Oracle9i Application Server Wireless Edition Configuration Guide
Release 1.1
Part Number A86701_02





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This document describes the post-installation configuration of Wireless Edition.

Each section of this document presents a different topic. These sections include:


In this document:

  • WE_HOME is the directory in which Wireless Edition is installed followed by the "panama" sub-directory. For example:
  • c:\ias10210\panama (Windows)
    /private/ias10210/panama (UNIX)

Replace "WE_HOME" with the fully-qualified directory path.

  • ORACLE_HOME is the directory in which Oracle9i Application Server is installed.

1.1 Installation Overview

The Oracle9i Application Server installation includes three options:

Wireless Edition is installed as part of each of these options. The Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide discusses each option, and discusses the installation steps specific to Wireless Edition. The Installation Guide defines Wireless Edition and Oracle HTTP Server hardware and software requirements, preinstallation tasks (setting environment variables), port numbers, starting and stopping the Oracle HTTP Server, and the Wireless Edition client configuration.

For a new installation of Wireless Edition, follow the steps in this document starting with the manual configuration in Section 1.2. If you have a previous release of Wireless Edition installed see Section 1.3.


Wireless Edition is not properly configured until the manual configuration steps are completed in Section 1.2

1.2 Manual Configuration

After installation, perform the manual configuration steps described in this section:

1.2.1 Configure Oracle HTTP Server and JServ

This section describes the configuration of the Oracle HTTP Server and JServ.

  1. Configure the httpd.conf file. The httpd.conf file is in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf directory.

    1. Create an alias for this release of the Personalization Portal. This is needed so that the application server can find the http://hostname/portal/Login.jsp URL. Include the following in the Alias section:
    2. Alias /portal/ "WE_HOME/server/portal/"
    3. To access a previous release of the Personalization Portal, in addition to this release, create an alias. This allows the application server to find the http://hostname/papz/login.jsp URL. Include the following in the Alias section:
    4. Alias /papz/ "WE_HOME/server/papz/"
    5. Create an alias for the Javadoc directory. Include the following in the Alias section. This step is optional.
    6. Alias /ptgdoc/ "WE_HOME/doc/javadoc/" 
  3. Configure the jserv.conf file. The jserv.conf file is in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc directory. In the ApJServMount section, add the Wireless Edition specific mount point:
  4. ApJServMount /ptg /root
  5. Configure the file. The file is in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc directory.
    1. Verify that the Java Virtual Machine is version 1.2.2. For example:
    2. wrapper.bin= <ORACLE_HOME>/Apache/jdk/bin/java.exe
    3. After the other "wrapper.classpath" entries, add all the required Wireless Edition files after the "tools.jar" entry in the classpath.

    4. For Windows (for UNIX replace "\" with "/"):



Perform the following step before the Oracle HTTP Server is started. The Personalization Portal requires this step for generating the correct image. 

  1. For UNIX only, to display the images from the Personalization Portal properly, set the DISPLAY environment variable in the file to configure access to the host on which the server runs:

    1. If the X server runs on the same machine as the Wireless Edition server, set the DISPLAY environment variable in the file as follows:
    2. wrapper.env=DISPLAY=:0.0
      From the X server host machine (x_server_host_name in the following example) run the following command:
      xhost + <x_server_host_name>
    3. If the X server runs on a different machine (x_server_host_name in the following example) than the Wireless Edition server, set the DISPLAY environment variable in the file as follows:
    4. wrapper.env=DISPLAY=<x_server_host_name>:0.0

      From the X server host machine, run the following command using the Wireless Edition host (wireless_edition_host_name in the following example):

      xhost + <wireless_edition_host_name>


      For both cases, remain logged into the Console while the xhost commands are executed. Otherwise, properties set through the xhost command may be lost and images may not be displayed properly in the Personalization Portal. 

