Business Components

Uses of Class

Packages that use EntityImpl
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 

Uses of EntityImpl in oracle.jbo.server

Methods in oracle.jbo.server that return EntityImpl
 EntityImpl EntityEvent.getEntity()
          Gets the Entity Object that fired the event.
 EntityImpl NullDBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Implementation of the DBTransaction interface.
 EntityImpl NullDBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(java.lang.String entityDefName, AttributeList al)
          Implementation of the DBTransaction interface.
 EntityImpl NullDBTransactionImpl.findByPrimaryKey(EntityDefImpl entityDef, Key key)
          Implementation of the DBTransaction interface.
 EntityImpl NullDBTransactionImpl.findByPrimaryKey(java.lang.String entityDefName, Key key)
          Implementation of the DBTransaction interface.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl object based on the given defintion, in the context of the root Application Module.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl.createEntityInstance(java.lang.String entityDefName, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl object based on the given defintion, in the context of the root Application Module.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl.findByPrimaryKey(EntityDefImpl entityDef, Key key)
          Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given an EntityDef object and a Primary Key.
 EntityImpl DBTransactionImpl.findByPrimaryKey(java.lang.String entityDefName, Key key)
          Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given the String name of the EntityDef and a Primary Key.
 EntityImpl DBTransaction.createEntityInstance(EntityDefImpl entityDef, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl instance based on the given defintion.
 EntityImpl DBTransaction.createEntityInstance(java.lang.String entityDefName, AttributeList al)
          Creates an EntityImpl instance based on the named defintion.
 EntityImpl DBTransaction.findByPrimaryKey(EntityDefImpl entityDef, Key key)
          Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given a Primary Key.
 EntityImpl DBTransaction.findByPrimaryKey(java.lang.String entityDefName, Key key)
          Finds an Entity Object in this transaction given a Primary Key.
protected  EntityImpl[] ViewRowImpl.createEntities()
          Creates blank instances of the Entity Objects that this row is composed of.
protected  EntityImpl ViewRowImpl.getEntity(int index)
          Gets the Entity at the given index.
 EntityImpl EntityDefImpl.findByPrimaryKey(DBTransaction txn, Key key)
          Finds an Entity Object given a Primary Key.
protected  EntityImpl EntityDefImpl.createInstance(DBTransaction txn, AttributeList al)
          Instantiate an instance of the Entity.
protected  EntityImpl EntityDefImpl.createBlankInstance(DBTransaction txn)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Methods in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type EntityImpl
protected  Row[] ViewRowSetImpl.getRows(EntityImpl entity)
          Returns an array of view rows that use the specified entity row.
protected  int[] QueryCollection.getIndexes(EntityImpl row)
protected  void QueryCollection.afterRemove(EntityImpl entity)
          Removes the ViewRow from cache and collection
protected  Row[] QueryCollection.getRows(EntityImpl row)
protected  void QueryCollection.removeReference(ViewRowImpl row, EntityImpl entity)
          Remove entity references, i.e, set references to null
protected  void QueryCollection.updateReference(ViewRowImpl row, EntityImpl entity, int entityIndex)
          Set reference entity based on foreign keys
 void BaseSQLBuilderImpl.doEntityDML(EntityImpl entityContext, int operation, TransactionEvent e)
 void BaseSQLBuilderImpl.doEntitySelect(EntityImpl entityContext, boolean lock)
 java.lang.Object BaseSQLBuilderImpl.generatePKBasedRef(EntityImpl entityContext)
          Initial (temporay) value for ROWID, so that entity can be added in cache TODO: this is an awkward piece of non-generic JDBC - not sure how to emulate rowids in the generic case
 java.lang.Object[] BaseSQLBuilderImpl.generateRefAndOID(EntityImpl entityContext)
 java.lang.Object BaseSQLBuilderImpl.generateRowID(EntityImpl entityContext)
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer BaseSQLBuilderImpl.buildUpdateStatement(EntityImpl entityContext, java.lang.String sinkName, AttributeDefImpl[] cols, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrKeyCols)
          DOCTD: Method declaration TODO: KM _ don't like the fact that this requires an entitydef
protected  int BaseSQLBuilderImpl.bindInsertStatement(EntityImpl entityContext, java.sql.CallableStatement stmt, AttributeDefImpl[] cols, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrKeyCols, java.util.Hashtable retrList, int bindIndex)
