Business Components

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Row
oracle.jbo Contains interfaces for client-side applications. 
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier. 
oracle.jbo.domain The oracle.jbo.domain.* classes, also known as the "JBO Oracle Domains", provide lightweight wrappers for the Java representation of the Oracle data types (that is, the oracle.sql.* classes). 
oracle.jbo.html.databeans Contains implementation classes for predefined Web-enabled JavaBeans which can access and display data from the data source. 
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 
oracle.jdeveloper.html Contains classes for generating HTML code. 

Uses of Row in oracle.jbo

Methods in oracle.jbo that return Row
 Row RowEvent.getRow()
          Gets the row that has been modified.
 Row[] RangeEvent.getAllRowsInRange()
          Extracts the rows in the range.
 Row[] RangeRefreshEvent.getAllRowsInRange()
          Extracts the rows in the range.
 Row NavigationEvent.getRow()
          Identifies the row that is to become the current row.
 Row NavigationEvent.getPreviousRow()
          Identifies the row that was previously the current row.
          Steps forward, designating the next row as the current row.
 Row RowIterator.previous()
          Steps backward, designating the previous row as the current row.
 Row RowIterator.first()
          Designates the first row of the row set as the current row.
 Row RowIterator.last()
          Designates the last row of the row set as the current row.
 Row RowIterator.getRow(Key key)
          Accesses a row through a unique key.
 Row RowIterator.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Accesses a row through its index in the row set.
 Row RowIterator.getCurrentRow()
          Accesses the current row.
 Row RowIterator.createRow()
          Creates a new Row object, but does not insert it into the row set.
 Row[] RowIterator.getAllRowsInRange()
          Extracts the rows in the range.
 Row[] RowIterator.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns view rows that match the specified key.
 Row[] RowIterator.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns view rows that use the entity row, identified by the entity row handle, eRowHandle.
 Row DMLException.getEntityRow()

Methods in oracle.jbo with parameters of type Row
 boolean RowIterator.setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Designates a given row as the current row.
 void RowIterator.insertRow(Row row)
          Adds a row to the row set, before the current row.
 int RowIterator.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to place a given row at a given row set index.
 void RowIterator.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Adds a row to the row set at the given index.
 int RowIterator.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Get the index of the given row relative to the beginning of the range.
 void DMLException.setEntityRow(Row row)

Constructors in oracle.jbo with parameters of type Row
RowEvent.RowEvent(RowSetIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex)
          Creates an event when a row is modified, added, or deleted.
UpdateEvent.UpdateEvent(RowSetIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex, int[] attrIndices)
          Creates an event when a row is modified.
InsertDeleteEvent.InsertDeleteEvent(RowSetIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex, int rowCountBefore, int rowCount)
          Creates an event for a row being inserted or deleted.
RangeRefreshEvent.RangeRefreshEvent(RowSetIterator source, int rangeStart, int rowCountInRange, Row[] rows)
          Creates a range refresh event.
NavigationEvent.NavigationEvent(RowSetIterator source, Row previousRow, Row currentRow)
          Creates a navagation event when a new row becomes current.
DeleteEvent.DeleteEvent(RowSetIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex, int rowCountBefore, int rowCount)
          Creates an event for a row being deleted.
InsertEvent.InsertEvent(RowSetIterator source, Row row, int rowIndex, int rowCountBefore, int rowCount)
          Creates an event for a row being inserted.

Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.common

Fields in oracle.jbo.common declared as Row
protected  Row RowSetIteratorHelper.mCurrentRow

Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.domain

Methods in oracle.jbo.domain that return Row
 Row Ref.getReferencedObject(DomainAttributeDef ad)
          Returns an an instance of the refernced row, given the attribute definition object.

Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.html.databeans

Fields in oracle.jbo.html.databeans declared as Row
protected  Row EditCurrentRecord.newRow
          Stores the new row when EditCurrentRecord is in INSERT mode.

Methods in oracle.jbo.html.databeans with parameters of type Row
protected  java.lang.String JSLOV.getDataValueAt(Row[] drows, int row, AttributeDef[] dattrs, int attr)
protected  void RowSetBrowser.initializeNewTableRow(HTMLTableRow htmlRow, Row[] drows, int rowno, boolean isEven)

Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.jbotester

Fields in oracle.jbo.jbotester declared as Row
protected  Row JBOField.row
protected  Row JBOTreeNode.row

Methods in oracle.jbo.jbotester that return Row
 Row JBOTreeNode.getRow()

Methods in oracle.jbo.jbotester with parameters of type Row
 void JBOField.setRow(Row newRowBinding)
 void RowSetPanel.refreshAll(Row row)
 void JBOTreeNode.setRow(Row r)
 JBOTreeNode JBOTreeNode.getNode(Row row)
 void JBOTreeNode.removeNode(Row row)

Uses of Row in oracle.jbo.server

Subinterfaces of Row in oracle.jbo.server
 interface Entity
          Defines the middle-tier representation of database rows.

Classes in oracle.jbo.server that implement Row
 class EJBEntityImpl
 class EntityImpl
          This class implements the middle-tier representations of database rows.
 class RowImpl
          Base class for Entity Rows and View Object Rows.
 class ViewRowImpl
          A View Object Row.