  3. Configure the file. The file is in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc directory.

    1. In the List of Repositories section, add the Wireless Edition specific repository to the existing repository line with a comma (,) separator:

    2. For Windows:


      For UNIX:

    3. In the Startup Servlets section, add the Wireless Edition specific servlets:
    4. servlets.startup=oracle.panama.ParmImpl
    5. In the Servlet Aliases section, add the Wireless Edition specific servlets:
    6. servlet.rm.code=oracle.panama.ParmImpl

    1.2.2 Configure

    If a proxy server is used to access an external web site from Wireless Edition, configure the file:

    1. Set http.use.proxy to true. For example:
    2. http.use.proxy=true
    3. Specify the correct host in For example:
    5. Specify the correct port in http.proxy.port. For example:
    6. http.proxy.port=80


    For a list of property files provided by Wireless Edition, see Chapter 10

    1.2.3 Start the Oracle HTTP Server

    To start the Oracle HTTP Server see the instructions in the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide.

    1.2.4 Wireless Edition Configuration Verification

    After installation, you can verify that individual Wireless Edition components are properly configured using a desktop browser:

    1. Test whether the Personalization Portal is working properly by accessing the following URL:
    2. http://host_name.domain:7777/portal/Login.jsp
      The login page should appear. The Personalization Portal prompts you to enter a user name and a password. You can log in using "Administrator" as the user name and "manager" as the password.
    3. Run the Wireless Edition Request Manager by accessing the following URL:
    4. http://host_name.domain:7777/ptg/rm

      The login page should appear. The page prompts you to enter a user name and a password.


      You can log in using "Administrator" as the user name and "manager" as the password. These are the default settings. 

    1.3 Upgrade

    To upgrade a previous release of Wireless Edition (Portal-to-Go) including release,, or perform the following steps:

    1. Stop the Oracle HTTP Server. See the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide for instructions.
    2. Back up the entire "panama" directory. For example, copy the entire "panama" directory to a different location.
    3. Back up the repository using an Oracle backup tool.



    The Wireless Edition installation in the following step upgrades the database schema and migrates the existing data. 

    1. Run the Oracle9i Application Server installation.
    2. Follow the manual configuration steps in Section 1.2.
    3. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server. See the Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide for instructions.


    1.4 Samples

    You can install the sample services and adapters into the repository after completing the steps in Section 1.2 and/or Section 1.3.

    1. Change to the sample directory:
    2. WE_HOME\sample (Windows NT)
      WE_HOME/sample (UNIX)
    3. Modify the upload.bat or file using the -l option to specify the Wireless Edition user and password for which the data is loaded. For example:
    4. -l Administrator/manager
    5. Run the following:
    6. upload.bat samples.xml (Windows NT) samples.xml (UNIX)
    7. Add the following entry in the file. This must be added before the Oracle HTTP Server is started.
    8. wrapper.classpath=WE_HOME\sample (Windows NT)
      wrapper.classpath=WE_HOME/sample (UNIX)


    All the sample Java source and class files are stored in the "sample" directory. Include the sample directory entry in the file so that JServ can locate the sample class files. 

    1. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server. See the Oracle 9i Application Server Installation Guide for instructions.

    You should see the sample adapters and sample services in the \master\Samples folder using the Service Designer or the Personalization Portal.


    Directory Service in the samples directory does not run unless the Oracle Internet Directory is installed. Contact content providers before running any sample service in the YP and Router directories. 

    1.5 Web Integration Server

    The Wireless Edition Web Integration Server hosts services that applications can use to exchange data and information sources via the Web. The Web Integration Server is installed with Wireless Edition. The following steps guide you through the configuration process of the Web Integration Server:

    1. Run the Web Integration Server. From the WE_HOME/panama/WebIntegration/Server/bin directory, typing the following:

      1. For Windows:
      2. server.bat
      3. For UNIX
      4. &

      The Web Integration Server can also be run as a service on Windows.

    3. From a browser, go to the Web Integration Server URL:
    4. http://host_name.domain:5555
    5. Log in to the Web Integration Server with the user name Administrator, and password manage. These are the default settings.
    6. Select Settings. The server settings appear. Click Edit.
    7. Enter the Proxy (HTTP) and Secure Proxy (HTTPS) settings for your environment.
    8. Click Submit.
    9. Click Logout.



    Please make sure the max heap size has been specified for the Web Integration Server. To increase the max heap size in the Web Integration Server startup script, add the -mx option. 

    The Web Integration Developer, the development environment for creating and testing Web Integration services written in Web Interface Definition Language (WIDL), is installed as part of the Wireless Edition client. For more information, see Section 1.6.

