Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide
Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A90215-01




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Non-Interactive Installation

This chapter guides you through the non-interactive installation of Oracle9i Application Server. The topics include:


You can perform a non-interactive installation of Oracle9i Application Server by supplying the Oracle Universal Installer with a response file. The installer uses the variables and values contained in this text file to provide answers to some or all of the installer user prompts. If you include responses for all of the installer prompts in the response file, then you can run a "silent" installation that displays no graphical output.


For a complete list of requirements, refer to Chapter 1, "Requirements".

Setting a Response File

There are multiple Oracle Universal Installer response files depending on your installation type. These files are included on the Oracle9i Application Server, Release 1 (v1.0.2.2) CD-ROM. You will need to edit the response file to suit your installation option. The following sections describe configuring the response files for your installation type:

To use a response file, copy the response file from the Oracle9i Application Server CD-ROM to a drive mounted on your system. For example:

prompt> cd mount_point/Disk1/stage/Response/
prompt> cp oracle.iappserver.iapptop.Enterprise.rsp local_directory

Edit the response file you want to use with any text editor to include information specific to your system. Each file contains instructions for properly configuring the response file.Table 6-1 lists the response files included on the Oracle9i Application Server CD-ROM.

Table 6-1 Response Files
Oracle9i Application Server installation option File Name

Minimal Edition


Standard Edition


Enterprise Edition


Specifying a Response File

To make the installer use the response file at install time, follow the same steps to launch the installer, but specify the location of the response file that you wish to use as a parameter when starting the installer. To make a configuration assistant use a response file, invoke it at the command line using the same parameters.

See Also:

"Starting Oracle Universal Installer" 

prompt> ./runInstaller [-silent] -responseFile absolute_path_and_filename

To perform a completely silent installation or configuration session, use the -silent parameter.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant

To run Oracle Enterprise Manger Configuration Assistant in non-interactive mode, you must use both the -silent and -responseFile parameters.

Oracle9iAS Database Cache Configuration Assistant

This tool's user input is specified with EE response file parameters sl_dbaReturn and sl_connectStringReturn as mentioned above with component [oracle.icache.icacheca_1.]

The following steps invoke the Oracle9iAS Database Cache Configuration Assistant and complete the configuration silently.

Launch the following from the Oracle home:

prompt> ORACLE_HOME/bin/wtacca -create -typical -silent 
        username=syspassword = <SYSDBApasswordofthesysuser>

Note the following:

  1. The response file is already available in the above location. The user need to substitute the Oracle home value.

  2. Fill the parameters flanked by <> with the correct value.

  3. The 'ntadminpw' should be mentioned at the end.

The success or failure of the installation is logged in the installActions.log and silentInstall.log file. The log files are created in the oraInventory directory during installation. For more information, refer to "oraInventory Directory".


The installer or configuration assistant will fail if you attempt a non-interactive session without appropriately configuring a response file. 

Error Handling

Values for variables that are of the wrong context, format, or type are treated as if no value were specified. Variables which are outside any section are ignored.

A non-interactive installation fails if no response file is specified, or if you attempt a silent installation with an incorrect or incomplete response file. If you attempt a silent installation and the installer encounters an error, such as insufficient disk space, then the installation fails. The results of your non-interactive installation is recorded in the installation session log file.For more information, refer to "oraInventory Directory".

Validation of Values from Response File

The installer or configuration assistant performs calculation and validation of the response file at runtime. Failure of the validation process ends the installation or configuration.

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