Methods in oracle.jbo.server that return Row
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Returns the row at range index index.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRow(Key key)
          Returns the first row whose key matches key.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object rowHandle)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns view rows that match the specified key.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row of the iterator.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.first()
          Navigates to the first row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.last()
          Navigates to the last row in the row set.
          Navigates to the next row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.previous()
          Navigates to the previous row in the row set.
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns an array of all rows in the iterator's range.
 Row ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.createRow()
          Creates a new view row.
 Row[] ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.createRow()
          Creates a new view row.
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns an array of all rows in the iterator's range.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object rowHandle)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getRow(Key key)
          Returns the first row whose key matches key.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row of the iterator.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.first()
          Navigates to the first row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.last()
          Navigates to the last row in the row set.
          Navigates to the next row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.previous()
          Navigates to the previous row in the row set.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getRow(int index)
          Returns the row at absolute row index of index.
 Row ViewRowSetImpl.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Returns the row at range index index.
protected  Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getRows(EntityImpl entity)
          Returns an array of view rows that use the specified entity row.
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Finds and returns view rows that match the key specified in key.
 Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)
 Row ApplicationModuleImpl.getEntityRowFromHandle(int eRowHandle)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  Row[] QueryCollection.getRows(EntityImpl row)
          Navigates to the next row in the row set.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.previous()
          Navigates to the previous row in the row set.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.first()
          Navigates to the first row in the row set.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.last()
          Navigates to the last row in the row set.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.getRow(Key key)
          Returns the first row matching a given key.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.getRowAtRangeIndex(int index)
          Returns the row at a given range position.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.getRowFromHandle(java.lang.Object hdl)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.getCurrentRow()
          Returns the current row of the iterator.
 Row ViewObjectImpl.createRow()
          Creates a new view row.
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.getAllRowsInRange()
          Returns an array of all rows in the iterator's range.
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.findByKey(Key key, int maxNumOfRows)
          Creates an array of rows matching a given key.
 Row[] ViewObjectImpl.findByEntity(int eRowHandle, int maxNumOfRows)

Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type Row
 void AttributeDefImpl.storeToBean(java.lang.Object bean, Row store)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 void AttributeDefImpl.beanToStore(java.lang.Object bean, Row store)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
protected  java.lang.String AttributeDefImpl.printXMLDefinition(Row row, java.util.Hashtable allDefs, pw, int depthCount)
 boolean ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Indicates whether the cursor has been successfully moved to the row specified by row.
 int ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Returns the range index of the row specified by row.
 int ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to a specific row.
 void ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.insertRow(Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set.
 void ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set at the specified range index.
static RowSetIterator ViewRowSetIteratorImpl.findRSIForEntity(RowSetIterator[] rsis, Row eRow)
 void ViewRowSetImpl.insertRowAt(int index, Row row)
          Inserts a view row at an absolute row index specified by index.
 int ViewRowSetImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to a specific row.
 void ViewRowSetImpl.insertRow(Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set.
 void ViewRowSetImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Inserts the row into the row set at the specified range index.
 int ViewRowSetImpl.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Returns the range index of the row specified by row.
 boolean ViewRowSetImpl.setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Moves the iterator to the row specified by row.
 int ViewObjectImpl.scrollRangeTo(Row row, int index)
          Scrolls the range to a specified row.
 boolean ViewObjectImpl.setCurrentRow(Row row)
          Designates a given row as the current row.
 void ViewObjectImpl.insertRow(Row row)
          Inserts a row into the row set.
 void ViewObjectImpl.insertRowAtRangeIndex(int index, Row row)
          Inserts a row into the row set at the specified range position.
 int ViewObjectImpl.getRangeIndexOf(Row row)
          Returns the range index of a given row.
protected  void ViewObjectImpl.notifyRowUpdated(ViewRowSetImpl vrs, Row[] viewRows, int[] attrIndices)
          This method is invoked by the framework when updates are made to any attribute for rows in the given ViewRowSet for this ViewObject.
 void EJBPersistable.storeToBean(java.lang.Object bean, Row store)
 void EJBPersistable.beanToStore(java.lang.Object bean, Row store)

Uses of Row in oracle.jdeveloper.html

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.html that return Row
 Row DataWebBeanImpl.getRowFromKey(RowSet rs, java.lang.String sKey)

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.html with parameters of type Row
 java.lang.String DataWebBeanImpl.getRowKey(Row row)
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataWebBeanImpl.getEditFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataWebBeanImpl.getDisplayFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataWebBean.getEditFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 HTMLFieldRenderer DataWebBean.getDisplayFieldRenderer(Row row, AttributeDef attrDef)
          Retrieves the default field renderer for a specified attribute definition (that is, the attribute metadata).
 java.lang.String HTMLFieldRendererImpl.renderToString(HTMLRenderingContext ctx, RowSet rs, Row row, java.lang.String sAttribute)
 java.lang.String LOVField.renderToString(HTMLRenderingContext ctx, RowSet rs, Row row, java.lang.String sAttribute)
 java.lang.String PickList.renderToString(HTMLRenderingContext ctx, RowSet rs, Row row, java.lang.String sAttribute)
 java.lang.String ReadOnlyField.renderToString(HTMLRenderingContext ctx, RowSet rs, Row row, java.lang.String sAttribute)
 java.lang.String TextArea.renderToString(HTMLRenderingContext ctx, RowSet rs, Row row, java.lang.String sAttribute)
 java.lang.String DateField.renderToString(HTMLRenderingContext ctx, RowSet rs, Row row, java.lang.String sAttribute)
 java.lang.String HTMLFieldRenderer.renderToString(HTMLRenderingContext ctx, RowSet rs, Row row, java.lang.String sAttribute)
          This method is called when the field renderers are being used from the Tag library and from the DataWebBeans.
 java.lang.String HiddenField.renderToString(HTMLRenderingContext ctx, RowSet rs, Row row, java.lang.String sAttribute)

Business Components