Oracle9i Application Server Wireless Edition Configuration Guide
Release 1.1
Part Number A86701_02





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This document describes the FastForward Email and Directory applications, their installation, and configuration.

Each section of this document presents a different topic. These sections include:

2.1 Introduction

The FastForward Email and Directory applications enables you to provide your end users with access to their corporate email and directory lookup on any mobile device. Mobile email will drive productivity within your enterprise, allowing employees to stay in touch while away from the office.

2.1.1 Features

The FastForward Email and Directory applications include implementation of the following features:

2.2 Installation

2.2.1 System Requirements

This section is only applicable if the Mail and Directory applications are not run with Oracle 9iAS Wireless Edition.




2.2.2 Installation On Your Own Web Server and JSP Engine

Ensure you have a working web server and a JSP engine configured to run on that web server. Refer to your web server and JSP engine documentation for more information.

Put all the jar files from the lib directory into the JSP engine's classpath.

Ensure that <JDK 1.2>/jre/lib/rt.jar and <JDK 1.2>/lib/tools.jar is in the classpath.

Configure the JSP engine to point to the JSP files in the JSP directory.

Mail.jsp is the main JSP for the Mail Application, and LDAP.jsp is the main JSP for the Directory Application. On PTG 1.1

PTG 1.1 already includes Apache web server and JServ 1.1.1.

Configure JServ so that the jar files are in its classpath. Go to <JServ1.1.1 directory>/conf/, then put the following lines before all other classpaths:

Also ensure that the JavaMail and LDAP jar files are in wrapper.classpath.

Configure Apache so that the JSP files are on the document root on Apache. Mail.jsp is the main JSP for the Mail Application, and LDAP.jsp is the main JSP for the Directory Application.

Create a new service in PTG ServiceDesigner to point to the URL of the applications. See the Configuration of URL Adapter in PTG 1.1 ServiceDesigner for more information.

2.3 Configuration

The OracleMobile Mail and Directory applications provide mobile access for industry standard electronic mail systems and Directory servers. Supported backends include:



Mail and Directory applications can be two separate applications, or they can be configured separately in such a way that they can interact with each other.

Also, the Mail and Directory applications can be used as both hosted applications or as shipped products. Configuration

You can configure the Mail and Directory Application in one of two ways:

The Mail and Directory applications will first try to use the parameters sent through request. Then they will try to look for other missing parameters. Finally, default values will be used. Configuration Through Properties Files

For the Mail application, configure (in the oracle/panama/module/communicate/mail directory).

For the Directory Application, configure (in the oracle/panama/module/communicate/ldap directory).

An example of the files is in the doc directory.


The root "oracle" directory containing the properties files must be in the classpath of the JSP engine. There is a properties directory in the install; modify the properties files there, and put the <install>/properties directories in the classpath of the JSP engine. 


Parameters and values in properties file is case sensitive. 


Ensure you are using the proper format for your UNIX or Windows platforms. For example:

UNIX format mail.logger=/tmp/mail.log

Windows format mail.logger=d:\\tmp\\mail.log

For the Mail application, you must configure the following parameters:
Mail parameters


Mail service supported by the mail server. Currently supported services are "IMAP" or "POP3". Default is IMAP. 

Full hostname of the mail server. 


Port number of the Mail server on the host. Default for IMAP is 143. Default for POP3 is 110. 

Full hostname of the SMTP server. 


Port number of the SMTP server on the host. Default for IMAP is 25. 


Returns the login name of the SMTP server. If login for SMTP is not required, this method should return a null or empty string (""), otherwise, the value will be used for SMTP login. 


Name of the Inbox folder on the mail server. Default is "INBOX". This property is optional. 


The name of the Sent folder on the mail server. Default is "Sent". This property is optional. 


Default email domain for sending emails. When sending emails, if the email domain is not specified, the default email domain will be appended to the username. 


Determines whether log in is enabled or not. Value is either "true" or "false". Default is "true". 


Full path of the log file. 