    1.6 Wireless Edition Client

    The Wireless Edition client runs only on the Windows platform. The client installation consists of the following:

    1.6.1 Service Designer

    The Service Designer is a visual interface for implementing and managing services in Wireless Edition. It creates and modifies Wireless Edition objects, including adapters, transformers, and services. The Service Designer provides a tree view of the Wireless Edition repository. This tree displays Wireless Edition objects classes, such as adapters and transformers, as folders or branch nodes. It shows instances of those classes as objects or leaf nodes.

    The Service Designer is installed during the Wireless Edition client installation. See the Oracle 9i Application Server Wireless Edition Implementation Guide for information on using this tool.

    1.6.2 Web Integration Developer

    Web Integration Developer is a development environment for creating and testing Web Integration services written in Web Interface Definition Language (WIDL). The Web Integration Developer includes tools for publishing WIDL services for the Web Integration Server.

    The Web Integration Developer is installed during the Wireless Edition client installation. For installation instructions, see the Oracle 9i Application Server Installation Guide.


    The Web Integration Developer includes its own Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It does not require any Java setup. 

    To configure the Web Integration Developer:

    1. Run the Web Integration Developer from the Windows Programs menu. Select Programs, Oracle for Windows, Wireless Edition, and Web Integration Developer.
    2. From the Edit menu, select Preferences, and then Configuration.
    3. Enter the Proxy (HTTP) and the Secure Proxy (HTTPS) settings appropriate for your environment.
    4. Click OK.


    1.7 OCI8 JDBC Driver

    The default configuration of Wireless Edition uses the Oracle THIN JDBC driver. For a production environment, the Oracle OCI8 JDBC driver is required, as it provides improved performance, concurrency, scalability, and multi-byte support. Additionally, this driver is required if the Oracle Parallel Server option is used.

    To configure Wireless Edition to use the Oracle OCI8 driver:

    1. Verify that ORACLE_HOME is the directory under which Wireless Edition has been installed.
      1. On Windows: Modify the file to include the PATH of the directory where the OCI library (ocijdbc8.dll) is installed. The default is ORACLE_HOME\bin.
      2. wrapper.path=<ORACLE_HOME>\bin
      3. On UNIX: Verify that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable includes the directory where the OCI libraries ( and are installed. The default is ORACLE_HOME/lib.



    2. Modify the file to change the driver and the connect string settings.

    1.8 User Provisioning

    You can integrate your repository with an existing provisioning system using one of the following:

    1. You can manage users by creating a service with the Wireless Edition provisioning adapter. The provisioning adapter supports the Wireless Edition services that create, search for, update, and delete users at runtime.
    2. Use the LoadXml utility to import users from a flat XML file that conforms to the Repository DTD. This utility enables you to create and update user information. For more information on the LoadXML utility, see Section 8.2.
    3. Use the Wireless Edition data model API to programmatically create users. A model example is provided in the WE_HOME\sample\model directory. Also, see the Javadoc and Oracle9i Application Server Wireless Edition Developer's Guide for more information on the data model API.


    1.9 Geocoding Setup

    Wireless Edition provides basic geocoding through the provider MapInfo. To expand the geocoding capability to include other providers, see the Oracle9i Application Server Wireless Edition Implementation Guide. Additionally, if a proxy server is used to access an external web site (including the MapInfo provider) from Wireless Edition, configure the file:

    1. Set http.use.proxy to true. For example:
    2. http.use.proxy=true
    3. Specify the correct host in For example:
    5. Specify the correct port in http.proxy.port. For example:
    6. http.proxy.port=80

    1.10 JDBC Connection Pooling

    Pooling for JDBC connections improves resource utilization and avoids connection establishment overhead. A set of configurable parameters for this connection pool is provided in the file. For more information see Section 10.2.

    Connection pooling under Wireless Edition session management supports server environments that include short-lived threads, long-lived threads (thread pool model), or a combination of short-lived and long-lived threads. The following system properties apply to the connection pooling mechanism:

    #Minimum number of connections for the connection pool  
    #Maximum number of connections for the connection pool 
    #Incremental allocation of new connections to the connection pool 
    #Time interval (in seconds) for the watchdog to find and release unused
    #connections to the connection pool


    To control the maximum idle time for any database connection, configure it through the Oracle data server. 

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