides information about Oracle Universal Installer.

    The installer provides you with two ways to deinstall products:

    • Deinstall Products: To deinstall individual components or the entire product.

    • Installed Products: To view currently installed products and deinstall individual components or the entire product.

  2. Review all installed components and check the ones you wish to deinstall. Click Remove.

    Figure 7-11 Inventory Screen

    Text description of inv.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration inv.gif

    The Inventory screen appears when you click Deinstall Products on the Welcome screen, or Installed Products on any screen.

    The Inventory screen displays all the components installed in Oracle home.

    The following buttons and product information appear on the Inventory screen:

    If you wish to deinstall Oracle9i Application Server completely, check the box displayed before the product name, which is listed directly below the Oracle home name.


    If you deinstall a product or component, then all of its dependent components and files will also be deinstalled.  

  3. Verify the components selected for deinstallation, and click Yes.

    Figure 7-12 Confirmation Screen

    Text description of conf.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration conf.gif

    The Confirmation screen lists all the components selected for deinstallation in the previous step. Scroll down the screen to verify selected components.


    Oracle Universal Installer does not deinstall all the files and directories during deinstallation. These must be deleted manually. 

    The following buttons appear on the Confirmation screen:

    • Help: To access detailed information about the functionality of the Confirmation screen.

    • Yes: To start deinstallation of listed components.

    • No: To return to the Inventory screen. Listed components are not removed from Oracle home.

  4. Monitor the deinstallation process.

    Figure 7-13 Remove Progress Bar Screen

    Text description of rem.gif follows.
    Text description of the illustration rem.gif

    The Remove Progress Bar screen appears when you click Remove. The installer detects all components chosen for deinstallation from the Inventory screen and removes them from Oracle home.

You have successfully deinstalled Oracle9i Application Server.


Oracle Universal Installer does not allow reinstallation of Oracle9i Application Server over an already installed version. To reinstall Oracle9i Application Server over the same version, deinstall and then install the product.

See Also:


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