Maximum number of messages to fetch for one request. This is the maximum number of messages returned for one request. For example, if a folder has 300 messages, only the first 200 will be returned at the first request. 


Connection timeout in milliseconds. Default is 2000. 


The configuration class. Users can provide their own configuration classes, allowing them to do more advanced configuration, for example, select a mail server host name based on username. Default is oracle.panama.module.communicate.mail.util.Config which is shipped with the OracleMobile Mail application. 


Enables/disables directory access from email. If enabled, when users are composing emails, they can go to directories to look for email addresses. Values can be "true" or "false". Default is "false". 


Used when directory is enabled. Check the "mail.directoryEnabled" parameter.

When the application is running on PTG, but not studio, then the path to the application specified in ServiceDesigner Service Trees is needed.

For example, if LDAP is the service defined for the Directory Application, and it is put in a folder called Apps under Service Trees, then the path should be /Apps/Ldap


Path to the application specified in ServiceDesigner Service Trees. Check the "studio" parameter. For example, if Mail is the service defined for the Mail application, and it is put in a folder called Apps under Service Trees, then the path should be /Apps/Mail

For the Directory application, you must configure the following parameters:
Directory parameters 

LDAP server hostname. 


LDAP server port number. The default is 389. 


Determines whether logging is turn on or off. Values can be "true" or "false". Default is "true". 


Full pathname of the log file. 


Two default queries are shipped with the OracleMobile Directory Application:

One searches for a person on the common name LDAP attribute.

The second searches for a person on the first name and the last name LDAP attribute. For details about LDAP query syntax, see the LDAP documentation. 


Hotlink is a mechanism that enables you to create hyperlinks on the attribute in the result list. For details about Hotlink, see the LDAP documentation. 


Sets the values that appear in the results list from the query, when a query returns more than one line. Note that the values must be in the query. The default is givenname, surname, and title. 


Contains givenname, surname, and title 


Maximum results returned from a query. Default is 1000. 


Determines if LDAP login is required for a user. The value is either "true" or "false". Default is "false". 


If an LDAP login is required, a default username and password can be specified. Ensure the ldap.enableLogin property is true. 


Enables/disables email access from a directory. If enabled, when a person from LDAP is displayed, users can send an email directly from the email address. 


Name of the email attribute of a person in the LDAP schema. 


Name of the telephone number attribute of a person in the LDAP schema. 


Maximum results displayed on a screen. Default is 9. 


Path to the application specified in ServiceDesigner Service Trees. Check the "studio" parameter. For example, if Mail is the service defined for the Mail application, and it is put in a folder called Apps under Service Trees, then the path should be /Apps/Mail


Used when directory is enabled. Check the "mail.directoryEnabled" parameter.

When the application is running on PTG, but not studio, then the path to the application specified in ServiceDesigner Service Trees is needed.

For example, if LDAP is the service defined for the Directory Application, and it is put in a folder called Apps under Service Trees, then the path should be /Apps/Ldap Configuring Mail and Directory Parameters through request

Parameters defined this way will override the values defined in the properties file.

The following Mail parameters can be passed through request:
Mail parameters passed through request


Specifies the properties file that defines all the other Mail properties. This allows multiple properties files for different configurations. By default, the file will be used. 

For example, if you want to use the properties file, put it into the request CONFIG_FILE=myconfig, and ensure the file is on the classpath. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "oracle.panama.version" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "studio" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.service" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.server.port" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.smtp.server.port" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.smtp.server.login" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.smtp.domain" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.folder.inbox" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.folder.sent" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.default.emaildomain" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.log" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.logger" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.msgfetch.setsize" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.server.connect.timeout" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.config.class" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "mail.directoryEnabled" in the properties file. 


Username of the user for transparent login. 


Password of the user for transparent login. If USERNAME is not sent at the same time, this password will be ignored, and the user must login. For example, if you want to bypass the login, you can pass the username and password through the request:


All the other parameters will be read from the properties file, or the default values will be used. If other parameters are defined property, you can bypass the login. Note that all parameters values are strings. Also, if a parameter is defined through request, it will override the corresponding parameter in the properties file.