          DOCTD: Method declaration
protected  int BaseSQLBuilderImpl.bindUpdateStatement(EntityImpl entityContext, java.sql.CallableStatement stmt, AttributeDefImpl[] cols, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrKeyCols, java.util.Hashtable retrList, int bindIndex)
          DOCTD: Method declaration
protected  int BaseSQLBuilderImpl.bindWhereClause(EntityImpl entityContext, java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, java.lang.Object rowid, int bindIndex)
          Bind the Primary key values for the designated Statement.
protected  java.lang.Object BaseSQLBuilderImpl.getROWID(EntityImpl entityContext)
          Get the ROWID attribute.
protected  void BaseSQLBuilderImpl.buildWhereClause(EntityImpl entityContext, java.lang.StringBuffer buffer, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, java.lang.Object rowid)
          Construct a SQL WHERE clause for the Entity into the designated Buffer, based upon the Source Columns.
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer BaseSQLBuilderImpl.buildInsertStatement(EntityImpl entityContext, java.lang.String sinkName, AttributeDefImpl[] cols, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrKeyCols)
          Construct a SQL INSERT statement
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer BaseSQLBuilderImpl.buildDeleteStatement(EntityImpl entityContext, java.lang.String sinkName, java.lang.String sinkAlias, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols)
          Construct a SQL INSERT statement
 void OracleSQLBuilderImpl.doEntityDML(EntityImpl entityContext, int operation, TransactionEvent e)
 void OracleSQLBuilderImpl.doEntitySelect(EntityImpl entityContext, boolean lock)
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer OracleSQLBuilderImpl.buildUpdateStatement(EntityImpl entityContext, java.lang.String sinkName, java.lang.String sinkAlias, AttributeDefImpl[] cols, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrKeyCols)
          DOCTD: Method declaration TODO: KM _ don't like the fact that this requires an entitydef
protected  int OracleSQLBuilderImpl.bindWhereClause(EntityImpl entityContext, java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, java.lang.Object rowid, int bindIndex)
          Bind the Primary key values for the designated Statement.
protected  java.lang.Object OracleSQLBuilderImpl.getROWID(EntityImpl entityContext)
          Get the ROWID attribute.
protected  void OracleSQLBuilderImpl.buildWhereClause(EntityImpl entityContext, java.lang.StringBuffer buffer, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, java.lang.Object rowid)
          Construct a SQL WHERE clause for the Entity into the designated Buffer, based upon the Source Columns.
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer OracleSQLBuilderImpl.buildInsertStatement(EntityImpl entityContext, java.lang.String sinkName, java.lang.String sinkAlias, AttributeDefImpl[] cols, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrCols, AttributeDefImpl[] retrKeyCols)
          Construct a SQL INSERT statement
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer OracleSQLBuilderImpl.buildDeleteStatement(EntityImpl entityContext, java.lang.String sinkName, java.lang.String sinkAlias, AttributeDefImpl[] keyCols)
          Construct a SQL INSERT statement
 java.lang.Object OracleSQLBuilderImpl.generatePKBasedRef(EntityImpl entityContext)
 java.lang.Object[] OracleSQLBuilderImpl.generateRefAndOID(EntityImpl entityContext)
protected  void ViewRowImpl.setEntities(EntityImpl[] rows)
          Sets the entities that this view row is composed of.
 void SQLBuilder.doEntityDML(EntityImpl enrt, int operation, TransactionEvent e)
          Performs the appropriate SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations on the database to reflect an update, delete or insert operation on an Entity Object.
 void SQLBuilder.doEntitySelect(EntityImpl e, boolean lock)
          Perform the appropriate SQL operations to execute a select operation on an Entity Object.
 java.lang.Object SQLBuilder.generateRowID(EntityImpl e)
          Generates a ROWID for an Entity Object.
 java.lang.Object SQLBuilder.generatePKBasedRef(EntityImpl entityContext)
          Generates a PK-Based REF for an Entity Object.
 java.lang.Object[] SQLBuilder.generateRefAndOID(EntityImpl e)
          Generates an object Ref and OID for an Entity Object.

Constructors in oracle.jbo.server with parameters of type EntityImpl
EntityEvent.EntityEvent(EntityImpl source, int eventType, int oldState, int[] changedColumns, java.lang.Object[] origValues)
          Constructs a new Entity Object event.
EntityEvent.EntityEvent(EntityImpl source, int eventType, int oldState, int[] changedColumns, java.lang.Object[] origValues, Key newKey)

Business Components