The following Directory parameters can be passed through request:
Directory parameters passed through request


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "ldap.port" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "oracle.panama.version" in the properties file. 


Definition, possible values, and default values are the same as the "studio" in the properties file 

All the other parameters will be read from the properties file, or the default values will be used. If other parameters are defined property, you can bypass the login. Note that all parameters values are string. Also, if a parameter is defined through request, it will override the corresponding parameter in the properties file. Mail Configuration Class

For Mail configuration, you can define your own configuration class to do more advanced configuration. For example, select mail server host name based on runtime information.

To do this, you must define a class which implements oracle.panama.module.communicate.mail.util.IConfig, and in package oracle.panama.module.communicate.mail.util. In the class, you can define the following methods:
Mail configuration class

String getMailService(Object o) 

Returns the mail service. The current supported services are IMAP and POP3. 

String getDomain(Object o) 

Returns the default mail domain. 

String getServerName(Object o) 

Returns the mail server host name. 

int getServerPort(Object o) 

Returns the mail server port number. Make sure it is a valid number. 

String getSMTPServerName(Object o) 

Returns the SMTP server host name. 

int getSMTPServerPort(Object o) 

Returns the SMTP server port number. Make sure it is a valid number. 

String getSMPTLogin(Object o) 

Returns the login name of the SMTP server.

If login for SMTP is not required, this method should return null or empty string (""), otherwise, the value will be used for SMTP login. 

String getXMLVersion (Object o) 

Returns the PTG XML version. Ensure it is consistent with the "studio" parameters. Currently, studio is running PTG 1.0. 

boolean isStudio(Object o) 

Indicates whether it is running in studio or not. Ensure it is consistent with the "oracle.panama.version" parameters. Currently, studio is running PTG 1.0. 

String getInboxFolderName (Object o) 

Returns the Inbox folder name. 

String getSentFolderName (Object o) 

Returns the Sent folder name. 

boolean isLogging(Object o) 

Indicates if logging is enabled. 

String getLogfile (Object o) 

Returns the full path of the log file. 

String getTimeout (Object o) 

Returns the connection timeout in milliseconds. 

In the file, change the mail.config.class property to be the class you define.

The input is an object. The default behavior is not to pass anything. You can change it to pass information such as a string (username for example), or a hashtable containing more information.

If you do not want to implement all of the methods, you can extend from oracle.panama.module.communicate.mail.util.Config. You can choose to override methods, but the rest will be the default implementations. The default is to ignore the username and pick up the information from the properties file.

Refer to the Javadoc IConfig.html and the Java interface in the doc directory of the install. Configuration of URL Adapter in PTG 1.1 ServiceDesigner

Mail and Directory applications can be run through the URL Adapter in PTG 1.1. To do so, you must create a Master Service and a Service Alias. Here are the steps (for details, refer to the PTG documentation):

  1. Open Service Designer and connect to a PTG 1.1 instance.
  2. Open the Master Services folder at the top level.

You can create a new Master Service in an existing folder or create a new folder and then create the Master Service in that folder. In the example, the Master Service "Mail" is created under the folder "Admin".


Oracle Corporation recommends that the service not to be created at the root level directly under Master Service

  1. Choose URL Adapter for the new service.
  2. In the "Input Parameters" tab, under "Value", put the URL of the application.
  3. Create a service alias (for example: for the new service under the "Service Trees" folder. The alias should point to the Master Service created. In the example below, the service alias "Mail" is created under the "Apps" folder under "Service Trees". Oracle Corporation also recommends that the alias not be created at the level directly under Service Trees. The alias should point to /master/Admin/Mail.
  4. Create an alias for users that points to the service alias created in the previous step. In the example below, the service alias "Mail" is created under the "Administrator" folder located under "Service Trees". This means the service is available for the user "Administrator".

Figure 2-1 Service Designer Window

Text description of the illustration fastfa.gif

Now you can use e-mail.

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